UK Newswire Archive
Child Chess Player for England Attacked at EU Championship
10-08-2012 22:43

Beware of Home Care
10-08-2012 16:57
Increasingly we're being told that sick & vulnerable people would be better off in the community that in institutions. What has happened to the mentally ill shows that this is probably untrue.Nuclear energy set to kill off renewables sector
10-08-2012 16:05
Anti-nuclear activists are calling for mass protests against the government's bid to introduce backdoor subsidies for its 'nuclear renaissance' in the forthcoming Energy Bill - a move that could starve the renewables sector of vital investment.Bradley Manning and Julian Assange: new flyer design
10-08-2012 06:16

We've had some printed up as double-sided postcards and the first of them were distributed around Liverpool yesterday.
Nagasaki anniversary, Census resistance and Lockheed Martin
09-08-2012 17:29

The cases of two census resisters opposed to arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin's census involvement continued today in Liverpool with another pretrial hearing at Dale Street Magistrates Court. The hearing coincided with the 67th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki in which the company now known as Lockheed Martin made the planes that dropped the bombs.
UAVs do enable 'extra judicial asssassination' admits arms industry editor
09-08-2012 11:51
Darren Lake, Acting Editor of UNMANNED Vehicles, an arms trade magazine for for the drone industry makes some suprizingly candid admissions in his August/September 2012 issue editorial...The Telegraph: A Publicist for Circle Health
09-08-2012 09:14
If we are to believe the content of the Daily Telegraph’s recent editorial, titled ‘Hope for the NHS’*, then we can all breathe a sigh of relief, pack up your placards, the NHS it would appear, is saved. At least that’s the message being propagated in an extraordinary campaign being run by a so-called ‘quality paper’ on behalf of Circle Health.Mid-month critical mass in solidarity with those arrested
09-08-2012 08:42
There will be a mid month critical mass in solidarity with those arrested at the critical mass two weeks ago. Meet up under Waterloo Bridge at 6pm on Friday the 10th of August for a 7pm start.Sumac Garden Project, looking verdant
09-08-2012 00:55
Folks have been beavering away in the Sumac Yard Garden. Watching your garden grow.
In spite of the rather average sumer .... the yard now looks particularly green and generally even more verdant than when I photographer everything back in May. Well, that nature for you, innit!
Volunteers have obviously put in the hours here. The objective, not just to grow food for the Sumac itself ..... but also to provide a positive example on what can be achieved in quite modest urban surroundings.
Earlier examples at:
2009 Sumac Garden Project, looking verdant [Food for the Future]
2009 Sumac Garden Project looking verdant 2
Sumac Centre
St.Anns Allotments
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Remembering Hiroshima, Bradley Manning and all victims of war
08-08-2012 18:53

Panton House 16 Anti-Protest Trial: Total Victory!
08-08-2012 16:55
Dateline: Court One, Westminster Magistrates Court, London, UK, 11:45 Wed 08 Aug 2012 – In a political trial targeting public protest, all sixteen defendants arrested during in an OccupyLSX banner drop at Panton House on Wed 30 Nov 2011 were today ACQUITTED OF ALL THE CHARGES laid against them by the Crown Prosecution Service. After five days in court, a shed load of jubilant innocent people celebrated outside the doors of Westminster Magistrates Court, and afterwards with booze in a local hostelry. The criminal charges brought against them under section 5 of the Public Order Act in an anti-public-protest political trial failed to be proved to the satisfaction of District Judge Elizabeth Roscoe, sitting alone on the bench of Court One.
There's more to follow, but I wanted to get the Great News of this Victory For The Right To Protest out into the public domain while it's Fresh-&-Tasty. Many congratulations to the Panton House 16 on their total victory in court today, and many thanks to their defence team of barristers and solicitors, who succeeded brilliantly in demonstrating the fatal weaknesses in Crown's case against these valiant victors for freedom.
Up the Revolution,
Tim Dalinian Jones
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The Story Of A Life Paralysed In An Endless Limbo
08-08-2012 16:55
Ibrhaim an asylum seeker from Algeria currently in Bristol, is one of the many individuals suffering because of the inhumane and ineffective asylum policies enacted within the UK and supported by the right-wing pressIbrahim from Algeria has been seeking asylum in Britain since 2005. He was educated to university level in Algeria without a leader, when both the Algerian National Army and armed Islamic militias began to take part in violence and human rights abuses directed at the Algerian civilian population, Ibrahim fled the army in protest and went into hiding in the mountains. After writing a book in exile, he was accused of being anti-islamic by mkilitants and fled to England where he sought asylum
He has spent years waiting for repeated negative decision from the authorities, moving from house to house, surviving on next to nothing: not being legally allowed to work, and denied access to benefits and education. Finally he decided to apply to voluntarily return to Algeria, despite the obvious danger, but this also was refused on the grounds that they could not obtain a travel document for him (these are issued by the Algerian Embassy who normally refuse to issue them). So, here he is – in an endless limbo; a horrific and dehumanizing no man’s land with no options left.
Ibrahim has finally and bravely decided to sleep out on College Green, in front of Bristol City Council, he has been sleeping there every single night since the 1st of July to tell his story openly, without fear or shame, to put it into the hands of the authorities and the British Public, hoping through this peaceful and poignant protest that the long years of waiting and suffering may finally be resolved.
If you wish to support him, there is a petition that you could sign at in support for Ibrahim and for the many other destitute asylum seekers living in limbo, who experience absolute and severe poverty, who have no money and accommodation or the right to work and support themselves. In supporting the motion, it is believed that the Council can send a strong message to the UK Government that its inhumane and ineffective policy of forcing people who have been refused asylum into abject poverty onto the streets of our city is unacceptable to the people of Bristol.
When a new president came into power in 1999, he felt safe enough to return to Algiers where he dedicated himself to writing a book entitled ‘Democracy in the Arab and Islamic World’. This book eloquently expresses his opinions on the ‘fierce conflict’ between democracy and Islam and shows a strongly held intellectual skepticism over the contemporary application of Islamic ‘Sharia’ law in Algeria. It was published in Paris in 2009.
The writing and publishing of his work caught the eye of hard-line Islamic militants. They accused him of being anti-Islamic, and started a hate campaign against him – they preached against him in the mosques, he received death threats and people beat and insulted him in the streets. They broke into his house, smashing down the door and tore up the manuscript oh his book and his other writings. At this point Ibrahim realized he had to flee the country or he could very soon lose his life.
UK Coal plc Selling Off Prospective Opencast Sites?
08-08-2012 15:24
The latest July review of prospective opencast sites, mainly in England provides evidence that such is the financial plight of UK Coal that it is actively seeking to sell sites it is trying to gain planing permission for.Strikes, Nukes & Overdue Subscription Fees
08-08-2012 12:55
On Saturday 28th July, we held an event at the Nottingham Mechanics, showcasing aspects of our work at the Sparrows' Nest by introducing two of our archival collections. Two members of the Solidarity Federation came to Nottingham and held great introductory talks, e.g. about the ideas and strategies of syndicalism (thanks again!).
About a dozen people attended and many thanks to all who came!
Our talk focussed on the wonderful records in "Ron's Collection" (named after the person who rescued and donated the documents), one of the many different archival collections held at the Sparrow's Nest.
Ron's Collection primarily contains internal documents such as letters or conference materials, recording activities of the Anarchist Federation of Britain (AFB), which subsequently became the Syndicalist Workers Federation (SWF). This collection has recently been crucially supplemented when the Solidarity Federation entrusted us with another sizeable archival collection, containing among many other materials numerous newspapers and pamphlets which tie in with Ron's Collection.
Together these collections provide researchers with fascinating opportunities as they contain many unique records documenting the activities of syndicalists and other radicals from Britain and around the world.
There are many reasons why we think these collections are so cool and important: For example they contain sources covering the period 1944-64. Whereas much has been written and talked about events during the years of Spanish Revolution as well during the iconic summer of 1968, it seems that the years in between have largely been overlooked. These documents can be used to re-examine what was a fascinating period. Furthermore the stuff offers information not only about a bunch of syndicalist in Britain but there is correspondence from and to people in 25 countries, referring to a total of 195 groups, parties, splinter groups etc.
Many of the documents are letters by people who subscribed to papers such as World Labour News. Usually they say why they were late with paying their subs before giving some info what they have been up to/what happened in their area. Therefore the docs are marvellous sources containing information on groups and their activities (e.g. involvement in strikes - both wildcat and "official" and anti-fascist work - for instance against Franco's regime), on individuals, their thoughts, actions, motivations, living and working conditions etc. and of course a libertarian perspective on events of the day (e.g. Cold War and arms race, Cuba, Hungary, introduction of welfare systems etc.).
There are 1.164 processed documents in Ron's Collection. In this case processing meant taking heaps of papers stored in carrier bags and old cardboard folders, smoothing them carefully, getting rid of any bits of cellar tape and nasty bits of rusting metal. The documents were then scanned, catalogued and sorted and are now stored in acid free archival boxes.
Both the catalogued information as well as the scanned materials will hopefully be online very soon, as soon as we can deal with some technical issues with our current server.
The records reveal thoughts and actions of many extraordinary people who deserve to be remembered and whose lives and struggles are highly relevant as they often mirror conflicts and problems we still face today.
The documents exemplify what treasures can be hidden in old boxes on attics and we appeal to you not to chuck anything of that kind away, not least before dropping us a mail that is. There is only a few of us and we have little resources and time, but all of us are dedicated this project and will try our utmost to preserve materials for the future and make them accessible to interested users.
We are always happy about (and in dire need of!) any kind of support and of course hope to see you at the Nest very soon!
Regular opening times are every Monday 11.15am - 2.30pm (or get in touch for alternative arrangements).
Come, browse and research in our archival collections and our library. Aside from books, pamphlets and papers on anarchist theory and action we hold numerous archival collection recording struggles in Nottingham, Britain and around the world.
Please see the pdfs below for some examples of the materials, information on the collection and the database etc.
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Banner drop and police attack against activists in Calais
08-08-2012 12:42

There were 5 arrests and one injury
Met police ignore Law Lords Judgement.
08-08-2012 10:55
Some CM participants have been emailed by Met police.
Recently some participants in London Critical Mass have been receiving emails from in which the police have attempted to influence the route of the ride and confer with what they seem to regard as CM organisers. All of which is contrary not only to the Law Lords ruling but is impractical as no one can influence the CM ride in advance of the day and even then attempts to do so on the day cannot be guaranteed. This has been pointed out to the police more than once but they seem to have difficulty in understanding it.
Here is one such email.
"Dear Sir/Madam
I am a police officer and work at New Scotland Yard and previously attempted to make contact with you re your Critical Mass rides. I am emailing again in the hope that someone may speak with me regarding future cycle rides by Critical Mass so that, jointly, we can work together to avoid the events the 27 July when large numbers of cyclists were arrested.
It was clearly a challenging night for all. It appears that people, not normally involved in the ride, may have taken part and disrupted what is normally a peaceful and lawful event and in the name of Critical Mass. I also know that there is concern from Critical Mass participants that the event will now become 'criminalised'.
There is no intention or want to stop Critical Mass cycling and I firmly believe it would be beneficial if we could speak together to talk about future rides so there is dialogue and understanding about what you do and how and also about what the MPS is trying to achieve.
I would be grateful if someone could contact me as we do want to work with you on future planned rides.
Kind regards..."
This is the Law Lords Judgement...
and pay special attention to 'section 11 of the Public Order Act 1986'.
Racism Rife Against A Muslim Family Playing Chess For England
08-08-2012 01:26

The trial of G4S rooftop occupiers begins
07-08-2012 23:55
The two activists who occupied the roof of G4S' HQ near Crawley for eight hours on 2nd July 2012 (see