UK Newswire Archive
Cardiff: EDL numbers fail to materialise - Photo Report
01-06-2013 19:47

EDL Swamped 10-to-1 in Cardiff
01-06-2013 17:24
EDL and a handful of locals held a march in Cardiff today, but were outnumbered 10-to-1 by antifascists. Photos to follow.White Roses V EDL
01-06-2013 17:19

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EDL ¡No Pasarán! Sheffield
01-06-2013 16:28

Banned in USA, playing in South London
01-06-2013 09:41

Counter the EDL in Portsmouth today june1st
01-06-2013 08:18
The EDL will be attempting to exploit the recent barbaric murder in Woolwich to further their campaign of hate on the streets of Portsmouth.Full statement : Newcastle 14 anti fascist defence campaign
31-05-2013 23:13

Suggestions for Saturday's EDL & BNP demos
31-05-2013 21:27

Oppose the EDL - 1st June 2013
31-05-2013 21:04
Saturday could be the largest far right mobilisation on the streets that there has been for many years, with up to 60 English Defence League events planned around the UK. Make sure you show up to oppose them.Free Bradley Manning! Free Bradley Manning's banners! (Welcome to Bristol)
31-05-2013 17:22

The big pink 'FREE BRADLEY MANNING' banner has been displayed, without incident, all over the place in the past 18 months or so: Wrexham, Cardiff, Bala, Haverfordwest (where members of Brad's family still live), Chester, Liverpool, Oswestry, north Yorkshire, London, the summit of Snowdon. It's designed to be re-used, attached to railings with easy-to-undo tapes.
In Bristol yesterday, at the start of a five day solidarity effort leading up to Bradley Manning's trial which begins in the US on Monday, this banner and another - 'TRUTH ON TRIAL' - were seized by cops who told me they would be destroying them. In fact they had already badly damaged the banners by hacking them off the railings with a knife and ripping them instead of undoing the bows, having refused my offer to remove them. Since the incident led to an arrest and threat of summons, the banners are now in police custody as exhibits A and B, with the arresting cops announcing as they escorted me to the exit door of Trinity Road police station: ' and when it comes to court we're going to apply for a destruction order.'
We Are The Many
31-05-2013 14:51
Tomorrow there could be as many as 60 English Defence League protests around England - it will be the largest far right mobilisation we have seen for many years.Obviously signing a letter to voice your opposition isn't enough but it is something - join over 25,000 people who have signed so far today.
Stop G8 Direct action skillshare this weekend
31-05-2013 12:56
Skillshare2013 is coming to Brighton this weekend!The Daily Mail, Michael Adebolajo, the BNP & Harrow Mosque
31-05-2013 11:23

An open letter to Obama about Syria
31-05-2013 09:35
A modest way of action is writing an open letter. This letter is addressed to Barack Obama and criticizes his Syrian policy. I blame him for : 1. Drawing the wrong red line, 2. Sacrificing human rights and tolerating crimes against humanity to favor American companies 3. Lack of leadership.URGENT-Sussex residents-PLEASE phone EA today-RE Fracking
31-05-2013 04:50
Sussex residents - Please lobby the Environment Agency with phone calls NOW!! (Email turn-around time is too long). They are aiming to turn the Balcombe file around by the end of this week for approval by DECC who can then grant Cuadrilla drilling consent...We are hearing that some EA officials are horrified by what Cuadrilla told residents at the drop-in session last week.Simon Deacon012433756314/Sally Taviner,Team Leader SouthEast-01794 832796.
If you can't get through to them try :Hannah Hyland 01903 703952 or the Chichester Office: 01243 756301.
Urgent: Rough Sleepers Attacked in Centerl London
31-05-2013 00:24
It has came to our attention that Rough Sleepers are currently being attacked in Central London by a gang of three men on a nightly basis.We urgently appeal that this information is spread far and wide to those associated with our streets in London.
UG#643 - Living A Higher, More Ethereal Life (Foreclosures, Monongahela, Walden)
30-05-2013 23:37