UK Newswire Archive
Nepalese Parliament Orders End To Monkey Exports!!!!
25-02-2009 22:48
Nepalese Parliament Orders End To Monkey Exports!!!!
We welcome the Nepalese Parliament's decision to order a ban on monkey
exports, however there are still some fundamental points which we utterly
Moroccan police rapes teenage Saharawi human rights activist
25-02-2009 21:56

Support the Cardiff university occupation!!
25-02-2009 19:15
The occupation of the Shandon lecture theatre by 30 students goes into its third day. But why stop at Cardiff university, when Swansea, Bangor and Aberystwyth universities have also got their fingers in the military pie?SHAC Financial Frenzy Week - AIG ACTION ALERT
25-02-2009 18:51
American International Group Inc (AIG) hold over 40,000 shares in Huntingdon Life Sciences.
Contact them and let them know their unethical investments are not acceptable
Sheffield University ignores student opinion regarding army recruiters!
25-02-2009 18:44
Although there have apparently been discussions where several students have voiced their opinion supporting a ban of army recruiters from University campus, the University of Sheffield Careers Service could not care less. They have circulated an almost provoking email and have once more allowed army recruiters to hold interview sessions with students, which might even take place on campus.St Andrews Students Declare Victory On Seventh Day
25-02-2009 18:21
The students of the occupation of United College in St Andrews have announced victory after receiving a statement and accompanying assurances to review and investigate ties with Israel in light of the recent conflict in Gaza from the University today.SHAC Week of Action Part 1: London, Netherlands, Italy & Chile
25-02-2009 17:49

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National Demonstration For Free Education
25-02-2009 17:19

24.2, Athens, GR: Migrants' Haunt in Exarcheia, Athens attacked with hand-grenad
25-02-2009 17:18
Mass Surveillance
25-02-2009 17:09
In July 2001 the European Parliament compiled a report on the existence of a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications (ECHELON interception system) (2001/2098(INI). The report concluded that a global system for intercepting communications exists and that what is important, is that its purpose is to intercept private and commercial communications, and not military communications.Leafleting against BNP in Witham on Saturday 28th February
25-02-2009 15:52
Come and join usEmergency Protest Tomorrow!: Stop the deportation of Gasperd to the DRC
25-02-2009 15:33
Emergency demonstration, tomorrow Thursday 26th February, 10am, Government Offices North East, Newcastle (near St James Park).Palestine Today 022509
25-02-2009 14:55

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Wednesday, February 25th, 2009.
Further blows to Togmocracy!
25-02-2009 14:34
Magistrates acceptance of YouTube shy Police deleting pictures from citizens mobile phones and cash strapped Celebrity togs head down the 'Nobs We Like' pawn shop.Mobilization in Italy against Forza Nuova and the neo (and old) fascism
25-02-2009 14:28

there is a call for mobilization against it for Saturday 28 february and Roberto Fiore
is planning to attend.

WARN // SHAC CIty Shakedown Minibus going from Gloucester!
25-02-2009 14:13
There will be a minibus going from Gloucester leaving at 8:30am on Friday please ring 0844 249 2928 to book spaces as we have around 5 left!Netcu Watch // The Truth About Gladys Hammond
25-02-2009 14:03

Close Communications House - dem o Tuesday 3 March
25-02-2009 12:05
DEMONSTRATE AGAINST BRITAIN ’S RACIST IMMIGRATION LAWSShow solidarity with asylum seekers and immigrants
TUESDAY 3 March 1-2pm
Outside the UK Immigration Service Communications House
210 Old Street, London , EC1V 9BR
(nearest tube – Old Street )
Staythorpe Power Station Demonstration
25-02-2009 11:41
I thought people might like to hear of my account of the mass protest called by Unite to support the construction workers at Staythorpe power station at Newark yesterday, Tuesday.THE ITALIAN NUCLEAR JOB
25-02-2009 11:06