Nepalese Parliament Orders End To Monkey Exports!!!!
Gateway to Hell | 25.02.2009 22:48 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Ecology | World
Nepalese Parliament Orders End To Monkey Exports!!!!
We welcome the Nepalese Parliament's decision to order a ban on monkey
exports, however there are still some fundamental points which we utterly

We welcome the Nepalese Parliament's decision to order a ban on monkey
exports, however there are still some fundamental points which we utterly
Nepalese Parliament Orders End To Monkey Exports!!!!
Whilst the export of monkeys has been officially banned "for now", there
is still no legal protection for monkeys in Nepal and therefore we must
stress that the export of monkeys still hasn't been ended
We can also definitively say that no monkeys have been exported from
Nepal, and that is thanks to everyone of you who has participated in the
campaign so far. Every email, every letter, phonecall, protest and
petition signed have all helped us reach this stage and ensured Nepal's
monkeys haven't been sent to a life of hell in an American lab.
We welcome the Nepalese Parliament's decision to order a ban on monkey
exports, however there are still some fundamental points which we utterly
oppose, such as:--
* 310 monkeys are still trapped in the monkey farm at Lele. They are the
"property" of the American Government funded animal research laboratory
the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research.
* The export of "samples" is still permitted, meaning monkeys can still be
farmed for blood and tissue samples.
* The status of the 2nd farm is under review and it may now become active,
meaning the trapping and imprisoning of yet more monkeys to supply
"samples", (and secretly breed "stock" animals), until a "favourable"
political climate returns and monkey exports are permitted.
We refuse to accept any kind of compromises and this campaign will
continue until every Nepalese monkey is freed and the breeding/research
facilities at Lele and Lamatar are closed permanently.
We will also now be working hard to ensure that Nepal's Supreme Court
officially outlaws monkey farming, which is the only way we can be sure
that Nepal's monkeys won't be vulnerable to export depending on the mood
of a fractured democracy.
We sincerely hope that we can rely on your continued support to help make
sure that Nepal's monkeys are permanently saved from vivisection, by being
rehabilitated and released back to nature!!!
Until all are free,

Whilst the export of monkeys has been officially banned "for now", there
is still no legal protection for monkeys in Nepal and therefore we must
stress that the export of monkeys still hasn't been ended
We can also definitively say that no monkeys have been exported from
Nepal, and that is thanks to everyone of you who has participated in the
campaign so far. Every email, every letter, phonecall, protest and
petition signed have all helped us reach this stage and ensured Nepal's
monkeys haven't been sent to a life of hell in an American lab.
We welcome the Nepalese Parliament's decision to order a ban on monkey
exports, however there are still some fundamental points which we utterly
oppose, such as:--
* 310 monkeys are still trapped in the monkey farm at Lele. They are the
"property" of the American Government funded animal research laboratory
the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research.
* The export of "samples" is still permitted, meaning monkeys can still be
farmed for blood and tissue samples.
* The status of the 2nd farm is under review and it may now become active,
meaning the trapping and imprisoning of yet more monkeys to supply
"samples", (and secretly breed "stock" animals), until a "favourable"
political climate returns and monkey exports are permitted.
We refuse to accept any kind of compromises and this campaign will
continue until every Nepalese monkey is freed and the breeding/research
facilities at Lele and Lamatar are closed permanently.
We will also now be working hard to ensure that Nepal's Supreme Court
officially outlaws monkey farming, which is the only way we can be sure
that Nepal's monkeys won't be vulnerable to export depending on the mood
of a fractured democracy.
We sincerely hope that we can rely on your continued support to help make
sure that Nepal's monkeys are permanently saved from vivisection, by being
rehabilitated and released back to nature!!!
Until all are free,
Gateway to Hell