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SHAC Financial Frenzy Week - AIG ACTION ALERT

SHAC | 25.02.2009 18:51 | SHAC | Animal Liberation

American International Group Inc (AIG) hold over 40,000 shares in Huntingdon Life Sciences.

Contact them and let them know their unethical investments are not acceptable


American International Group Inc (AIG) hold over 40,000 shares in Huntingdon Life Sciences.

Please contact AIG UK branches using the e-mail addresses provided in this alert to send enquiries flooding through the company, so that they are aware that any one who supports HLS will be put in the spotlight and named and shamed.

As always we have included a sample email and all the email addresses you need.



To whom it may concern

AIG holds over 40,000 shares Huntingdon Life Sciences, who trade under the ticker symbol LSR; because of your investment and stake in HLS you have now been brought to the attention of the global animal rights movement as a priority target who supports violent animal cruelty.

HLS are Europes largest animal testing laboratory first exposed in 1997 when Channel 4 went undercover and filmed workers punching beagle puppies in the face. HLS are a pathetic company, who have yet again been exposed. No other laboratory in the world has been infiltrated so many times by the animal rights movement. On this occasion shocking footage has been obtained from the primate testing facility at HLS's main site in the UK.

Primates are being transported for between 30 - 70 hours from Vietnam to HLS where they are being housed in dreadful conditions. The psychological damage means they have been chewing their own limbs off down to the bone. Others were found with muscle wastage, and suffering from chronic vomitting, diarohea, and skin conditions. Staff had a complete lack of respect for the primates and one lab worker twisted a monkeys head violently.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. You can read much more and see the video shot inside HLS yourself, by visiting:

Not only are HLS a cruel barbaric company, but they are also a bad investment. Last year they lost two significant contracts, sending their share price in to free fall. They are also a victim of the credit crunch and will see fewer contracts coming their way, especially after this recent exposes meaning HLS cannot guarantee client confidentiality.

If you will not sell your shares in HLS out of compassion then surely you will because it makes good business sense.

[your name]


All e-mails in this alert:, enquiries.midlands&,, enquiries.scotland&,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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The details in this action alert are provided for information purposes only,
and should not be used for any illegal activities as defined by the
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harassment; nothing in this alert has the purpose of inciting such behaviour,
and we request that all communications are kept polite.

For general information on the campaign to close Huntingdon Life Science,
please visit our website

Please feel free to forward on this action alert.

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