UK Newswire Archive
Creating the Climate of Fear: Counter-Terrorism and Punishment without Trial
03-03-2008 17:01
The government is seeking to pass new anti-terror laws giving the police and the judiciary more powers to use against you - the 42 day debate is just part of the package. Join us on 14 March and see what the Counter-Terrorism Bill really has in store. Public meeting: all welcomeFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Exposed: company that will expand Manchester detention centre
03-03-2008 17:00

Boycott Israel!
03-03-2008 16:36
As Israel begins to unleash its long expected Holocaust against Gaza
It's time for the world to act and remind Israel that its actions are war crimes!
Palestine Today 030308
03-03-2008 16:01

Shell Come to Nottingham
03-03-2008 15:39

This is the message that concerned Nottingham Students and Nottingham residents want to get across to Shell when it hosts a “Recruitment Event” at the University of Nottingham this Thursday the 6th at 18.30 in the Trent Building.
Demonstrate Against Deportations to Cameroon
03-03-2008 14:58
This demonstration is a prompt response to recent killings in Cameroon orchestrated by the dictatorial regime of Paul Biya. The situation in Cameroon is not safe at all and is expected to become worse during the coming days.Indy Global Report from Bethlehem, on Resonance FM104.4
03-03-2008 14:34

Turmoil in South America
03-03-2008 14:17
An analysis of the recent tensions between Venezueal and Colombia.Cops use military seige tactics at TAA fundraiser, Brighton.
03-03-2008 12:53
A fundraiser for the forthcoming Temporary Autonomous Art project in Brighton was clamped down on heavily on Saturday. Police used violent tactics to attack the building showing there true face yet again. more........Camp for Climate Action to target Kingsnorth power station
03-03-2008 12:32
Today it was announced that E.ON's Kingsnorth power station in Kent will be the site of this summer’s Camp for Climate Action, running from 4 th to 11th of August 2008.Al-Khader village protests the wall
03-03-2008 11:56

Beyond Hope and Doom: Time for a Peak Oil Pep Talk
03-03-2008 11:18
Awareness of Peak Oil, Climate Change, impending global economic implosion, topsoil depletion, biodiversity collapse, and the thousand other dire threats crashing down upon us at the dawn of the new millennium constitutes an enormous psychological burden, one so onerous that most people (and institutions) respond with a battery of psychological defenses-mostly versions of denial and distraction-in an effort to keep conscious awareness comfortably distanced from stark reality. I discuss this in "the Psychology of Peak Oil and Climate Change," chapter 7 of Peak Everything, where I conclude that the healthiest response to dire knowledge is to do something practical and constructive in response, preferably in collaboration with others, both because the worst can probably still be avoided and because engaged action makes us feel better.How to Fitwatch
03-03-2008 10:39
Fitwatch meeting - Saturday 8th March at the LSE (Connaught House, Aldwych) at 2pm. Room H103.CDG - the lying continues
03-03-2008 10:16
The lying at CDG has evolved from little white lies to big black liesFull article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Japanese Whaling Fleet Confronted By Sea Shepherd
03-03-2008 10:05

The crew deployed over two dozen bottles of rotten butter sending a stench throughout the whale killing ship that will remain for days. The crew also threw packets of a slippery chemical onto the deck of the Nisshin Maru. This will make it very difficult to cut up whales. The substance becomes even more slippery with water so it will be difficult to wash it off the decks.
Zaman Ahmed belongs to Birmingham
03-03-2008 09:14

The acceptance of atrocities against Palestinian civilians
03-03-2008 07:12
The extraordinary acceptance of mass killings of men, women and children by the Israeli Defence Forces, on a now daily basis, is becoming ever more repugnant to thinking Jews around the world who refuse to allow such atrocities to be carried out in their name.Gaza: Spread the word share this art (by Latuff)
03-03-2008 06:28

SOCPA - euro referendum protest - crane occupation at parl sq
03-03-2008 02:59
some peaceful activists from have just occupied a crane at parliament square in the early hours of monday 4th march