UK Newswire Archive
Essential Macedonia
27-08-2001 07:54
Essential Eyes is an independent and not military mission.To help to understand what's happening in Macedonia.
Not to "collect" any informations about the situation.
But about a direct contact with people living there.
SAMBA IN CANNING TOWN- Calling All Sambaistas!
27-08-2001 01:54
Dancers and percussionists from the Barking Bateria, Rhythms of Resistance and individual members of London School of Samba will be joining together for aCARNIVAL PERFORMANCE AND PROCESSION
through Rathbone Market and surrounding streets
The Bilderberg Group and the project of European unification
26-08-2001 23:04
The present article is concerned with one specific facet of American power-structure research which, I believe, has important implications for the study of power in the UK. This is the subject of power-elite networks and forums, conceptualised as arenas for the conduct of intra-capitalist and inter-corporate strategic debates and long-range social planning, from which wider 'democratic' interference is carefully excluded.DSEi Update
26-08-2001 22:06

anticapitalist protests in South Africa
26-08-2001 20:08
call for solidarity actions on the 31st of August for the protests against the WCAR in Durban/South AfricaA reply to Philip Willan, the Gaurdian's Rome correspondent re: Genoa
26-08-2001 16:58
Some of you might remember Philip Willan, the Guardian’s Rome correspondent. I recently received an e-mail from him in response to something I posted on IndyMedia about his coverage of the recent events in Genoa for the Blairian. This is Willan’s e-mail, followed by my response. For the original story and other posting about Willan, see:Of Plastic Bullets, Cowboys and Arms Trade
26-08-2001 15:27
Plastic Bullet Kill !!! BAn Then !!!Repeat of Davos Documentary
26-08-2001 13:27
For those of you who missed it on wednesday, Darcus Howe's documentary on Davos will be repeated late Sunday tonight /early Monday morning 03:45 (AM)Ilegal to cure cancer at the corporation known as United States
26-08-2001 12:38
There are numerous known cures for cancer and other diseases like AIDS. Once they're proven effective andreceive a large following they become a target for destruction.
This is the true story of one man who took the challenge and fought for your Right to have access and knowledge of a cancer cure known as 714X.
Australian troops for US wars
26-08-2001 11:25
In a blunt message to Australia, US warhawk Richard Armitage said that Australians were expected to die alongside Americans in the event of a conflict with China over Taiwan.London still a Save haven for asylum seeking fascist terrorists
26-08-2001 10:33
while hundreds perhaps thousands of genuine asylum seekers are sent back to a fate was than death in for example turkish hell hole prisons . Right wing fascists terrrorists are allowed welcomed in to London with open arms and shielded by the intelligence services. This fascist boss is no longer hiding in the shadows he moves in the highest italian government (Regime) circles ..Controversial Greenham Sculpture Unveiled in Cardiff
26-08-2001 09:45
This sculpture will be a permanent reminder of what ordinary people can do. Greenham Common is now a trading estate, part common, with the silos as a permanent reminder of the past.But they can’t kill the spirit and they cannot remove all our memories, which we are here today to share with as many women as possible.
"Delyn (Flintshire) Conservative Office Has Been FLANNED"
26-08-2001 09:19
A new direct action group, FLAN, has launched apeaceful ambush on Conservative Party Offices in
Holywell, Flintshire, North Wales. Stickers have been stuck all
over the windows as part of a public awareness raising
campaign that expresses utter disgust at the links of
the Conservative Party with neo-nazis and racists.
26-08-2001 02:23
His Royal Majesty Akahi Nui Alii Nui, Head of State and King of the Hawaiian Island Archipelago, Was Released...Bilderberg Steering Committee Member Clarke To Lead UK Conservative Party?
26-08-2001 00:48

1. Bilderberg Steering Committee Member Clarke To Lead UK Conservative Party?
2. World's Only Bilderberg Pre-Conference Source Dries Up - Spotlight Newspaper Closes
3. Spotlight Busts Bilderbergers As They Meet On Guarded Island - Final Spotlight Report
Bilderberg & UK party leaders update, and other related stories.
25-08-2001 23:31
1. Bilderberg Steering Committee Member Clarke To Lead UK Conservative Party?2. World's Only Bilderberg Pre-Conference Source Dries Up - Spotlight Newspaper Closes
3. Spotlight Busts Bilderbergers As They Meet On Guarded Island - Final Spotlight Report
Roots of Racism
25-08-2001 22:06
Institutional Racism by Royal Appointment.GENOA :an analysis
25-08-2001 15:29
The anti-capitalist protests at the Genoa G8 summit revealed the strengths and weaknesses of the anti-capitalist movement rather acutely. In this text we begin by outlining our analysis of the protests at Genoa; following this, we provide a broader analysis of the possibilities open to the anti-capitalist movement in the near future.Aventis - New Owners, New Name, Same CrapScience
25-08-2001 14:10