UK Newswire Archive
Nine Ladies support action: 4th June, Doin' it Up North (of England)
31-05-2004 21:45

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Jews fear being blamed for Iraqi war
31-05-2004 21:39
"If it were not for the strong support of the Jewish community for this war with Iraq, we would not be doing this."Nine Ladies Support Action: 4th June - Doin' it Up North
31-05-2004 21:38

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Mistakes and Apologies
31-05-2004 21:36
Mistakes that aren't mistakes in reality, but part of a strategy of US global domination and apologies for imperialism that are insincere or ludicrous.The Feminism of Fools
31-05-2004 21:06
With the White House justifying war and occupation in Afghanistan and Iraq with hypocritical appeals to women's liberation, activists must be on guard against anti-Arab and anti-Muslim prejudices.DISSENT IN THE USA
31-05-2004 21:05

Flags are an important symbol of a nation.
31-05-2004 20:56

Army Probing Assaults, Thefts by U.S. Troops in Iraq
31-05-2004 20:51
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Army is investigating reports of assaults against Iraqi civilians and thefts of their money and jewelry by U.S. troops during patrols, raids and house searches, defense officials said on Monday.The probe by the U.S. Army's Criminal Investigation Division, or CID, suggests that a major scandal over abuse of Iraqi prisoners by Americans goes beyond detention centers into the homes and streets of the troubled country.
More than Seven go up to Height Gate
31-05-2004 20:38

Who and What to Remember on Memorial Day?
31-05-2004 13:28
In Struggle for the Liberation of the OppressedWhat lays ahead if we do nothing?
31-05-2004 11:15
If we as responsible left wing emancipated working class people don’t address the issue of housing we will go backwards to another Victorian age where private landlords will ruthlessly exploit the poor.US trying to reinstate draft
31-05-2004 11:14
Bush is slyly trying to introduce draftWorld Without Waves
31-05-2004 10:18
"World Without Waves" is about a man who develops a sudden and disabling allergy to EMF.Wake up call for Americans
"World Without Waves" is about a man who develops a sudden and disabling allergy to EMF
We hope this film helps to serve as a cinematic start, a theatrical wake up call for Americans to consider our over dependency and overexposure to EMF.
* All those who wish to join us in Moscow which is one of the most happening, progressive cities on the planet, are encouraged to contact me at

Day of Action at the Olympic Games
30-05-2004 23:37
Day of Action at the Olympic GamesMobilization in Guadalajara
30-05-2004 22:20
As part of the global social movement, which has been taking place since Seattle ‘99, days of Social Action have been organised in Guadalajara, Mexico, with reference to the III ALCUE (Latin American, Caribbean and European Union)summit , taking place at the centreof this city. The days of action have consisted of a series of forums and workshops where people look for alternatives to neoliberal policies, as well as organising cultural activities and street
South Korea, MSSC Struggle Weekend
30-05-2004 20:52
Last weekend, here it is now Monday, we celebrated the 200th day of our sit-in struggle strike in Myeong-dong, downtown Seoul.Saudi attack a P2OG/PNAC exercise...
30-05-2004 20:44
It makes sense...In order to reinforce the US occupation and colonization of Iraq.. the US elements are "stimulating actions" in Saudi Arabia, so as SA will stall in production, the Bush cartel/Carlyle investment in Iraq goes up.
These may be the same elements responsible for the fake Berg video.
Doing It Up North: Nine Ladies Support Action
30-05-2004 20:31

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30-05-2004 19:56