UK Newswire Archive
The Disaster of the West
03-06-2004 16:37
"A year ago Daniel Cohn-Bendit discovered almost `Bolshevist' characteristics in Bush's team of advisors, a sense of mission that is alien on principle to self-criticism... This is the oppoiste of what constitutes America's fascination up to today, the opposite of liberality. Still the bunker was broken open. America is becoming self-critical again.."Iraqis boyoneted
03-06-2004 16:34
From Private Eye No.1107"Bayonet Brits kill 35 rebels" drooled the Sun
CIA Torture Training
03-06-2004 16:16
From Private Eye No.1107Torture Manuals amended to include preface stating that torture is illegal!
TONIGHT! What's So Grand about Banks? (At the Ex-Grand Banks Social Centre!)
03-06-2004 15:52
Thursday 3rd JuneOpen discussion evening at The Occupied Social Centre (formerly “The Grand Banks”), Tufnell Park NW5:
The Sun endorses the real Big Brother
03-06-2004 15:50
Sorry about quoting something from the vile Sun, but to be honest I could not believe I was reading this.GATS Free Zone
03-06-2004 15:50

Film Night @ the RAMPART
03-06-2004 15:35
Finally, thanks to the generous loan of a projector, the RAMPART presents its first film night.Sorry for the short notice...
WSF - A BIG thank you to our sponsors
03-06-2004 15:32

Tenet, Powell and Armitage to go - EXCLUSIVE
03-06-2004 15:23
25th may this guy had the low-down3rd June
Tenet has resigned!!!
who next????
Do Summat... Have a picnic (Outdoor meeting)
03-06-2004 14:22
Do Summat outdoor meeting @ All Saints Park, Friday 4th June, 6pmBilderberg: The ultimate conspiracy theory
03-06-2004 13:34
From the BBC News website:The Bilderberg group, an elite coterie of Western thinkers and power-brokers, has been accused of fixing the fate of the world behind closed doors. As the organisation marks its 50th anniversary, rumours are more rife than ever.
Moore's 9/11 trailer goes online
03-06-2004 13:28
From the BBC News website:The trailer for Michael Moore's film Fahrenheit 9/11 has made its debut on the movie's official website.
Ocset eviction
03-06-2004 13:01
Eviction of the sunset cottage Ocset social centreDavid Rovics Live@ Occupied Social Centre!
03-06-2004 12:10

Legalise Cannabis Free Festival Saturday June 5th
03-06-2004 11:50
The annual Legalise Cannabis free festival is on Saturday the 5th of May in Brockwell Park Brixton in London from 1pm to 8pm. Click the link below for full details of the event.STOP THE WALL. June 5th, Naksa Day
03-06-2004 11:40
June 5th, Naksa DayNo Occupation! No Apartheid! No Expulsion!
UNRWA Condemns Rafah School Shooting
03-06-2004 11:34
UNRWA Press Release 2 June 2004UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East-Headquarters Gaza
Press Release No. HQ/G/18/2004
2 June, 2004
UNRWA Condemns Rafah School Shooting
ID cards leaflet
03-06-2004 11:25
Stop ID cards before the legislation even gets off the ground - tell the government NO! & spread the word by downloading & distributing our Stop ID cards leaflet.Cambridge Forum evening on Climate Change
03-06-2004 11:18
Cambridge Forum on Climate changeJune 15th: 8-10pm
@ CB1 Cafe, 32 Mill Rd, Cambridge.