UK Newswire Archive
Video clip of scenes from Manchester protest against Bush visit
01-12-2003 18:02
A video clip of scenes from the Manchester lunch-time rally against the Bush visit which took place on 19th November 2003 in the Peace Gardens, St Peter's Square.The soundtrack to the clip is the song "Unites States" by superb anti-war protest band Sieze the Day.
USA social justice and Copwatch activist becomes target of government
01-12-2003 17:57
With no evidence and nothing more than the testimony of a paid government informant, agents of the USA BATF raided the home of a local activist. Laro Nicol had been employed by UK company SERCo Air Traffic Control Services US, as an air traffic control specialist. Now the future of this man and his family hangs in the balance as he heads to trial on bogus charges.ISM Reports: A Friend Asked Me....Ben J in Jenin + Other Stories
01-12-2003 15:41
1st December 2003The Latest ISM Reports
1) A friend asked me....Ben J in Jenin
2) I Punched an Arab in the Face_ Haaretz article
3) Palestinians love to laugh_Ben J
4) First European meeting of ISM support networks
5) ISM Announcement - Trainings in December
South Korea: conscientious objector Cheol-min Kang arrested
01-12-2003 15:11

ISM Reports: Witness Statements. Army Murders Two Children In Burqeen, West Bank
01-12-2003 15:00
***As always we hope you pass these reports and information along to your representatives and local media outlets. For a list of contacts, please see:
01-12-2003 14:59
Only a pretty warped mind would consider putting anopencast mind at the source of 3 of the regions
rivers! The Calder, Irwell and Aire all flow from
Heald Moor on the Lancs/Yorkshire border above
Todmorden and theyre polluted and silted enough
already thanks very much. Unfortunatly this ludicrous
plan is back in a planning enquiry, happening this
week in Burnley, as the company are appealling the
last decision which they lost.
Jewish Socialist Group says Denis McShane should resign
01-12-2003 13:44
Labour MP and minister for Europe Denis McShane has called on British Muslims to “choose” between terrorism and what he calls “the British Way” , of peaceful and democratic progress.Democracy???
01-12-2003 13:03
The Miami ModelParamilitaries, Embedded Journalists and Illegal Protests. Think This is Iraq?
It's Your Country
By Jeremy Scahill
MIAMI--We were loading our video equipment into the trunk of our car when a
fleet of bicycle cops sped up and formed a semi-circle around us. The lead cop
was none other than Miami Police Chief John Timoney. The former Police
Commissioner of Philadelphia Timoney has a reputation for brutality and hatred
of protesters of any kind. He calls them "punks," "knuckleheads" and a whole
slew of expletives. He coordinated the brutal police response to the
mass-protests at the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia in 2000.
After a brief stint in the private sector, Timoney took the post of Miami
police chief as part of Mayor Manny Diaz's efforts to "clean up the
March Against The Murderers!
01-12-2003 12:39

Claimants and low-paid banned from Dutch cities
01-12-2003 12:30
The new solution to urban crime, slums, drug dealing: expel the entire low-income population from cities. New Dutch policies will undoubtedly be copied in the rest of Europe.Buy Nothin Day subvert in Manchester
01-12-2003 12:23

Retail slaughter exposed in new corporate campaign
01-12-2003 11:04

Any company promoting, endorsing, participating in or in any way profiting from cruelty to animals in the name of ‘sport’ risks exposure on, a new website launched today by the League Against Cruel Sports.
The Iraqi Resistance Sword (by Latuff)
01-12-2003 10:16

Students call for Coke boycott
01-12-2003 08:42
The Coca-Cola Co. is trying to stop a boycott of its products that has been spreading across Ireland for the past month and becoming more visible on college campuses in the United States.How British charity was silenced on Iraq
01-12-2003 00:29
by Kevin MaguireThe Guardian
Friday November 28, 2003
Letter of the FZLN to the Saloniki 7
01-12-2003 00:10
" order for you to get out of jail it was necessary to take the decision of being fed with nothing but dignity, starting a hunger strike that lasted more than 50 days..."SPEAC Demo, Cambridge Dec 3rd
30-11-2003 23:53
Stop Primate Experiments At Cambridge demo this Wednesday.