UK Newswire Archive
The Battle of Aita Al-Shabb - Thurs 17th Aug - Photo Report
22-08-2006 14:31

The Unexploded Bombs of Jbah - Wed 16th Aug - Photo Report
22-08-2006 14:19

Lebanon - Driving South - Wed 16th Aug - Photo Report
22-08-2006 14:14

Victims of Operation Ore sue the police
22-08-2006 14:01
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act - George Orwell. Writers and correspondents in New Zealand, Australia, Cambodia, Thailand, France, Holland, Belgium, Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, and the US.Full article | 2 additions | 5 comments
Squatters under siege
22-08-2006 13:59
9 Marlborough road, Manningham, BradfordUnder siege
Today a number of people that have squatted a house on Marlborough Road, Manningham are being held illegally under house arrest by a number of police. Anyone leaving the building is being arrested for criminal damage.
This is illegal police action please show your support by dropping by. Booze and food is appreciated.
Restoration of Sparkbrook Cottage Continues Despite Looming Court Case
22-08-2006 13:24
The occupation of the Sparkbrook social centre known as the Cottage of Content is ongoing, yet while court proceedings and legalities are set in place against the occupation, the renovation and revival of the community asset is continuing unabated.Sparkbrook Social Centre Occupation Approaches Seventh Week
22-08-2006 13:19
The Sparkbrook community centre neglected by Birmingham council, known as the "Cottage of Content", is approaching its seventh week of occupation, with encouraging progress and community participation increasing.Video of Hands off Lebanon demo, Brighton 19th August
22-08-2006 11:37

Anti-Deportation Picket in Solihull This Friday
22-08-2006 11:29
While the number of forced deportations is alreadly reaching unprecedented records, and asylum seekers of ceratin nationalities (Iraqis and Zimbabweans, for example) are facing the prospect of mass deportation campaigns in the near future, Birmingham NoBorders and Birmingham Anti-Racist Campaign are holding their monthly picket at the immigration reporting centre in Solihull this coming Friday, 25 August, 2006.
The picket at Sandford House (41 Homer Road, Solihull) will start at 12 noon to highlight this dim reality and demand an end to all deportations of asylum seekers. Come along and show your anger and disgust!
Fancy Dress Eviction Party
22-08-2006 09:54
Dub Roots Sounds , no techno
Fancy Dress Eviction Party
Elvis Sound DJ's MC's
Ishu. Minty & Andy (urban warfare)
+ surprise guests
Solidarity for Marco Camenisch: Eco-Anarchist Prisoner
22-08-2006 09:48

Playing Favourites; or a Vicious Sight of Reality
22-08-2006 07:07
There is people who still believes that Israel has a right over the rest of the people, to jill or condemnd to prevent sometihng that they are buildingTea Party at the Hague
22-08-2006 03:25
Is the Hague court a joke or have we just lost our sense of perspective? The latest indiscriminate slaughter of children and innocent civilians in Lebanon by ‘God’s chosen’ seems not to warrant the attention of the Hague court. Carla Del Ponte’s latest remonstration against the Serbian leadership for not delivering war criminals to her court seems ‘slightly’ dissociative in view of recent events. Her obsession with Serbs now borders on the pathological. Would the civilian death toll in Iraq warrant her attention? Iraq now approaches one hundred thousand innocent civilian deaths – eighty percent directly attributable to the forces of occupation!The BNP and the Northern Green Gathering
21-08-2006 23:54
What happens when Nazi scum meet hippy scum? Apparently some of them got on famously.Alarming rise of Children’s ID databases and biometrics in schools
21-08-2006 23:47

Little Birds: A Devastating Window on the War
21-08-2006 22:52
Powerful documentary on Iraq war from the perspective of Iraqi citizensUp The Creek Without A Paddle!
21-08-2006 22:43
Two BNP activists raising money for the fascist party with a sponsored canoe trip were very quickly out of their depth. Read this and weep (with laughter!)Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Mersey councils to dump their rubbish in Wrexham. Protest now!
21-08-2006 21:34
Waste from five Merseyside authority areas: Liverpool, Knowsley, St Helen's, Sefton and Wirral is to be dumped at a Wrexham landfill site, part of which is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and home to great crested newts. Local residents have been campaigning for years against the plans, but dumping looks set to go ahead from Wednesday. Solidarity actions needed.Full article | 3 additions | 9 comments
21-08-2006 21:18