UK Newswire Archive
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Fitwatchers arrested for "intimidating the police" at STWC march
16-03-2008 02:45

Barack Obama and the Crisis of U.S. Imperialism
16-03-2008 00:15
African People's Socialist Party Chairman Omali Yeshitela has been delivering a series of presentations around the U.S. on the significance of the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama.Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Protest Against the 'Church' of Scientology in Birmingham - pix
15-03-2008 23:20

About 100 people today gathered in Birmingham city centre to protest against the "illegal and unethical activities" of the so-called Church of Scientology (CoS), which is described by many to be more of a "cult" or a "commercial enterprise" than a church (€o$). The protest was organised by Anonymous, a loose group of web users opposed to Scientology, who had organised a global day of action against the 'church' worldwide on 10 February 2008.
Armed with lots of leaflets and placards, most protesters wore V for Vendetta masks or simply covered their faces with scarves, as the 'church' is known for reprisals and relentless harassment of its critics.
Tesco's kill tourism - official
15-03-2008 23:18
Highlighting latest moves by the supermarket giant in a small seaside town.Open documentaries on non-violent struggles in India
15-03-2008 22:42
A filmmaker team propose to free the copyright of their documentaries about non-violent struggles in IndiaFur shops in Oslo under attack
15-03-2008 22:15

Summary: 15 attacks at fur shops, some of which were return visits, and 1 home visit at an owner of a fur shop. Is Oslo going to be the new Stockholm for the ALF?
Scientology coming to a shopping centre near you: West Bromwich
15-03-2008 21:03
The 'Citizens Commission on Human Rights', a front group for the Scientology cult is scheduled to show an exhibition in the Queens Square Shopping Centre West Bromwich. The exhibition is called 'Psychiatry - An Industry Of Death' and is due to run from Monday 31st March until Thursday 17th April 2008 -
Whilst the name 'Citizens Commission on Human Rights' (CCHR) certainly makes it sound like they are a alturistic group looking to help people, the truth is somewhat different.
M15 Anti-war demo
15-03-2008 20:27

fbi's CJIS Must Be Removed From fbi Control !
15-03-2008 19:45
fbi seeks to intimidate (through CJIS) all who show NO "fbi respect".
The Israeli army attack Bil'in non-violent protest: six injured
15-03-2008 18:39
Another weekly non-violent, joint struggle protest in Bil'in turns bloody. photage shows Israeli Soliders taking sadistic plesure from kicking and beating protestors.Who's editing Wikipedia?
15-03-2008 17:48
Find out just who is editing one of the biggest information sources on the net.Fed rescue of Bear Stearns raises spectre of Depression-era crash
15-03-2008 17:47
The Federal Reserve Board on Friday took emergency action to prevent the collapse of Bear Stearns, the fifth largest US investment bank and one of the world’s largest finance and brokerage houses.Israel's Goals: Regime Change, Reoccupation
15-03-2008 16:59
History will not look kindly on the shameful Appeasement of these violent Extremists by the world's Governments.Bay of Pigs in Gaza
15-03-2008 16:34
A rather interesting conclusion, but I'm sure 'pressure' was applied on this reporter. This is a scandal of monumental proportions, which proves that the perception 'we' have of the conflict is exactly the reverse.Yet, the media remains silent ...
Israel Guilty of Ethnic Cleansing
15-03-2008 16:31
The Appeasement of Israeli crimes by our Governments is a shameful stain that will be reflected in the history books, much as the same during Hitler's rise are regarded today.Anatomy of Racism
15-03-2008 16:27
There is also a name for the shameful behaviour of the world's Governments in allowing this to continue for so long - APPEASEMENT.History proves that it does not work.
Defending the Wild
15-03-2008 15:55
To defend the wild is no small thing, because it is the Earth that is being defended. The Earth is wild and that is more important than we are. When groups like Sea Shepherd or EarthFirst! defend the wild, they are condemned as ‘violent’ and ‘extreme’, but they are working to continue the wild, the life that exists independently of us. The wild Earth that does not need us, does not know us, but is threatened by us. The wild Earth needs no defence but it needs more defenders.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Earth First Class War Prisoner Marie Mason Arrested In Cincinnati
15-03-2008 14:41
Earth First Class War Prisoner Marie Mason Arrested In Cincinnati
Tara Protester in tunnel to stop Construction of M3 Motorway near Hill of Tara
15-03-2008 14:37
A Female Protester has sealed herself into a tunnel under a hill upon which the Rath Lugh National Monument is positioned to stop construction of the M3 Motorway near the Hill of Tara. 100 protesters have now joined the protest at Rath Lugh.MoD Tells Teachers to Push Revisionist History of Iraq war
15-03-2008 14:08
It will be interesting to see how this plays out.There are some, in many governments, who fervently believe that pro-military indoctrination of their countries' children cannot ever start too young.
If you ever go to any US military bases' "open house", where there is a combination of military and carnival-type exhibits, watch carefully for the very articulate, "warm-looking" soldiers, chosen expressly for their comfort level with kids, and how they present the guns and weapons to children, particularly the little boys.
The kids are, as kids naturally are, brimming with curiosity, and these soldiers have an opportunity to make a big impression on these children.
What is never discussed is that these instruments, guns, bombs, etc., are engineered to kill and maim with maximum, deadly effect.
They're never told of the costs of war for civilian non-combatants.
War is not "fun": it is simply a government's extension of its foreign policy, period, end of discussion.
What this article teaches us is that governments to order schools to alter history, and that prior to 1966, there was no law to prevent it in Great Britain.
Presumably, the United States (aka Britain-Lite) follows the same patterns, which we know because the school textbooks still sell the claim that Lee Oswald acted alone in the assassination of John F. Kennedy even though that claim has long been discredited.
It is for this reason, and especially in light of the lies that led to war in Iraq, that nothing we have ever been taught in the state-sponsored schools can be trusted. Nothing. Not one bit of it.
History is a joke played by the victors on the vanquished before an audience too afraid to laugh.