UK Newswire Archive
10 days to go 'til the brighton hosts 2012 International Squatters Convergence
09-05-2012 17:47
SNOB (AHA) is hosting an international squatters convergence from 17th-19th May! with the imminent criminalisation of squatting in england and wales, squatters are coming from all over europe to plot and party against the ban, right on doorstep of the tory MP who pushed the ban through (mike weatherly).Argentina: Que Se Vayan Todos! – They All Must Go!
09-05-2012 12:21
What is to be done when capital and government abandon the people? It is a question that social movements throughout Europe and the US have begun to raise with a creative political militancy unseen in decades.If the elections could overturn this barbarism… th
09-05-2012 10:55
An English translation of anarchist analysis of the elctorial process in greece with links to the many texts coming from the various Anarchist collectives, groups and assemblies down the bottom.
If the elections could overturn this barbarism… they'd be illegal!
If the elections could overturn this barbarism… they'd be illegal!
After the massive and growing attacks of capital on labor gains, after escalating and intensifying repression in response to the resistance of the oppressed, we are called upon to participate in the game/trap of the parliamentary dictatorship on May 6th. In elections that signal the need of the rotten political system to wrest back legitimacy ad consensus anew, to exacerbate poverty, fear, depression and social cannibalism.
Now more then ever when suffocating misery surrounds us, it's crystal clear that participation in the electoral carnival is actually refraining from action and resistance. It is the relief valve for discontent and struggle against the increasing daily repression of political life, against the political system of exploitation, of inequality, the shaming of those engaging in struggle and generally, against the persecution of people [2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6] that from victims are recast as victimizers only in order to serve a hunt for votes, as they rename cannibalism "progress".
Voting is abstinence from politics, why entrust the management of our lives to an elite, power hungry minority. The polls promise a new model of multi-party government and parliament will host the Nazi's. So the parliamentary dictatorship has room for everyone, for those who are willing to serve, enough to absorb the growing social disdain for the system that plans to transform us into a society-concentration camp.
We open fronts of struggle in the streets, in work places, in open public assemblies, in neighborhoods, everywhere. We collectively combat frustration with self-organised anti-structures of solidarity that undermine the existing system and aim for social liberation. Our only way out of barbarism is to stand against the intensification of oppression and exploitation. To stem the tides of racism, fascism and totalitarianism. To fight against all those who oppress us. To not get use to the slow death they impose on us!
Δεν ψηφ?ζουμε-απ?χουμε ενεργ? | Ψ?φο στον καν?να: αντιεκλογικ? κε?μενο απ? τον Θερσ?τη | Η κρ?ση μας κυκλ?νει απ? παντο? | Αποχ? - επαν?σταση - αυτοκυβ?ρνηση [Abstinance - Revolution - Sefl-rule]| Οι αυταπ?τες που τυφλ?νουν [The illusions dazzle]| Γιατ? η αποχ? αποτελε? την εξυπν?τερη "ψ?φο" τ?ρα [Why abstinance is the smarter vote now]| Η αντιπροσωπευτικ? Δημοκρατ?α και οι εκλογ?ς ως ψευδα?σθηση και ως απ?τη [Representative democracy and elections as an illusion and a fraud]| Εκλογ?ς: Ας τους γυρ?σουμε την πλ?τη με ενεργητικ? αποχ? [Elections: Let's go back to active abstention]| Εκλογ?ς : Γιατ? απ?χουμε | Εκλογικ? απεργ?α [Election strike]| Η Αθλι?τητα των εκλογ?ν και η ευθ?νη των πολιτ?ν [The Poverty of elections and the civic]| Ενεργητικ? συνειδητ? αποχ? απ? τις εκλογ?ς [Active conscious abstention from elections]| Π?λι τα ?δια; [Again?]| Εν?ντια στα ψευτοδιλλ?ματα των εκλογ?ν [Against the bullshit of elections] | Εν?ντια στις εκλογικ?ς διαδικασ?ες εξ?γερση και αγ?νας για την αναρχ?α [Against the electoral process, revolt and fight for anarchy]| Για τις εκλογ?ς [About the elections]| Οι εκλογ?ς σηματοδοτο?ν την εκ ν?ου νομιμοπο?ηση της κυριαρχ?ας τους [Elections mark the re-legalization of their sovereignty]| Αποχ? απ? τις εκλογ?ς - συμμετοχ? στους κοινωνικο?ς και ταξικο?ς αγ?νες [Abstaining from the elctions - participation in social and class struggles]| Το να ψηφ?ζεις σημα?νει να εγκαταλε?πεις τη δ?ναμ? σου | Αντιεκλογικη Αφισα - Vogliamo tutto | Η λ?ση στην κρ?ση ε?ναι στα χ?ρια μας | Ο?τε εκλογικ?ς ο?τε εθνικ?ς ο δικ?ς μας αγ?νας ε?ναι ταξικ?ς | Ο κ?σμος δεν αλλ?ζει με αυταπ?τες εκλογικ?ς - το α?ριο το χτ?ζουμε γκρεμ?ζοντας το χθες | Αυτοκ?λλητα "Δεν Ψηφ?ζω" | Αποχ? απ? τις εκλογ?ς. Συμμετοχ? στον απελευθερωτικ?-επαναστατικ? αγ?να | Τα σκατ? και αυτ?ς της κ?λπης ποιος θα τα καθαρ?σει; | Αν οι εκλογ?ς μπορο?σαν να αλλ?ξουν τον κ?σμο θα ?ταν παρ?νομες | Αφ?σα στην Αλεξανδρο?πολη | Οι ?νθρωποι δεν ξ?ρουν τη δ?ναμ? τους | Συνειδητ? αποχ? | H αποχ? ως δυνατ?τητα της κοινων?ας να οριοθετε? τη στιγμ? | Αντιεκλογικ? τρικ?κια | Επιτ?λους βα?νομεν προς εκλογ?ς! | Κ?λπη και ταξικ? προδοσ?α | Ψ?φισες... και τ?ρα; | Η διαχε?ριση του φ?βου, ? τ?ρα μιλ?με εμε?ς |
Hinkley Investor Centrica: Action Alert
09-05-2012 10:55
Centrica are having their AGM this week on Fri 11th May we want to tell Centrica loud & clear No to new nuclear. To this end we have a bit of armchair activism that everyone can join in with no matter what your time/energy/money commitments are.(see below for details of why you should say no to centrica)
Here’s how to stop the Centrica swindle:
Animal rescue worker arrested for theft
09-05-2012 10:38
An animal rescue worker was arrested last night for theft after an investigation by the Animal Defence Society.Green campaigns at Mayday
09-05-2012 08:55
Authorities join the campaign
It was heartening to see and hear the police marching alongside the Friends of the Earth banner at this Year's May Day and as we marched down Mansfield Road, break into chants of 'No More Cars, No More Cars'.
LONDON - Wed May9 2pm-5pm *South Korean Embassy *Solidarity with Nonviolent Resi
09-05-2012 07:39
LONDON - Wed May 9th 2pm-5pm *Gather outside the South Korean Embassy in Solidarity with Nonviolent Resistance to Military Base Construction on Je Ju Island,*Peace activists, Catholic Workers & Veterans for Peace UK, a gorup of Swedish students will join Angie Zelter (recently arrested at JeJu Island) and others at the South Korean embassy/London in solidarity with residents of Je Ju Island nonviolently resisting the construction of a U.S. naval warfighting base on their traditional lands.
Imprisoned 4 telling the truth about the Olympics
08-05-2012 22:55
On Thursday 26th April Mike Wells, a citizen journalist who writes for the Games Monitor website, was filming unsafe working practices on Leyton Marsh at the chaotically managed Olympic construction site.
As a result of his attempt to film and draw attention to the unsafe practices of an excavator working close to pedestrians on Sandy Lane (the pathway running adjacent to Leyton Marsh), Mike was assaulted first by the driver who did not want the activities filmed and was then brutally restrained by a number of bailiffs resulting in injuries to his ribs and forehead.
Imprisoned for telling the truth about the Olympics?
On Thursday 26th April Mike Wells, a citizen journalist who writes for the Games Monitor website, was filming unsafe working practices on Leyton Marsh at the chaotically managed Olympic construction site.
As a result of his attempt to film and draw attention to the unsafe practices of an excavator working close to pedestrians on Sandy Lane (the pathway running adjacent to Leyton Marsh), Mike was assaulted first by the driver who did not want the activities filmed and was then brutally restrained by a number of bailiffs resulting in injuries to his ribs and forehead.
Several Shergroup employees dragged him 200m to Lea Valley Ice Centre car park under duress. Several shocked members of the public tried unsuccessfully to intervene and prevent further injury to Mike who had a gash on his forehead and was clearly in pain.
His assailants refused to show ID or explain their actions but appeared very agitated and were ordering people to keep away. One of them was recording the scene and bystanders on video.
Police arrived and immediately arrested Mike, who was driven away in handcuffs after being treated for some time in an ambulance.
It was very difficult to get information about where Mike was being held. Eventually we discovered that he was at Stoke Newington Police station, from where he was transferred to Leyton Custody Centre (a facility specially built for the Olympics).
There was an emergency court hearing at Bow Magistrate Court last Saturday, and this is where Mike's case becomes even more troubling. Despite being assaulted and injured, the CPS requested that Mike be denied bail. They claimed that the members of the public that witnessed the incident were protestors, taking part in a ‘highly organised event' in which protestors were menacing security staff by taking images of them. They claimed that members of the public were ‘professional' and had set out to intimidate staff and security. Mike, like all of us, should have the right to document the destruction, contamination and unsafe working practices on our marsh without being accused of criminal activity.
It was claimed that Mike ‘jumped into the excavator' (a completely unfounded accusation) and in the next breath that he ‘published events about the Olympics' as if Mike were involved in propagating incitement to violent protest. Mike is completely dedicated to covering the truth about the Olympics and its effect on communities; he has never incited or carried out any violent protest on Leyton Marsh and in fact has been the victim of violence from the bailiffs there. Despite what Mike has suffered in pursuit of covering the truth, he was denied bail on the basis he was of ‘no fixed abode'. Mike lives on the Lea in a narrowboat. This is exploiting the strict use of the term in a disingenuous way to justify denying bail.
What is even more shocking is that the Magistrate mistakenly claimed that Mike should not have been on Sandy Lane as this is an area ‘covered by the injunction'. The injunction prohibits blocking construction vehicles and staff; it does not prohibit walking or filming on Sandy Lane, until recently a tranquil public footpath that the ODA claims is open to full public access. On the completely erroneous basis that Mike had broken the injunction, Mike was remanded in custody in Thameside prison for seven days.
He was allowed very little access to the outside world and visits from his friends were denied.
What further punishment will Mike face for speaking the truth?
What threats may we face for speaking the truth about Mike? That remains to be seen. However, for entirely peaceful actions people trying to save our marsh have faced litigation threats, two High Court Injunctions, prison sentences, an eviction, threat of a further possession order and one individual has been slapped with an ASBO which could result in a 5 year prison sentence. The signs are not good.
UPDATE: Mike Wells was given conditional bail today at Bow Magistrates Court. Like Connor Murray's bail and Simon's ASBO, this prohibits Mike from going within 100m of the Olympic Park/ athletes village/ any Olympic or Paralympic training venue which effectively makes his job reporting on the Olympics for Games Monitor impossible.
Parking the Car... for Good!
08-05-2012 22:33
Radical cycling collective Bicycology is heading to the midlands this week on a journey by bicycle exposing the dark side of our obsession with cars and investigating better ways of living and getting around. Come along to our events in Birmingham, Coventry and Leicester!Is It Too Late for Environmentalism?
08-05-2012 22:23

A Rebellious World or a New Dark Age?
08-05-2012 20:28
The Occupy movement has been an extremely exciting development. Unprecedented, in fact. There’s never been anything like it that I can think of. If the bonds and associations it has established can be sustained through a long, dark period ahead -- because victory won’t come quickly -- it could prove a significant moment in American history.Protesters disrupt performance by the Jerusalem Quartet in support of a boycott of Israel
08-05-2012 19:12

Occupy LSX Strikes Back On Saturday May 12!
08-05-2012 17:36
Occupy the London stock exchange will strike back on Saturday the 12th of May. Meet up outside St Paul's Cathedral, central London at 1pm for a day of action. Bring a tent!Smash EDO Summer of Resistance Week Two begins
08-05-2012 17:06

1 Mayday March & Event
08-05-2012 16:55
Saturday 5th May 2012
This year, the annual Mayday events/march began at the Forest Ground. After forming up, people marched down the Manfield Road, through the City Centre to have a rally and hear speeches at the Congregational Hall in Castle Gate, Nottingham
Local trade unions representatives made speeches. The rally featured nine speakers in total including representatives of the CWU, Unison, Aslef, PCS, UCAT, the NUT and Notts Uncut.
A number of protesters then interupted Sir Alan Meale, the Labour MP for Mansfield, from speaking.
Anti-Labour party protest at Nottingham May Day [Feature]
Nottingham May Day - one anarchist's perspective
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
2 Mayday Speeches & Event
08-05-2012 16:55
Saturday 5th May 2012
This year, the annual Mayday events/march began at the Forest Ground. After forming up, people marched down the Manfield Road, through the City Centre to have a rally and hear speeches at the Congregational Hall in Castle Gate, Nottingham.
Local trade unions representatives made speeches. The rally featured nine speakers in total including representatives of the CWU, Unison, Aslef, PCS, UCAT, the NUT and Notts Uncut.
A number of protesters then interupted Sir Alan Meale, the Labour MP for Mansfield, from speaking.
Anti-Labour party protest at Nottingham May Day [Feature]
Nottingham May Day - one anarchist's perspective
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
3 Mayday Events, Anti-Labour Protest
08-05-2012 16:55
Saturday 5th May 2012
This year, the annual Mayday events/march began at the Forest Ground. After forming up, people marched down the Manfield Road, through the City Centre to have a rally and hear speeches at the Congregational Hall in Castle Gate, Nottingham
Local trade unions representatives made speeches. The rally featured nine speakers in total including representatives of the CWU, Unison, Aslef, PCS, UCAT, the NUT and Notts Uncut.
A number of protesters then interupted Sir Alan Meale, the Labour MP for Mansfield, from speaking. Meale’s invitation to speak at this Notts Trades Union Council organised rally had already sparked condemnation in the run up to the day concerning his alleged support for “anti-working class” politics and his expenses claims. Protesters used whistles, heckles and placards to prevent Meale from speaking.
The protesters say that "some Labour MPs have supported working class struggles, against the wishes of their party. Alan Meale is not one of these. Sir Alan is loyal to the New Labour project and voted in favour of the Iraq war and against subsequent investigation of it, was strongly in favour of draconian anti-terror legislation and the authoritarian ID cards scheme, and voted strongly for making the asylum system tougher and more punitive. He has also treated the working class with contempt by claiming £13,000 in expenses for gardening and £7,000 for redecorating his home whilst many of his constituents struggle to make ends meet. “Sir” Alan Meale got his knighthood because of his political contribution. He has demonstrated himself to be an opportunist politician who has not hesitated to sell-out the working class to further his career prospects".
The protest caused a division in those present on the validity of thier action. There were many raised voices and a certain amount of pushing and shoving. However, as Dave pointed out: "Trades Council don't own MayDay, Trade Unions don't own MayDay, nobody owns MayDay. It's a public event, not a private party where attendance is by invitation only and on the understanding attendees will behave themselves".
This bit was one of the most exciting lefty gigs I've been at in years, exposing how different we all are in our ambitions and objectives. I guess there will be a few months of arguements now. Who do you think we should invite next? I future, might bring my crash helmet I use when covering public order. Can't wait for next year :-)
Alan Meale should not speak on May Day
Nottingham May Day - one anarchist's perspective
Anti-Labour party protest at Nottingham May Day [Feature]
Sir Alan Meale MP
MPs' expenses: Labour MP Alan Meale spends more than £13,000 on gardening: Labour MP Alan Meale spent more than £13,000 on his garden in four years, billing the taxpayer for a new storage building, repairs to his fencing and gates, and bark to keep the weeds down.
Alan Meale MP's expenses
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
4 Mayday Workfare Protests
08-05-2012 16:55
Saturday 5th May 2012
This year, the annual Mayday events/march began at the Forest Ground. After forming up, people marched down the Manfield Road, through the City Centre to have a rally and hear speeches at the Congregational Hall in Castle Gate, Nottingham
Police removed those carrying a "Worfare ain't fair" banner from the front of the march.
Local trade unions representatives made speeches. The rally featured nine speakers in total including representatives of the CWU, Unison, Aslef, PCS, UCAT, the NUT and Notts Uncut.
A number of protesters then interupted Sir Alan Meale, the Labour MP for Mansfield, from speaking.
Following the rally, Autonomous Nottingham held a demonstration against companies using workfare on Lister Gate. Topman, Holland & Barrett and Poundland were targeted by pickets and hundreds of leaflets were given out to Saturday shoppers.
Anti-Labour party protest at Nottingham May Day [Feature]
Nottingham May Day - one anarchist's perspective
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"