If the elections could overturn this barbarism… th
anon@indymedia.org (rebel wolves) | 09.05.2012 10:55 | London
An English translation of anarchist analysis of the elctorial process in greece with links to the many texts coming from the various Anarchist collectives, groups and assemblies down the bottom.
If the elections could overturn this barbarism… they'd be illegal!
If the elections could overturn this barbarism… they'd be illegal!
After the massive and growing attacks of capital on labor gains, after escalating and intensifying repression in response to the resistance of the oppressed, we are called upon to participate in the game/trap of the parliamentary dictatorship on May 6th. In elections that signal the need of the rotten political system to wrest back legitimacy ad consensus anew, to exacerbate poverty, fear, depression and social cannibalism.
Now more then ever when suffocating misery surrounds us, it's crystal clear that participation in the electoral carnival is actually refraining from action and resistance. It is the relief valve for discontent and struggle against the increasing daily repression of political life, against the political system of exploitation, of inequality, the shaming of those engaging in struggle and generally, against the persecution of people [2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6] that from victims are recast as victimizers only in order to serve a hunt for votes, as they rename cannibalism "progress".
Voting is abstinence from politics, why entrust the management of our lives to an elite, power hungry minority. The polls promise a new model of multi-party government and parliament will host the Nazi's. So the parliamentary dictatorship has room for everyone, for those who are willing to serve, enough to absorb the growing social disdain for the system that plans to transform us into a society-concentration camp.
We open fronts of struggle in the streets, in work places, in open public assemblies, in neighborhoods, everywhere. We collectively combat frustration with self-organised anti-structures of solidarity that undermine the existing system and aim for social liberation. Our only way out of barbarism is to stand against the intensification of oppression and exploitation. To stem the tides of racism, fascism and totalitarianism. To fight against all those who oppress us. To not get use to the slow death they impose on us!
Δεν ψηφ?ζουμε-απ?χουμε ενεργ? | Ψ?φο στον καν?να: αντιεκλογικ? κε?μενο απ? τον Θερσ?τη | Η κρ?ση μας κυκλ?νει απ? παντο? | Αποχ? - επαν?σταση - αυτοκυβ?ρνηση [Abstinance - Revolution - Sefl-rule]| Οι αυταπ?τες που τυφλ?νουν [The illusions dazzle]| Γιατ? η αποχ? αποτελε? την εξυπν?τερη "ψ?φο" τ?ρα [Why abstinance is the smarter vote now]| Η αντιπροσωπευτικ? Δημοκρατ?α και οι εκλογ?ς ως ψευδα?σθηση και ως απ?τη [Representative democracy and elections as an illusion and a fraud]| Εκλογ?ς: Ας τους γυρ?σουμε την πλ?τη με ενεργητικ? αποχ? [Elections: Let's go back to active abstention]| Εκλογ?ς : Γιατ? απ?χουμε | Εκλογικ? απεργ?α [Election strike]| Η Αθλι?τητα των εκλογ?ν και η ευθ?νη των πολιτ?ν [The Poverty of elections and the civic]| Ενεργητικ? συνειδητ? αποχ? απ? τις εκλογ?ς [Active conscious abstention from elections]| Π?λι τα ?δια; [Again?]| Εν?ντια στα ψευτοδιλλ?ματα των εκλογ?ν [Against the bullshit of elections] | Εν?ντια στις εκλογικ?ς διαδικασ?ες εξ?γερση και αγ?νας για την αναρχ?α [Against the electoral process, revolt and fight for anarchy]| Για τις εκλογ?ς [About the elections]| Οι εκλογ?ς σηματοδοτο?ν την εκ ν?ου νομιμοπο?ηση της κυριαρχ?ας τους [Elections mark the re-legalization of their sovereignty]| Αποχ? απ? τις εκλογ?ς - συμμετοχ? στους κοινωνικο?ς και ταξικο?ς αγ?νες [Abstaining from the elctions - participation in social and class struggles]| Το να ψηφ?ζεις σημα?νει να εγκαταλε?πεις τη δ?ναμ? σου | Αντιεκλογικη Αφισα - Vogliamo tutto | Η λ?ση στην κρ?ση ε?ναι στα χ?ρια μας | Ο?τε εκλογικ?ς ο?τε εθνικ?ς ο δικ?ς μας αγ?νας ε?ναι ταξικ?ς | Ο κ?σμος δεν αλλ?ζει με αυταπ?τες εκλογικ?ς - το α?ριο το χτ?ζουμε γκρεμ?ζοντας το χθες | Αυτοκ?λλητα "Δεν Ψηφ?ζω" | Αποχ? απ? τις εκλογ?ς. Συμμετοχ? στον απελευθερωτικ?-επαναστατικ? αγ?να | Τα σκατ? και αυτ?ς της κ?λπης ποιος θα τα καθαρ?σει; | Αν οι εκλογ?ς μπορο?σαν να αλλ?ξουν τον κ?σμο θα ?ταν παρ?νομες | Αφ?σα στην Αλεξανδρο?πολη | Οι ?νθρωποι δεν ξ?ρουν τη δ?ναμ? τους | Συνειδητ? αποχ? | H αποχ? ως δυνατ?τητα της κοινων?ας να οριοθετε? τη στιγμ? | Αντιεκλογικ? τρικ?κια | Επιτ?λους βα?νομεν προς εκλογ?ς! | Κ?λπη και ταξικ? προδοσ?α | Ψ?φισες... και τ?ρα; | Η διαχε?ριση του φ?βου, ? τ?ρα μιλ?με εμε?ς |
anon@indymedia.org (rebel wolves)
Original article on IMC London:
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