UK Newswire Archive
The 'War On Terror' - Nine Years On [1]
21-09-2010 11:22
Bristol Stop The War Coalition are holding a meeting on October 7th to discuss the state of the “War on Terror” and strategy for the anti-war movement.The 'War On Terror' – Nine Years On
Speakers: Lindsey German (National Convener of Stop The War)
Date: Thursday 7th October
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: 3rd Floor, Hamilton House, Stokes Croft, Bristol, BS2 8TN. (This is opposite the end of Jamaica Street).
All Welcome
It is now nine years since George Bush, backed by Tony Blair, launched the 'war on terror'. Nine years in which hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans have died along with thousands of US and hundreds of British troops. Millions of Iraqis and Afghans are refugees. The infrastructure of these countries has been destroyed. In Afghanistan tens of thousands of occupying troops prop up a corrupt government which has little support outside the capital. In Iraq the occupation has encouraged the division of the country along religious and ethnic lines. Fifty thousand US troops remain in Iraq, despite their claim that the war is over. At the same time Israel continues its occupation of Palestine and attacks on Gaza. There are continued threats to attack Iran as well as sanctions crippling the country.
The 'war on terror' was launched under the pretext of making us safe in Britain. Instead the government and media have encouraged Islamophobia and attacks on civil liberties. Protestors against Israel's attacks on Gaza have received long jail sentences for minor offences.
All of this has carried a massive financial cost for Britain. Over the last nine years £20 billion has been spent on the invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. This money would have gone a long way towards covering the costs of public services which our new government is intent on cutting.
77% of people in Britain want troops brought home from Afghanistan but in a recent debate in Parliament only 16 MPs voted for a motion to withdraw British troops.
There have been some notable victories for the anti-war movement recently. Tony Blair was prevented from signing his book in London and having a launch party for it at Tate Modern by the strength of opposition. The 'EDO Decommissioners', on trial for wrecking an arms factory supplying equipment to Israel, were all acquitted having argued that they were acting to prevent a greater crime – Israel's attack on Gaza.
Come along to the meeting to discuss these and related issues.
illegal eviction happening now....
21-09-2010 11:22
Illegal eviction happening now at 235 stapleton road...get down there if you can....
Minorca Application lacks a through Traffic Assessment
21-09-2010 10:40
As the Minorca Opencast Protest Group prepares to put it's case to Leicestershire County Council on why UK Coal's Minorca Surface Mine Application should be rejected it has begun to publish it's detailed objections. This Press Release out lines the first of these.High Level Nuke Dump Opposition
21-09-2010 10:23
Who in their right mind would oppose "Managing Radioactive Wastes Safely" ?The cleverly (Orwellian) titled: Managing Radioactive Wastes Safely Partnership is designed to stifle any opposition to thegeological 'disposal' of high level nuclear waste.
The 'War On Terror' - Nine Years On
21-09-2010 10:22
Bristol Stop The War Coalition are holding a meeting on October 7th to discuss the state of the “War on Terror” and strategy for the anti-war movement.The 'War On Terror' – Nine Years On
Speakers: Lindsey German (National Convener of Stop The War)
Date: Thursday 7th October
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: 3rd Floor, Hamilton House, Stokes Croft, Bristol, BS2 8TN. (This is opposite the end of Jamaica Street).
All Welcome
It is now nine years since George Bush, backed by Tony Blair, launched the 'war on terror'. Nine years in which hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans have died along with thousands of US and hundreds of British troops. Millions of Iraqis and Afghans are refugees. The infrastructure of these countries has been destroyed. In Afghanistan tens of thousands of occupying troops prop up a corrupt government which has little support outside the capital. In Iraq the occupation has encouraged the division of the country along religious and ethnic lines. Fifty thousand US troops remain in Iraq, despite their claim that the war is over. At the same time Israel continues its occupation of Palestine and attacks on Gaza. There are continued threats to attack Iran as well as sanctions crippling the country.
The 'war on terror' was launched under the pretext of making us safe in Britain. Instead the government and media have encouraged Islamophobia and attacks on civil liberties. Protestors against Israel's attacks on Gaza have received long jail sentences for minor offences.
All of this has carried a massive financial cost for Britain. Over the last nine years £20 billion has been spent on the invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. This money would have gone a long way towards covering the costs of public services which our new government is intent on cutting.
77% of people in Britain want troops brought home from Afghanistan but in a recent debate in Parliament only 16 MPs voted for a motion to withdraw British troops.
There have been some notable victories for the anti-war movement recently. Tony Blair was prevented from signing his book in London and having a launch party for it at Tate Modern by the strength of opposition. The 'EDO Decommissioners', on trial for wrecking an arms factory supplying equipment to Israel, were all acquitted having argued that they were acting to prevent a greater crime – Israel's attack on Gaza.
Come along to the meeting to discuss these and related issues.
High Level Nuke Dump Opposition
21-09-2010 10:04

The cleverly (Orwellian) titled: Managing Radioactive Wastes Safely Partnership is designed to stifle any opposition to thegeological 'disposal' of high level nuclear waste.
Simon Chapman to face Greek Courts again
21-09-2010 09:22
Simon Chapman and 3 other defendants to again face the Greek Courts. Simon was amongst 29 protesters arrested during the protests against the EU summit in Thessaloniki in 2003. While the others were released, the seven were held on remand on charges of rioting, possession of explosives and resisting authorities. All 7 say that these charges are false. In Simon Chapman's case, video and photographic evidence confirm that he was framed. The seven went on hungerstrike between 49 and 66 days in protest against the conditions of their arrest and imprisonment.
The London Thessaloniki Solidarity Group was formed in 2003 soon after the arrests at the EU summit demonstrations in Thessaloniki.
Statement of the London Thessaloniki Solidarity Group - September 19th, 2010 version.
The entire basis of the arrests in 2003, was and still remains, an arbitrary attack upon the demonstrations, where culpability was placed upon those that the Greek authorities sought to make examples of. From the beginning of the process of detention it was clear that evidence of guilt would not even be based upon recognition of legal facts or evidence but by association. In Thessaloniki during those days everyone was guilty, and for the Greek authorities, it was merely the case of charging those either unfortunate to be detained ( then beaten and tortured ) many of which coming from outside of Greece. The 7 which were detained, know as the Thessaloniki 7, consisted of 3 Greeks ( 2 of which were teenagers ), 2 Spanish, 1 Syrian and 1 British. In response to their continued incarceration, a hunger strike began in early September 2003, lasting 56 days and finally leading to the release of all 7 prisoners for humanitarian reasons. The embarrassment of negative publicity, along with the many solidarity demonstrations and actions throughout greece and the world, forced the hand of the Greek state in averting a greater problem of creating martyrs for a burgeoning movement. After the successful release and dropping of bail conditions for the 7, rumours of a re-emergence of the trials again began circulating. This time in late 2007 the initial confirmation for the start of a trial being 8th January 2008.
For this story continues. Simon Chapman from London, UK was found guilty of the following charges in 2008
• Culpable of repeated explosion from which there could result common danger for a human being
• Repeated construction of explosive bombs
• Possession of explosive bombs
• Distinguished riot/rebellion
• Distinguished cases of damages in confluence
He was then sentenced to 8 1/2 years in prison in his absence, with others receiving 5 years, most either being found not guilty or guilty of lesser non-imprisonable charges. Since 2008 the trial has left a legacy with 5 outstanding appeals to the conviction and inflated prison sentences. These appeals - now reduced to 4 defendants after the outcome of an earlier appeal hearing of one of the defendants - again sees 3 of the 5 hunger strikers of 2003 appear in court including Simon Chapman.
At this stage, with just under a week left before the beginning of the trial (the trial begins on September 24th in Thessaloniki ) , the fact remains, that what we are fighting now is the same process of repression that we fought successfully in 2003. In Simon's case especially, documented video and photo evidence clearly shows MAT riot police plant molotov cocktails in black bags and strap them to his body. Simon has maintained, and which photographic evidence illustrate, that he was carrying a light blue rack sack with nothing more than water bottles. This blatant attempt to artificial manufacture culpability remains a reflection of the nature of these trials.
We therefore express our solidarity to the 4 defendants facing the courts and prosecutors of the Greek state, and reaffirm our commitment to fight in solidarity with them.
Our commitment for the freedom of the Thessaloniki 4!
Solidarity and dignity against repression!
London Thessaloniki Solidarity Group - September 19th, 2010
For Contact Please email us at:
We will be using UK indymedia to post updates during the next few days London Thessaloniki Solidarity Group
Because We’re Worth It – The Top Coppers’ Rich List
21-09-2010 08:22
Some government departments have several top civil servants earning more than the prime minister who is paid £142,500.Cabinet Office Minister Francis Maude's own department has 21 people earning more than the PM.The Department of Communities and Local Government, headed by Eric Pickles, has nine.Iraq - Tortures in prisons VIDEO
21-09-2010 05:34
Iraq - Tortures in prisons
English Defence League pull EDL clothing following complaints over profits
21-09-2010 04:02
The English Defence League have stated that they they have pulled the merchandise ie clothing range following accusations from some EDL that Tommy Robinson and Kev Carrol were keeping the money. English Defence League insiders however know that the truth is rather different. The real reason for the clothing line being withdrawn by Tommy Robinson is as follows in the video.Leicester council email line against English Defence League October 9th march.
21-09-2010 00:42

Police to seize children from medical marijuana users (by Latuff)
21-09-2010 00:41

Hafla bila hudud - festival without borders
20-09-2010 22:22
From the 6th to the 12th September 2010 a radical festival of music, art, action, performance and play was held in
Calais, Northern France.
The port of Calais is home to several hundred migrants from Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq and many other places, trying to cross the channel to the UK. These migrants are the target of brutal repression by the French state, subject to regular police raids, arrests, beatings, and all-round miserable living conditions.
This festival without borders seeks to bring us together, "legals" and "illegals", channeling our resistance with music, action, and play.
F.A.G. Club
20-09-2010 22:22
F.A.G. club this Thursday at Midnimo Centre (Ashley Rd). is a queer feminist d.i.t(ogether) event for all genders and
sexualities. Usually bands play and things.
PURPLE RHINESTONE EAGLE - from Portland, USA, come a tribe of witches
weaving miraculous noises, revolutionary feminist prog for the 21st
TRASH KIT - delectable dancey beats back from their summer hiatus
gracing the fag club stage. kit
BELLIES! - hungry homo punk pop duo.
WOOLF - Four noisy women play their first Bristol show. We've been
waiting so long.
Simon Chapman and 3 other defendants to again face the Greek Courts
20-09-2010 22:07
Statement of the London Thessaloniki Solidarity Group - September 19th, 2010 versionThe solidarity group was formed in 2003 soon after the arrests at the EU summit demonstrations in Thessaloniki.
Brussels No Border Camp: just five days to go ...
20-09-2010 21:37
NO BORDER CAMP in Brussels 25th September-3rd October 2010bristol reading group on primitivism and eco-socialism
20-09-2010 21:22
Commune reading groupReading group session will look at primitivism and eco-socialism.
The next Bristol reading group session will be on Sunday 26th September at 6pm in Café Kino on Ninetree Hill, Stokes Croft, Bristol.
Note that we are back at Café Kino. The session will discuss anarchist primitivism and eco-socialism. Suggested background reading below. All welcome: email for more info.
Green Anarchy Collective “What is Green Anarchy? An Introduction to Anti-Civilization Thought and Practice”:
For a critique of primitivism see Andrew Flood, “Civilisation, primitivism and anarchism”:
An eco-socialist alternative from Michael Löwy , “Ecosocialism and democratic planning”:
Green Anarchy Collective critique of the Left, “The Problem of the Left”:
National Demonstration Against Agrofuels
20-09-2010 18:22
Coach from BristolThere will be a coach from Bristol to the National Demonstration Against Agrofuels in Portland, at the gates of the port where W4B plan to build an agrofuel power station which will burn palm oil from South-east Asia. This is the same company that is planning to build an even larger such power station at Avonmouth. The coach will be leaving from Anchor Road in Bristol at 10am and to return will leave Portland at 6pm.
National Demonstration Against Agrofuel Subsidies - Portland, Dorset - Saturday, 25th September
If W4B get to build their two proposed power stations in Portland and Avonmouth, they will be burning 1.3 times as much palm oil as is used in all UK biofuels at present. They were given planning permission for the Portland power station earlier this year, despite strong local protests. There is a very active local campaign group against those plans in Dorset - NOPE (No Oil Palm for energy). The national demonstration, will show support for this important local campaign and call for an end to the agrofuel subsidies which are behind W4B's and similar plans.
The demonstration is jointly organised by Campaign Against Climate Change, NOPE, Biofuelwatch and Food not Fuel. For more information, including a timetable for Saturdday, see .
The Bristol coach will leave Anchor Road at 10am (see ). The cost will be £15.- to £20 return, depending on numbers, with discounts for students/unwaged. To find out more or to book a ticket, please email
Palestine Today 09 20 2010
20-09-2010 17:50

Welcome to Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Monday September 20, 2010.