UK Newswire Archive
March on Camden Town Hall - Part I
28-02-2011 23:22
March on Camden Town Hall against the Cuts to protest Council Budget Meeting. About 500 people gathered in Camden to march to the townhall in Euston. Part I: Start of the march. 28 February 2011
Defend Julian Assange! Behind the witch-hunt of #WikiLeaks
28-02-2011 22:38

Pics #camden town hall #cuts demo
28-02-2011 20:22
quick pics
hundreds of people blocked euston road junction after they were not allowed inside the camden town hall budget cuts meeting - earlier they made several attempts to push inside the building but were pushed back by police
at this time the road junction is still blocked and the police have made no attempt to clear the road
more later
Arab Uprising - Riotstep Reboot
28-02-2011 20:15

Libya: Is Washington Pushing for Civil War to Justify a US-NATO Military Interve
28-02-2011 19:06
“There is now talk about a “humanitarian intervention” in Libya, similar to Yugoslavia and Iraq. A “no-fly zone” over Libya has been mentioned, as has NATO military intervention. The aims behind such statements are not humanitarian, but are intended to justify foreign interference, which could potentially lead to an invasion. Should this come to fruition, Libya would become an occupied country. Its resources would be plundered and its assets privatized and controlled by foreign corporations as in the case of Iraq.Today, in Libya and the Arab World the ghosts of Omar Mukhtar and Saladin are still very much alive and active. Getting rid of Gaddafi and his sons alone is not the solution. The entire corrupt system of governance in Libya and the culture of political corruption must be dismantled. At the same time, however, foreign interference or domination should also not be allowed to take root in Libya. If the Libyan people are mobilized and steadfast, they can fight such schemes.”
"Reports by Al Jazeera about Libyan jets firing on protesters in Tripoli and the major cities are unverified and questionable. [9] Hereto, the reports that Libyan jets have been attacking people in the streets have not been verified. No visual evidence of the jet attacks has been shown, while visual confirmation about other events have been coming out of Libya.
Al Jazeera is not alone in its biased reporting from Libya. The Saudi media is also relishing the events in Libya. Asharq Al-Awsat is a Saudi-owned paper that is strictly aligned to U.S. interests in the Middle East-North Africa (MENA) region. Its editor-in-chief is now running editorials glorifying the Arab League for their decision to suspend Libya, because of the use of force by Tripoli against Libyans protesters – why were such steps not taken for Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, or Yemen? Inside and outside the Arab World, the mainstream media is now creating the conditions for some sort of intervention in Libya."
Remote sabotage of energy companys' data assets
28-02-2011 18:23
An "oil leak" has revealed that several large energy corporations have had their electronic resources systematically sabotaged by hacktivists. The energy corporations have tried to deflect attention from their vulnerability to principled, White-Hat envirohacks by blaming their competitors (mainly China, where by coincidence the servers used to launch some of the attacks were hosted.)
UK Census 2011: Why I Will Be Breaking The Law on March 27, 2011
28-02-2011 16:14

If you live in the England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland then I would also like you to break the law. We can do it together, and I know for a fact that an awful lot of people will be doing the same.
Arms Trade Protestors at the Baby Show
28-02-2011 15:22
A report on a weekend of action against Clarion Events, owners of the DSEi arms fair
Protestors were outside the Baby Show at the ExCel Centre last weekend to draw attention to plans by Clarion Events, the organisers of the event, to hold one of the world’s biggest arms fairs at the ExCel in September. Supporters of ‘East London Against Arms Fairs’ and the Campaign Against Arms Trade’ handed out leaflets to inform visitors of the links between the Baby Show and the much more sinister event in September.
At the biennial arms fairs weapons are demonstrated and deals are done with governments from all over the world, including many that suppress human rights. Delegations from Algeria, Bahrain, China, Egypt, Israel, Libya and Russia have been invited to previous arms fairs. One of the protesters said: “We are seeing now from events in the Middle East and North Africa how these governments use these weapons for the violent repression of their own peoples’ human rights. We are campaigning to stop the arms fair, which brings shame on our city.”
Palestine Today 02 28 2011
28-02-2011 15:15

Libya News Excerp DN! ::: Kwantum :::
28-02-2011 14:11

Protect Assange, don’t abuse him
28-02-2011 13:52
Forty years ago, a book entitled The Greening of America caused a sensation. On the cover were these words: "There is a revolution coming. It will not be like revolutions of the past. It will originate with the individual." I was a correspondent in the United States at the time and recall the overnight elevation to guru status of the author, a young Yale academic, Charles Reich. His message was that political action had failed and only "culture" and introspection could change the world. This merged with an insidious corporate public relations campaign aimed at reclaiming western capitalism from the sense of freedom inspired by the civil rights and anti-war movements. The new propaganda's euphemisms were postmodernism, consumerism and "me-ism".Brick Lane Community Business Forum RESPONDS to CONDEM Poverty, 5 PM tonight
28-02-2011 13:31
Today’s Guardian has again made excuses for the failure of Tower Hamlets Council as a Local education Authority. Generations of children in the East End have been let down by the failing LEA.'The Road to Wigan Pier' Revisited By Stephen Armstrong
28-02-2011 12:57
The Roots Research Centre and Equanomics UK are assisting author Stephen Armstrong in research for a book with a modern day take on the Orwell book about poverty in the UK 'The Road to Wigan Pier' and he would really like to make contact with people in Manchester, Bradford, Sheffield, Liverpool and Wigan.Top two Iranian opposition leaders secretly jailed. West fails to act
28-02-2011 12:33
The White House on Monday, Feb. 28, said the U.S. "strongly condemns the Iranian government's organized intimidation campaign…"The disappearance of Iran's two most prominent opposition figures, Mir-Hossein Moussavi and Mehdi Karroubi, was not mentioned in the White House statement.
David Rovics - West Midlands IWW benefit gig
28-02-2011 11:46

Redhill Anti-Cuts group takes over NatWest
28-02-2011 10:50

EDL Latest
28-02-2011 10:05
Warning : this article may contain ‘big words’ so to help the EDL trolls, here is a link to the dickshunry :
PA, with US encouragement, delayed a UN vote on the Goldstone Report into war cr
28-02-2011 06:27

Natwest Bank shut by anti-cuts protesters
28-02-2011 03:37
Saturday 26th February
Notts UK Uncut occupied Natwest Bank, ultimately forcing it to close early. The theme was "The Big Society Reading Room" .... setting up a temporary library in the bank.
Notts UK Uncut occupied Natwest Bank, ultimately forcing it to close early. The theme was "The Big Society Reading Room" .... setting up a temporary library in the bank.
The Natwest just off Market Square was targetted as part of a national day of action against Natwest and Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) who own it.
Campaigners are angry that the firm has been allowed to pay investment bankers massive bonuses, despite the fact that it was bailed out by the British taxpayer to the tune of billions of pounds in 2008.
Protesters entered the bank around 11.30am and were able to remain in for more than 2 hours. For most of this time the bank was still in operation. This created a bizarre atmosphere, with customers queuing to be served on one side of the store while campaigners were sat with banners on the other, often chanting and reading stories.
After an hour or so, a couple of Community Protection Officers arrived, surveyed the situation, took some notes, and generally hung about. After a further interval, a couple of armed officers arrived complete with side arms!! [presumably leaving the H&K assault rifles in the car outside]. After a few exchanges, realised that the protest was of good order and didn't seem to need such policing. After a bit of a chat with the management, they to hung about a bit also.
Eventually, the management clearly decided they'd had enough and the bank was shut early, with a note stuck to the door explaining only that this was due to "unforseen circumstances." From Natwest, protesters moved onto Vodafone and Boots [again], targetted because of their efforts to avoid paying tax.
Notts UK Uncut Nat West ‘bail in’
UK Uncut
Notts SOS
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"