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Boris back in court vs Haw

01-03-2011 20:22

London's Tory Mayor Boris Johnson returned to the High Court today in a fresh bid to evict veteran peace campaigner Brian Haw from Parliament Square.

His fellow demonstrators in the makeshift camp known as Democracy Village had to leave the site last July after the Court of Appeal backed possession orders granted to Mr Johnson by Mr Justice Griffith Williams.

But the court remitted "with considerable hesitation" the question of whether it was reasonable and proportionate to enforce the orders against Mr Haw.

The peace activist's long-standing presence on the pavement on the east side of Parliament Square was not challenged, except for his encroachment on to a small adjoining part of the gardens where he had pitched a tent.

Mr Haw is receiving treatment for lung cancer in Germany but fellow protester Barbara Tucker was in court in London today to hear the mayor's counsel David Forsdick repeat his stance that he could not envisage situations where he would agree to a semi-permanent camp protest on the site.

The hearing before Mr Justice Wyn Williams is expected to last for two days with judgment likely to be reserved to a later date.

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Occupy Topshop Oxford Circus Saturday March 26th 5:30pm!

01-03-2011 20:03

Uncut UK will be holding an occupation of Topshop at Oxford Circus on Saturday March the 26 at 5:30pm right after the national anti-cuts demonstration in Hyde Park. This is in protest at the owners of Topshop's tax avoidance in which they have avoided paying billions of pounds in corporation tax while the government is implenting over 80 billions pounds of cuts to public services.

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Notts Uncut campaigners shut Natwest Bank

01-03-2011 19:23

On Saturday 26th February, campaigner from Notts Uncut occupied Natwest Bank on Market Square and established “the big society reading room”. Protesters remained in the bank for around 2 hours before management decided to close early. The protest was part of a national day of action organised by UK Uncut against Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) who own Natwest. After Natwest, campaigners visited Vodafone and Boots, both targeted because of their efforts to avoid paying tax.

On the newswire: Battle of Boots | Vodafone visited [yet again] by anti-cuts protest | Natwest Bank shut by anti-cuts protesters | Natwest Bank shut by protesters

In 2008 RBS suffered the biggest loss in British corporate history – more than £24bn, forcing it to announce 9,000 job cuts. Despite this, former Chief Executive Sir Fred Goodwin – who had presided over the calamity – received a £342,000 a year pension, causing widespread public anger.

Under the reign of Goodwin RBS had pursued an aggressive expansion strategy. But in 2007, the bank overstretched itself with the disastrous acquisition of Dutch bank ABN Amro, leading a year later to a massive public bail-out of £20 billion. Taxpayers now have an 84% shareholding in RBS.

Last year, RBS won government approval to pay its top investment bankers £1.3 billion in bonuses – despite announcing losses amounting to an extraordinary £1.93 billion. The Evening Standard described how the 2010 bonus pot was “distributed among 22,000 high-performing deal-makers – an average of £59,090 each” with some “getting awards that run into the millions”.

RBS is this year expected to unveil a £613 million loss. However, The Sunday Telegraph disclosed in January that Stephen Hester, RBS’s chief executive, “is on course to be paid a bonus of £2.44 million”. Bank sources were reported as confirming that the amount “will be paid in shares, which Hester can cash in after three years”. Hester has argued that his bank has to pay out bonuses at market rates to keep top performers because without them taxpayers will lose out.

However, as David Cameron pointed out before becoming Prime Minister, the UK’s bonus culture “encouraged short-term risk-taking instead of rewarding the long-term interests of shareholders and the public.” Cameron therefore argued that “where the taxpayer owns a large stake in a bank, we are saying that no employee should be paid a bonus of over £2,000.”

As George Monbiot has explained, the government may claim they want to “tame the banks”, but in reality, they have been protecting them all along – not least by trying (and failing) to kill tougher European rules on bankers" bonuses. If the government won’t tame RBS and end the bonus culture, it’s up to us to act. It’s time to take back the banks so they serve everyone, not just the super-rich. After all, without us, they wouldn’t exist!

RBS in the press

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Activists block access to BIS and UKTI DSO to demand an end to arms sales

01-03-2011 17:56

Solidarity with the libyan people. The police issue warning to government departments with links to Libya to be "extra vigilant" following the demonstrations this morning.

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Palestine Today 03 01 2011

01-03-2011 16:29

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Tuesday March 1, 2011.

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Brighton demo this Friday in Solidarity with the Middle Eastern Revolutions

01-03-2011 16:27

The uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa are ongoing. Gaddafi has now lost control of the majority of Libya while, an uprising has begun in Oman while resistance continues in Bahrain and Yemen.

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The Last of the International Brigaders

01-03-2011 16:22


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Benefit Night for Freedom Press

01-03-2011 15:29

Benefit party for Freedom Press and Bookshop collective, the longstanding anarchist publisher based in Whitechapel, East London founded in 1886 by a group of friends, including Charlotte Wilson and Peter Kropotkin.
Come and join us to have a good time and rise funds to help Freedom survive and thrive!

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How Peoples’ Power Was Betrayed

01-03-2011 15:12

While Peoples’ Power blazed a bloody trail across the Middle East, offering fresh hope to the marginalized and injecting fear among tyrants, this island archipelago ruefully reflected on the 25 wasted years since Corazon Aquino’s popular revolt mesmerized the world.

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Brighton marks 35th anniversary occupation of Western Sahara

01-03-2011 14:35

The opening of a photo exhibition in Brighton, attended by 80 people, coincided with the 35th anniversary of the occupation of Western Sahara. The exhibition of photos from the Western Saharan refugee camps was addressed by a Saharawi who described the harsh life in the camps. Exhibition until 1st May, Brighton.

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Camden Town Hall: Is This What Democracy Looks Like?

01-03-2011 13:20

Public gallery after police refused to let the public into the building
Again and again across the UK, a pattern is being repeated of local government denying the public access to their town halls where decisions are being made that will devastate their lives.

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AstraZeneca Week of Action saw conference disruptions and many demos across Lond

01-03-2011 13:05

AstraZeneca are a major customer and vocal supporter of HLS's cruel methods of animal torture and scientific fraud, AZ even have the audacity to state that no suffering occurs at HLS! Two days of action against them in London - get involved!

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Sign our Open Letter to President Obama: Release Shaker Aamer

01-03-2011 12:06

Downing Street:recent action to mark 9 years of Shaker Aamer's illegal detention
Shaker Aamer, a Saudi national who lived in the UK for many years, and has a British family, has been held illegally without charge or trial for over 9 years at Guantánamo Bay. The British government has made various efforts over the past 4 years for his release but he remains, for reasons unknown, in American custody. Please sign our letter and let the US administration know that the UK would like him back

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Imperialism and historical context of the developing 2011 Egyptian Revolution

01-03-2011 10:37

The developing Egyptian revolution is examined in its structural relations and connections to previous Egyptian revolutions, as well as to imperialism. The current developments are proposed to be the inevitable result of the reversals of programs and goals of the 1952 Revolution, shortly after the death of its leader, Gamal Abdel Nasser, by his successors.

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Video: Camden Town Hall Cuts Demo + Blockade

01-03-2011 07:24

Video of the anti cuts march and demo against the cuts in Camden coinciding with the council meeting to vote through around £35 million in cuts. See protest info here.

Around 500 people marched from Mornington Crescent. Arriving at Camden Town Hall it became clear that only a few people were being allowed inside. Chanting "let us in!" the crowd surged towards the entrance but were pushed back by police. In the end only around 15 people were allowed into the public galleries (though they still managed to make their voices heard) whilst the seats for around 90 people remained empty.

Outside people made more attempts to talk or push their way inside until the crowd moved to blockade the crossroads by the town hall on Euston road for over an hour and a half. 

The council passed the cuts.

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Could Venezuela see her future in the oily crystal ball of Libya?

01-03-2011 02:36

On the 'Dark Continent' the Twilight of the 'Wretched of the Earth' is casting an obscure anticipatory awakening on the northern part of the continent ...

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Libyan Opposition Spurns Calls for Foreign ‘Help

01-03-2011 02:24

"The US is already in contact with Gadhafi. They will keep him “in country” until they make they’re move. Capture or kill the old “asset,” it will make little difference to the US ruling class or the “seals” that carry it out. All that matters to the “masters” are two things: 1) The country’s’ oil. 2) Certainty that the new rulers represent the same elite class interests. Nothing is to be gained by the Libyan people. They will have to fight to be able to determine their fates. Perhaps many others will rise with them? Otherwise, it will be imperial conquest as usual."

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Car injures cyclists in Porto Alegre critcial mass, Brazil

01-03-2011 01:23

a link to a BBC news report about a driver who drove into approx 20 cyclists, injuring 9, during a monthly critical mass ride

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March on Camden Town Hall - Part II

01-03-2011 00:22

March on Camden Town Hall - Part II ( 28 February 2011 ): People demanding to get into the Council Meeting, Blockade of Euston Junction for more then 1 hour.