UK Newswire Archive
Colonial outlook at World Service[Bigger Better Colonies]
17-04-2002 11:50
The so-called Global Brodcaster is a Global DiscriminatorApril 17th: International Day of Farmers' Struggle
17-04-2002 11:48
April 17 is the International Day of Farmers' Struggle.No protest from religious elites.
17-04-2002 11:06
Where are the protests to Blairs planned genocide of Iraq.There appears to be no response to this planned violation of internaional law from either the established Church,or any other religiouse elites.Greek army in state of general mobilisation
17-04-2002 10:11
Greece is the one member of the European Union to remain in mobilisation since the second world war. A state of war existed with Albania from 1940 to 1981. For the last 27 years and following the Turkish invasion and occupation of 33% of Cyprus we remain in a state of general mobilisation.PALESTINIAN PARTISANS EXPRESS SOLIDARITY WITH COLOMBIAN REBELS
17-04-2002 06:04
"Let us unite to express our thirst for justice!" - In a joint declaration released by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the Turkish revolutionary organization Revolutionary People's Liberation Front (DHKC) these two organizations link their struggles to the Colombian rebel army FARC.The Chimp to cut funding to Palestine??
17-04-2002 05:30
The Chimp to cut funding to Palestine??Fear
17-04-2002 03:21
Please stop living in fear adn stop being so politically correct. Why do I have so many pproblems publishing on this site obviously the Hamas have probablt taken over like they have taken over all you european countries. They have taken over our indymedia SF bu this is not the country or all of the left.Israel, Zionism, and the Racial Double Standard
17-04-2002 01:07
Double standards about Israeli apartheidMcKinney finds MASS support in her 9-11 Inquiry Position!! You can help too!!
17-04-2002 00:35
U.S. Congressional Representative Cynthia McKinney Finds MASS Support in her Demand for 9-11 Inquiry. Urge ALL YOU KNOW to SEND HER A DONATION!! [contact info below] Nearly 50% in Atlanta Journal Constitution poll believed "Bush had pre-knowledge of 9-11 terrorist strikes!!"Difference between an Israeli teenager and a Palestinian Teenager
17-04-2002 00:12
Difference between an Israeli teenager and a Palestinian TeenagerTake over by SWP
16-04-2002 22:24
Indeed, that is precisely what they have been busy doing in Zimbabwe, where a Trotskyist outfit known as International Socialist Organisation (ISO), sister organisation of the British SWP, has been a founder member of the MDC, which even by the admission of Trotskyists is totally dominated by capitalists, white farmers, middle class elements and, above all, by imperialism.Palestine: List of upcoming events
16-04-2002 22:13
A list of upcoming events in support of Palestine from a CPR newsletterwhat indymedia censors - hidden from you
16-04-2002 22:07
You may or may not like it - it may antagonise or you may think it stupid. Youaren't allowed to make that choice. im censors hide it, and you aren't going to bother with that musty vault are you? Click the links and decide for yourself whether or not you should be denied access.Mancunian under fire on peace march
16-04-2002 21:07
By Gaby WineA YOUNG Jewish Mancunian has spoken of her time in Bethlehem as part of an international group of peace protesters.
Anti-semitism on the rise?
16-04-2002 21:04
Fears have been raised within the British Jewish community of an increase in racist attacks and anti-Jewish sentiment in the UK. Although anti-Jewish violence has not reached the level seen in France, Jews are bracing themselves for repurcussions related to the Israeli reoccupation of Palestinian territories.Arbeit Macht Frei: Welcome to Palestine! (cartoon by Latuff)
16-04-2002 21:02