UK Newswire Archive
The Librarians Strike Back - Southampton' Libraries to be closed by more Strikes
10-08-2010 11:50

BNP Bankrupt in 14 days
10-08-2010 11:15
sources suggest bankruptcy is imminentDive into a weekend of music as Glasgow pool hosts Sonic Soak
10-08-2010 10:23
Dive into a weekend of music as Glasgow pool
hosts Sonic Soak
The Govanhill Baths Art and Regeneration Team in association with 85A
A Sonic Soak
August 21st and 22nd, 2010.
How do you like your neoliberalism?
10-08-2010 10:23
Naomi Klein argues that the ‘core tenets of Chicago School economics’ are ‘privatisation, deregulation and cuts to government services’ (Naomi Klein, 2008, The Shock Doctrine pg:444). The ‘Third Way’ philosophy espoused by ‘New Labour’ involved a strong commitment to both privatisa
Did Scot’s Lord Advocate spend more on her reputation than a girl got for being raped?
10-08-2010 10:23
Levy & McRae, the legal firm which represented Elish Angiolini, the Lord Advocate - Scotland’s most senior law officer - last month took The Drum to the Press Complaints Commission and lost.
International Action this weekend against new round of executions in Iran - Scotland action by the Anti-Injustice movement
10-08-2010 10:23
Anti justice movement are organising Scottish part of International Action this weekend against new round of executions in Iran
Glasgow SCOTLAND: Thursday August 5 at 2pm on Buchanan Street at the junction with Gordon Street, outside Borders Books (which is now closed but everyone knows it).
Help stop Dovesdale incinerator
10-08-2010 10:23
Plans are afoot for a new waste incineration plant in Larkhall, Lanarkshire which is to built on greenbelt land.
See here for more:
Leading Researchers Lie about SSPCA Support
10-08-2010 10:23
For Immediate Release
Leading Researchers Lie about SSPCA Support
July 2010 Chiapas/Zapatista News Summary
10-08-2010 10:23
1. Mitziton Protest Blocks Pan-Am Highway
2. Mitziton Denounces Torture of 2 Other Campaign Members
3. Virgin of Dolores Ranch Denounces Provocations
4. Other Campaign Members Denounce Drainage Plan
BP: The unfinished crimes and plunder of Anglo-American imperialism
10-08-2010 08:10

Little did the masters of British imperialism realize that one of the most dazzling El Dorado’s in the long and tortured history of British imperialism would soon be born? Geo-politically it would have reverberations well beyond the region of the Persian Gulf. It was one of the most decisive steps in the march of imperial globalization, the speed-up the concentration of capital and the resulting imperialist rivalries.
Bristol Indymedia presents: PRISON?
09-08-2010 22:22
an evening of theatre and debateBristol Indymedia and Bristol ABC, in association with Bristol Anarchist Bookfair, present PRISON ?
A one man performance written and performed by Charlie Ryder. This is a true story which is creatively told using a variety of theatrical devices including puppetry, masks, physical theatre and dance.
Monday 6 September 2010 - Doors 7.30pm for 8pm performance.
£3/4 but nobody turned away for lack of funds
The Cube cinema, Dove St South, Bristol BS2 8JD
In October 1993 Charlie Ryder took part in a demonstration to shut down the BNP headquarters in Welling, south-east London. This developed into a serious riot, and a few months later he was featured on the TV show Crime Monthly. He was arrested and after a two year wait was sent to prison for 16 months. In prison Charlie kept a scrapbook to record poems, letters and art work. Charlie, not a professional actor but an open and impassioned performer, has brought the scrapbook to life as a full production.
What does going to prison really entail? This gives a rare and honest insight into the prison system, putting a face to what is often the faceless idea of 'the prisoner'. The play depicts the trauma of prison, in particular the de-humanising effects of well known procedures, such as being strip-searched, are clearly examined.
DEBATE: At the end of the show Charlie will hold a Q and A session - your opportunity to debate and discuss issues raised by the show.
Who cares how many 'camel drivers' are being massacred in Iraq...?
09-08-2010 21:46
This writing is meant as delicious food for thought, and if music is the food for real, true human love, then play on!English Defence League plans to invade Al Quds Day in London September 4th.
09-08-2010 19:38

Why World War II ended with Mushroom Clouds and How to Prevent a Repeat in 2010
09-08-2010 17:31
"Truman himself, however, hypocritically declared at the time that the purpose of the two nuclear bombardments had been “to bring the boys home,” that is, to quickly finish the war without any further major loss of life on the American side. This explanation was uncritically broadcast in the American media and it developed into a myth eagerly propagated by the majority of historians and media in the USA and throughout the “Western” world. That myth, which, incidentally, also serves to justify potential future nuclear strikes on targets such as Iran and North Korea, is still very much alive - just check your mainstream newspaper on August 6 and 9!""And so now two powers have similar objectives in 2010. The U.S. wishes to tame and subdue a rebellious third world that yearns to throw off western systems that clearly do not serve their people’s needs. Zionist Israel knows that as Iran develops as a modern technological state it would have to be dealt with on a fare basis instead as a nation of inferiors as is the preference of rabid elites at the helm of Zionist society.
These conditions mean that we are back to an August 1945 scenario. However, the consequences of a U.S./Israel atomic attack on Iran will constitute the greatest crime in human history. To destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities will require the use of multiple nuclear weapons of various types delivered in diverse ways. The U.S./Israel will be guilty in real time of the very actions they claim to be defending the world from. The flow of oil from multiple regions of the world be at risk to say the least. Millions could die. World opinion might be cemented against us for a hundred years."
Shell disrupted - Beat the Boreholes continues
09-08-2010 16:33
Yesterday at about 2.30pm Shell began to lower "Jack - 1" - one of two survey barges currently in Sruth Fhada Chonn estuary SAC (Special Area of Protection) - in order to tug it to another part of the estuary.The Rossport Solidarity Camp was ready and willing to claim free passage of the public estuary and in the process upset the operation. Over a dozen Shell security boats and two Garda RIBS couldn't keep the 6 kaykers out, with two of them reaching the moving barge after an hour and a half of chase.
Palestine Today 08 09 2010
09-08-2010 16:16

Targeting Iran: Is the US Administration Planning a Nuclear Holocaust?
09-08-2010 15:54

Bristol Test Case for Biofuels
09-08-2010 15:22
A crucial and controversial Planning Appeal into a proposed biofuel power station will be heard in Bristol next week, starting on Tuesday 10th August.Developers W4B Ltd want to build a power station at Avonmouth specifically to burn imported liquid biofuels. The biofuel industry is coming under intense scrutiny worldwide because of the devastating impacts that growing plants for fuel in tropical areas can have on local environments and livelihoods. Studies have concluded that the overall impact of burning liquid biofuels on global climate can be worse than the fossil fuels they are designed to replace.
W4B applied to build the power station to Bristol City Council, who turned down the application in February this year because of concerns over its environmental impact in tropical countries where the fuel would be sourced. The appeal by W4B against Bristol’s decision is now being heard by an independent Planning Inspector.
A coalition of objectors including Biofuelwatch, Bristol Green Capital Momentum Group, and Friends of the Earth, is presenting evidence against the proposal.
The key point on the first day of the appeal will be whether or not objectors are allowed to present evidence on the impact of growing biofuels. The inspector has ruled against this but will hear legal arguments from objectors that their evidence should be allowed.
Rob Palgrave from Biofuelwatch said “The use of Palm and other vegetable oils for energy is already exporting environmental problems on a large scale. If this power station goes ahead then it alone will double Britain’s share of this destructive industry. An area of land at least one and a half times the size of Bristol would be needed to fuel it”
Mike Birkin of Friends of the Earth said "Sustainable renewable energy on a large scale must be captured directly from sun, wind and water - destroying rainforests to produce a small energy contribution is unacceptable and allowing renewables subsidies to be spent on this would be a travesty. The government is expected to clarify its policy soon - in the mean time we need to ensure Bristol is not heading in the wrong direction."
Demonstrators will be marking the start of the Appeal with banners and costumes on College Green at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday 10th August
Rob Palgrave, Biofuelwatch 07903 190209
Mike Birkin 07798 555737
Economic collapse underway! What the media isn't reporting.
09-08-2010 15:19
The collapse of industrial civilization began in July 2008. Prepare yourself for the next phase. Please take the time to read this and watch the links, it will take you an evening and may save your life!NHS Rules Broken Says GMB
09-08-2010 14:44