UK Newswire Archive
Climate Change Social Forum strongly supports ratification of Kyoto
03-10-2003 08:56
The final discussions of the Climate Change Social Forum, organized by one Russian and one American NGO, came out strongly in support of Russia’s ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. Attempts by the World Conference on Climate Change (WCCC) Chairman Yuri Izrael to derail the process failed and prompted an impressive speech by one of the participants on how Russia would benefit from the Kyoto Protocol. Some of the quotes by Izrael were: “Voting is for the miserable.” “Presidents change but the truth prevails.” (he was in the cabinet under the times of the Soviet Union) and “Let’s not waste time talking about the Kyoto Protocol, when it will never come into effect anyways.”CAAT campaign against Arms Trade in Glasgow: forthcoming events
03-10-2003 08:44
Site Unseen - Exposing the Arms TradeThe Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) are organising a series of protests and public meetings called Site Unseen throughout 2003 to raise awareness of the arms trade and to highlight BAE Systems' role in it. Here are some events planned in Glasgow.
03-10-2003 08:32
The Stop the War Coalition has called a London wide activists meeting to plan the response to George Bush's state visit to Britain.Bush will be here from the 19th to the 21st of November and plans to stay at Buckingham palace!
The visit is a calculated insult to the millions who opposed the bloody war and occupation in Iraq.
Residents to reclaim park from ‘terror gang’
03-10-2003 08:07
This Thursday evening, local residents will issue an ‘eviction notice’ on a teenage gang which has been carrying out vicious, unprovoked assaults in and around Gillians Park, Blackbird Leys, Oxford.Nader shines light on Bush, Texas GOPs dark agenda
03-10-2003 02:48
Nader called the Texas Republican Party's platform the most radically conservative he has ever seen, calling for: withdrawing from the UN, retaking the Panama Canal, repealing the minimum wage, and abolishing the Department of Education and the IRS.Pope Close to Death...Fears of Successor
03-10-2003 00:39

Manchester CND spokeswoman speaks out an the anniversary of Vanunu's kidnap
02-10-2003 23:27

02-10-2003 23:23
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, Germany, and Cuba.Visit Scotland a' deanamh dearmad air a' Ghàidhlig
02-10-2003 21:41
Chaidh a chur às leth Visit Scotland an-diugh nach eil iad a' toirt fa-near an tarraing a th' ann an cultar na Gàidhlig do luchd turais.Scary extradition stuf
02-10-2003 20:41
I thort this deserved to be some where easy to find. thanx to John.2 Chomsky interviews
02-10-2003 20:14
2 interviews with Noam Chomsky posted today by ZNet. To get free ZNet updates by Chomsky, Pilger, Zinn, Herman, Monbiot, Roy and many, many others check:
02-10-2003 20:03
A Cambridge woman is walking from Cambridge to London as part of a nationwide campaign for a GM-free Britain. Charlotte Parker, a care sector support worker, is one of around twenty green pilgrims from around Britain taking part in the pilgrimage for a GM-free Britain.Imperialist Excuses for War
02-10-2003 17:37
A comparison of the excuses used for wars of aggression by Nazi Germany with those used by the United States.Taic mhor dhan Ghaidhlig ann an Alba
02-10-2003 17:35
Tha rannsachadh a' nochdadh gu bheil 2 a-mach à gach triuir a' meas na Gaidhlig mar chudromach do dh'Alba.Anti-war protester's 'reality cheque'
02-10-2003 16:33
An anti-war campaigner has come up with an unorthodox way of paying a civil disobedience fine.
Interview with Mike Zmolek, US Anti-war Organizer
02-10-2003 16:33
Transcript of interview with Mike Zmolek, Outreach Coordinator for the National Network to End the War in Iraq - 26/09/03How to Paralyse a Campaign, in Five Easy Steps
02-10-2003 16:06
Step 1 - Join the campaign; talk loudly about the need for unity, diversity and democracy.