UK Newswire Archive
ESF Demonstration
15-11-2003 21:31

Two top articles related to the iraq occupation that I found on
15-11-2003 21:20
two articles relating to the iraq occupation I want to share with you.Twelve soilders die. Another bad day for imperialism.
15-11-2003 20:51
Another bad afternoon for imperialism and its' cannon fodder.One of the helicopters was hit in the tail by a rocket propelled grenade (RPG), a U.S. officer at the scene said.
By MARIAM FAM, Associated Press Writer
MOSUL, Iraq - Two U.S. Black Hawks crashed after sunset Saturday in this northern Iraqi city, killing 12 coalition soldiers and injuring at least nine, the military said. Witnesses said the two aircraft collided in mid-air.
Maidstone.Gay Protest.
15-11-2003 20:08
Gay campaigners protest at Kent Councils anti-gay policy.from "Economics, Politics, and Reality"
15-11-2003 19:54
Indycymru said: "Note: Open publishing! This may be the root of that Welsh Imperialism we have read of. Full of daft outdated ideas." About to fall off the front page page with fifty have clicked to look at it, but no comments. a small extract commenting Edward Carpenter.-Second West Bank Wall Protest in Manchester - Video
15-11-2003 19:47

Leeds Stop Bush details.
15-11-2003 19:41
Protest against George Bush in Leeds - Wednesday 19th November.ScrapBush Women Collective - action update
15-11-2003 19:07

Sheffield Shoppers encouraged to go on a Bush Hunt
15-11-2003 18:46

Mumbai Resistance 04 - Alternative to WSF
15-11-2003 18:36
The MR-2004 is a four day international event, scheduled for January 17-20, 2004. It is independent of and will run parallel to the World Social Forum (WSF), Mumbai.Moblogging Bush - SMS Text Tracking System for State Visit >>
15-11-2003 17:06
OK, folks - here's the nuts and bolts of the Bush-stalking moblog...Bush State Visit: Corporate Media Coverage
15-11-2003 16:45
Page for collecting together a list of corporate media articles about the Bush State Visit to britain - 19-21st November 2003:Daily Mail - Anarchist Thugs Plot a Bush Demo BLOODBATH!
15-11-2003 16:35
More madness from The Daily Mail... "Bloodbath"? well maybe if the US secret service shoot a few people! Also includes a nice paragraph to try and split people by suggesting mainstream organisers have been informing police about those with more radical plans...Michael Moore video
15-11-2003 15:35

The video is about 1 minute long and requires Quick Time to view. It is about 500k.
Bandit labelers strike again!
15-11-2003 15:08

WSIS@dmz, london
15-11-2003 14:52
dmz-arty-techie-event in Limehouse Townhall, London this friday and saturday.Very nice setting, along the lines of previous events like the ntk/mute festival of inappropriate technology. Limehouse Townhall is decorated with an eye for detail - the colour-bar of the dmz wiki is repeated on banners and window-transparencies, even the banisters are wrapped in coloured ribbons.
The main hall is a buzzing forum of exhibits, screens, mingling people, strange music. Hidden in an upstairs backroom a coffee launge, just the right space to escape from the activity elsewhere. Turkish mint tea, peace and quiet, some snacks. The programme - a photocopied A4 page with very few entries. These discussions and presentations happen in a rather small side-room with almost no air-circulation. The windows are taped off with black paper, so that the projected images would be visible - one has to set priorities sometimes!
An essay about the background of this type of events in London is printed on the backside of the dmz-poster, definitely worth reading!
There was a small workshop about the We Seize events around the World Summit of the Information Society. Check the We Seize Twiki for the presentation and details about a range of activities.
"We Seize" and the implications of the World Summit of Information Society were also mentioned during a panel discussion on Wireless Networks. The main part of this panel was about exciting wireless gadgets and their potential community use. It seems that Wireless is moving on from the geeky phase into a phase of wider appropriation, both from a business and a community standpoint. Everybody seemed to agree that the political framework that allows for unlimited wireless use is worth defending. It was also clear that it would be rather easy for governments to start licencing the frequences that are used for wireless technology.
The "We seize" gathering (December 8-13) in Geneva and many online places will be a space to discuss ways to defend or extend what we have and what we need for the buzzing, creative, forwardpushing, playful activities that were displayed during the dmz event.
LIVE BROADCAST via Internet 5-10pm todayfrom a symbolic Palestinian RefugeeCamp
15-11-2003 14:47
Live Events Broadcasted By Radio TakticRefugee Camps Are No One's Home
Constructing a Symbolic Palestinian Refugee Camp in Montreal As part of the Campaign to Stop the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees
The theft of our culture
15-11-2003 14:19
The misnomer City of Culture has nothing to do with the ordinary people of Liverpool or our vast cultural heritage. It has nothing to do with our history of resistance to the excesses of capitalism and the state.