UK Newswire Archive
tadamonan maa massr – In solidarity with Egypt, London last night
29-01-2011 11:12
Folks gathered outside the steps of the British Museum as it was closing last night to show solidarity to those on the streets of Egypt.MET Police Right to Protest leaflet #dayx5
29-01-2011 10:22
For the second time now CO11 Met POlice are handing out leaflets at a demonstration describing the agreed route - only this time it comes with a nice placard graphic saying Right to Protest! Is this a joke?
Whilst it certainly is right to protest at the moment, the police are not there to uphold your rights, but to enforce the political will of the government.
If you really want to know your rights when it comes to protesting check out Green and Black Cross legal advice.
See previous police leaflet distributed on Jan 19th - pdf link to new leaflet on MET police website.
LONDON STUDENT DEMO -Want an education? Free Bradley Manning and Julian Assange!
29-01-2011 10:10
We will be distributing this flyer at the student demo today in London.
.......regarding events around OPPOSING the extradition hearing of Julian Assange (Feb 7 & 8 - Woolwich Court attached to Bemarsh Prison) and DEMANDING the release of Bradley Manning presently being tortured in Quantico
Admissibility of WikiLeaks Cable to be tested on Sri Lanka massacres of 2009
29-01-2011 09:18

This has significant impact on UK wide legal attempts to indict the perpetrators of Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes in Sri Lanka, 2009 - many residing in the UK if not frequent visitors.
Brilliant video on Egyptian uprising
29-01-2011 08:57
Something to inspire us all when we take to the streets for freedom.Egyptian protestors' tactical guide
29-01-2011 06:19

Sexual Prey in the Saudi Jungle
29-01-2011 02:34

REVOLUTION: Can Egyptians revolt?
28-01-2011 23:45

Solidarity demonstration at Egyptian embassy
28-01-2011 23:22
Today there was a solidarity demonstration out side of the Egyptian embassy in London. Around 50/100 people gathered to voice their support and encouragment to those out on the streets across Egypt, fighting the dictator and his police.
THe crowds, mostly of Egyptian desent were passionate to be seen to spread the protests to London, so their friends back home could see they were not alone. Keep an eye out in the days to come for more actions in London.
Radio Interference - January edition going out now
28-01-2011 22:22
Click on the link between now (8.45 ish) and 10.30 for the latest live edition of Radio Interference
Coutts - the state owned tax avoidance bank
28-01-2011 19:32
Coutts are CU**TSLetter from Wandsworth Prison
28-01-2011 19:05
Letter of thanks from Chris Cole, peace activist for support received whilst in jailClosing Shell petrol station in Old Street
28-01-2011 18:22
27/01/2011 - Protesters closed the Shell petrol station in Old Street.
27/01/2011 - Protesters closed the Shell petrol station in Old Street.
Protest against Noah's Ark Zoo Farm
28-01-2011 18:22
Noah's Ark Zoo Farm has been closed for winter. Join us on the first day of their new season to remind the zoo and the public of the horrors that go on behind the scenes.Noah's Ark Zoo Farm, Clevedon Road Wraxall, Bristol, BS48 1PG
More information about the undercover expose of NAZF and our campaign see:
Transport from Bristol, contact BARC if you can come.
This Week in Palestine week 4 2011
28-01-2011 17:27

Transport from Bristol to World Day anti-vivisection demo and march in Manchester
28-01-2011 17:22
oin Bristol Animal Rights Collective on their bus. RSVP ASAP so we know what size bus to hire!On Saturday April 16th 2011 campaigners from across the country will be gathering in Manchester to mark World Day for Animals in Laboratories, a UN recognised date to remember the many millions of animals worldwide who are tortured and killed in experiments each year.
The day will begin with a rally in Whitworth Park, on Oxford Rd, Manchester. Here there will be speeches from activists, info stalls and vegan food. Later at around 1.30pm the march will set off along Oxford Road.
The route will first take us down Oxford Rd, past Manchester University, which carries out more animal experiments than any other university in the north of England. However we will also be passing Manchester Metropolitan University which by contrast is one of a growing number of universities which do not carry out experiments on animals.
The march will then take us around the centre of Manchester, taking the anti-vivisection message to many thousands of people on a busy Saturday afternoon, before finishing with a rally in Albert Square, next to Manchester Town Hall.
The events of the day will also be focussing on the role played by Manchester Airport as one of the major importers of animals for experimentation, more details nearer the time.
Want to come? We’re leaving Bristol Temple Meads at 8am. £10 minimum donation for the return trip. Email to book a seat, and send a cheque to Bristol Animal Rights Collective, c/o Kebele, 14 Robertson Road, Easton BS5 6JY to secure your place.
Anonymous Press Release January 28th 2011
28-01-2011 17:19

LRT presents … 'The True Cost of Coal'.
28-01-2011 15:49
DATE - Thursday 10th Feb, 2011.TIME - 7.30pm (bar after the presentation).
LOCATION - London Action Resource Centre - 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel, London, E1 1ES.
Students to descend on Manchester this Saturday
28-01-2011 15:22
This Saturday the 29th January, 2011, students and supporters will be out in force in two UK cities to demonstrate against the cuts to Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) and the trebling of student tuition fees.
Whilst many will be taking to the streets of London, a large mass mobilisation has been called for Manchester by a mix of radical and mainstream groups including the National Campaign against Fees and Cuts, the NUS and TUC and the Coalition of Resistance.