LONDON STUDENT DEMO -Want an education? Free Bradley Manning and Julian Assange!
Ciaron | 29.01.2011 10:10 | South Coast
We will be distributing this flyer at the student demo today in London.
.......regarding events around OPPOSING the extradition hearing of Julian Assange (Feb 7 & 8 - Woolwich Court attached to Bemarsh Prison) and DEMANDING the release of Bradley Manning presently being tortured in Quantico
.......regarding events around OPPOSING the extradition hearing of Julian Assange (Feb 7 & 8 - Woolwich Court attached to Bemarsh Prison) and DEMANDING the release of Bradley Manning presently being tortured in Quantico
Manning. whose Welsh mother was visited by the FBI recently in her small village in Wales, is a 22 year old U.S. Army intelligence analyst. He is presently being tortured (see his prison conditions of isolation, sensory deprivation, disturbed sleep, 5 minute checks while awake demanding respnse, one hour exercise daily in mancles etc) accused of releasing this footage pubished by WikiLeaks
The footage depicts the massacre of unarmed Reuters journalists in Baghdad by a U.S. helicopter gunship and the slaying of Iraqi adult and children who went to check on the wounded.
Look for me today, if you want to be brought up to speed on Bradley Manning and the events around the extradition of Julian Assange...I look something like this...
Keep updated through the Bradley Manning Support website
To the London Met reading this,
I know you didn't mean to kill Ian Tomlinson in '09, you could have easily killed again at the student demo I was at near Parliament in December '11.
All balaclavered up, with sticks, outnumbering the people you are assaulting...ya really look like the paramilitaries from the north of Ireland at a punishment beating. Can anyone explain the difference?
Free speech - use it or lose it!
The footage depicts the massacre of unarmed Reuters journalists in Baghdad by a U.S. helicopter gunship and the slaying of Iraqi adult and children who went to check on the wounded.
Look for me today, if you want to be brought up to speed on Bradley Manning and the events around the extradition of Julian Assange...I look something like this...
Keep updated through the Bradley Manning Support website
To the London Met reading this,
I know you didn't mean to kill Ian Tomlinson in '09, you could have easily killed again at the student demo I was at near Parliament in December '11.
All balaclavered up, with sticks, outnumbering the people you are assaulting...ya really look like the paramilitaries from the north of Ireland at a punishment beating. Can anyone explain the difference?
Free speech - use it or lose it!