UK Newswire Archive
London: The rich get so much richer under Blair
10-03-2007 09:05
The last ten years of a Labour government has seen a significant increase in the number of billionaires living in London. According to Forbes magazine, London is home to 23 of the 54 billionaires that are resident in Britain, 11 of whom are foreigners.US Union Organisers Protected by Labor Bpard
10-03-2007 08:34
Does it work like this in UK?Get down to the Danish Embassy 2pm!
10-03-2007 08:27
The Embassy needs to know that we do not support their nasty eviction, by helicopter and tear gas, of their Ungdomshuset squatters. The Vortex protest is supposed to go to the Embassy later but they might be delayed so get you straight to the Embassy by 2pm today if you can.Israel-Palestine: The endless trail of red herrings
10-03-2007 04:02
On the Israel-Palestine issue, unraveling the endless trail of red herrings that even permeates the dissent space precluding a just solution from being perceived by the ordinary peoples in the Western nations, and thus postponing the harbinger of justice to the suffering peoples on the ground. Written in reference to the article by Israeli Peace Activist Uri Avnery on MediaMonitors on Feb 16, 2007, as well as President Carter's book Palestine, Peace not Apartheid.UN Sanctions on Iran: Political Confrontation, Iran's Response to US Threats
10-03-2007 02:14
The US so far has not directly targeted the clerical leaders of Islamic Republic namely Supreme Leader Khamenei and former president Rafsanjani. Instead, it has pointed at President Mahmood Ahmadinejad who has stayed firm against US pressures. The US is trying to link Ahmadinejad and his affiliated Sepah-e Pasdaran with supplying weapons to anti-US militants in Iraq. Ahmadinejad has popularity among Iran’s underprivileged class who were disappointed with former clerical presidents due to their inability to enhance economic welfare for the poor. It is unlikely that US can cause Ahmadinejad to be deposed by any means.Western Jews Revolt Against Zionist Bully Tactics
10-03-2007 01:53
Jews worldwide are finally beginning to revolt against the bully tactics of the Zionists, and their willingness to hijack Jewish organizations for their own political purposes.This is the result of Zionist "Emergency Cabinets" being placed in control of the most of the formerly Jewish organizations throughout much of the West, creating powerful Zionist Lobbies, instead of organizations acting for the good of the Jewish communities in those countries. These efforts, while exonentially altering Government policies (exposing the effect Lobbyists have on politicians), have alienated and angered Jews throughout the West.
The next phase will be to inform politicians the world over that pandering to this relatively-small number of Extremists will only alienate the "Jewish vote", as most Jews oppose the policies of aggression and instability being pushed by these Zionist organizations.
Arrivals, a play on Extraordinary Rendition
10-03-2007 01:26
A play on Extraordinary Rendition(aka torture outsourcing) has been created by canadian playwright David Gow, performed in the US and been ignored by the theatre critics, similar to the reception of My Name is Rachel Corrie.!Calling on all Globalisation Pirates and Cultural Rebels!
10-03-2007 00:29
Calling on all Globalisation Pirates and Cultural Rebels: the boat is leaving any minute! - original call at: http://colonos.wordpress.comCHANGING CLIMATE, CHANGING MINDS
09-03-2007 23:47

Call-in campaign pushes back attacks on Chernoh Alpha M. Bah and Africanist Move
09-03-2007 23:39
Hundreds of emails and calls inundate Sierra Leone embassies in the U.S., London and elsewhere; officials drop charges; ASI leader urges continued vigilanceDemocracy or Corpocracy?
09-03-2007 21:40
Putting protesters sentences into perspective....Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
State Dept Report: Sickening Gov Abuses in Afghanistan
09-03-2007 21:11
The practice of courts ordering the defendant to provide compensation in the form of young girls in marriage to a victims' family continued........Most experts believe the practice of child trafficking was widespread and continued to be a problem. The law does not prohibit trafficking in persons. The government did little to combat trafficking in persons.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Call out: Solidarity demonstration for evicted Vortex
09-03-2007 19:49
11am – 1pm SATURDAY 10th MARCH 2007
Starting at the Church Street Entrance of Abney Park Cemetery, London N16
Mayan Priests to Purify Site After Bush Visit
09-03-2007 19:43
This is priceless. S. America, which has faced decades of US Fascism first-hand, appears to be leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of the world in acknowledging the capacity of the USA to perpetrate great evil.Israel Uses 11 Year Old Palestinian Girl As Human Shield
09-03-2007 19:41
Of course, they see nothing wrong with this, as to these soldiers, this is not a human being. This is how such Israeli crimes are consistently exposed. The perpetrators honestly don't see the evil in their actions, because the Palestinians have been so dehumanized in their minds.Note that, aside from terrifying the populace, arresting hundreds of 'suspected' males of fighting age, and destroying several homes, the Israelis found none of the things it claimed to be looking for.
Radley Lakes: it is all the fault of BBOWT
09-03-2007 18:04
Matt Jackson of BBOWT tell us all why this wildlife trust believes that the destruction of Thrupp Lake at Radley is good for the environment.Music from Palestine in CARDIFF!
09-03-2007 17:16
Monday 12 March at THE GATE Arts CentreKeppoch Street, off City Road, Roath, Cardiff
Doors open at 8 pm
Tickets: £4 (£3 concessions)
Fishy Fun on Trident Vote Day
09-03-2007 16:24
On Wednesday 14th March, MPs will vote on whether or not to replace Trident - Britain's nuclear weapons system. Lots of actions are being planned for the day of the vote, among these is a "Fish on Bicycles mass cycle ride" around central London.George Monbiot comments on Great Global Warming Swindle
09-03-2007 15:34
PASSAGE TAKEN FROM:- Species of Denial, 30/1/067....
Documentary on Channel 4 last night (Thursday 8/3/07)..... Did anyone else wtach it??
What did you think?
In this documentary the scientists where trying to blame the 'far-left' group for infiltrating the 'Enviromenatl 'Green' Movement', for a 'voice', after the collaspe of the 'Iron-Curtan'....
Any more information with links of discussions and dialogues in reaction to this documentary would be very welcome.