UK Newswire Archive
Flawed Crossrail Scheme: Theft of Taxpayers money
06-11-2005 11:41
The Crossrail scheme will seek to make two-thirds of London pay for a line that will support a third of London’s richest community most of whom are commuters. Further taxpayers liabilites are likely given that the previous estimates, produced by the independent analyst turned Crossrail chairman Adrian Montague, have risen by 7 billion pounds. It has already cost taxpayers over £300 million pounds. We report why Adrian Montague is running privatisation schemes to rip off taxpayers making him little more than a tax thief.Crossrail dumping on taxpayers and the East End of London
06-11-2005 11:27
Crossrail is one of a range of unjust and financially flawed schemes that are likely to benefit developers and result in displacing local communities are being promoted by the Labour Government. Cross London Rail Links (CLRL), the publicly funded Crossrail is 'a 50/50 joint venture company formed by Transport for London (TfL) and the Department for Transport (DfT)... tasked with promoting and developing two new routes through London... Crossrail was allocated a budget of £154m in 2001...' (
BOOK ON CIA's SECRET JAILS: "Operation Hotel California" by Guido Olimpio
06-11-2005 05:07

POLAND: Radical Right Polish Government Escalates Social Repression
06-11-2005 01:32
Email asking for solidarity and support against increased repression from the new radical rightwing government of Lech Kaczynsk. Sent by the Anarchist Federation of Poland, Poznan Section. Please read and please help....OPEN LETTER TO LOTHIAN AND BORDERS POLICE Re G8
05-11-2005 22:54

05-11-2005 21:03
Last night more than 500 cars burned in Paris. Schools, bus depots, police stations, companies and so on were set on fire ALL OVER FRANCE.This night another 900 cars burned. More companies more states´institutions burned... police is attacked everywhere.
Thousands flood streets to protest draconian laws
05-11-2005 19:34

Free Speech !?
05-11-2005 19:22
on the 27th of october, a fire broke out in the deportation-centre at schiphol. 11 people died there. on the same day, a wake was held for the victims, and the question of accountability was raised right away. from several sides, possible causes and effects of the event were discussed. in many municipalities and cities, solidarity actions were instigated.GOP Leaders to Bush:
05-11-2005 18:45
news[earth2025] GOP Leaders to Bush: 'Your Presidency is Effectively Over'

Indymedia cinema
05-11-2005 17:51

@ The Synergy Centre, 220 Farmers Road, London SE5
George's X Chalkboard Social Centre opens in Glasgow's West End
05-11-2005 17:30

The new Social Centre in Glasgow's West End opened by the Glasgow Autonomous Project quietly a few weeks ago at the end of September. The George's X Chalkboard is open daily from 2-7 pm and just off the Kings Cross Underground Station near the city centre.
Western Imperial Pandemic
05-11-2005 15:58
The laws in our countries are being eroded and ignored, so that the fact we don't want to be imperialistic, the fact that we can all see the damage that imperialism does to the world and those directly oppressed by it, no longer constitutes a wake-up call to those in charge.Terrorism and Security: Canadian Media a Haven for Single-Issue Activists
05-11-2005 15:55
Government policy analyst lodges request for investigation of lop-sided media coverage of two terrorism related cases. Poor journalism widespread while watchdog bodies ineffective or biased.ATTORNEY GENERAL TORPEDOES WAR CRIMES DEFENCE IN HIGH COURT; PROTESTERS DEFIANT
05-11-2005 15:50
05-11-2005 15:50
Nestlé launched a Fairtrade coffee in the UK in October 2005 and claims that it is the latest example showing how Nestlé cares for its suppliers. A trade unionist from Colombia claims : "This is a big joke. They are lying to the people" citing the devastating impact of Nestlé's policies on dairy and coffee farmers in Colombia.Picket at the Spanish consulate in aid of prisoners
05-11-2005 14:29
Solidarity with F.I.E.S prisoners - Stop torture and isolation.Filthy Radical Show episode 2
05-11-2005 14:05
I know it's been tough these past 7 days - but the wait is over!This week, the Filthy Radical Show has new people, new sketches and - in places - a large jump in the amount of swearing, which is always a good thing.
05-11-2005 12:35
MEDIA LENS: Correcting for the distorted vision of the corporate mediaNovember 4, 2005
On October 31, the Guardian published an interview with Noam Chomsky by Emma Brockes, ‘The greatest intellectual?’ (The Guardian, October 31, 2005).