UK Newswire Archive
Protest vs Reed Elsevier's involvment in the arms trade - Nov 10th
07-11-2005 13:46
Thursday 10th November - protesting against Reed Elsevier's involvement in the arms trade. Bring bikes/bus money, banners & instruments of massnoise (that's samba to everyone else).
Meet NOON @ Carfax Tower. This demo is in preparation for a planned public meeting in December.
To plan this and other actions:
Tuesday 8th November
Oxford Autonomous Action meeting, 7.30pm in OARC, East Oxford Commmunity Centre. Topics include upcoming protests against Reed Elsevier and the Iceland dam.
Riots in France spread to 270 Towns!!
07-11-2005 13:42
The riots that have now been going for 11 days spread to 270 towns towns in france (reports yahoo news) with others dispossed people of the ghettos joining in in some of the worst (read best!) riots in years.Sham Ombudsman exposed by Ombudsmanwatch
07-11-2005 12:19
Ombudsmanwatch exposes bias and corruption of Local Government Ombudsman, who rules in favour of just 1.6% of complaints with average compensation only £200, with no appeal. Consumer group Ombudsmanwatch battles to expose the truth, and force the abolition of LGO and setting up of a truly independent and accountable body.Surrey Police Called In By Crest Nicholson Plc as John Callcutt CEO Bows Out
07-11-2005 11:35

Staggering extent of council homes sell off revealed by Islington IWCA
07-11-2005 09:21
We're now well-used to seeing council estates sold off either to Housing Associations, ALMOS or private interests, but a lesser-known side of the great council homes rip-off has been exposed by Islington IWCA.Police State Not Enough - Army On Its Way
06-11-2005 23:14

Kissinger's Kiss n' Tell - Codename: "Meet Andy in Paris"
06-11-2005 22:24
Newly released State Department Documents have revealed a surprising fact about what Kissinger got up to in Paris in 1972 with Nixon's approval.CHAOS IN FRANCE: last night 1300 cars burned!
06-11-2005 20:45
the spontaneous uprising in france continues. it has began 10 days ago in the suburbs of paris - meantime it has spread out all over france.
fire fighters, police stations, schools, kindergardens, companies, bus depots, power plants are set on fire. last night the riots reached even the center of paris. 1300 cars burned - a new record. the night before 900 cars burned, the night before that night 600 cars...
No Trident! No Trident Replacement!
06-11-2005 18:34
A decision on the possible replacement of the Trident submarine nuclear weapons system is due in this parliament. According to reports, the UK government, despite its commitment to nuclear disarmament under the NPT, has already decided to replace Trident. Help send the message loud and clear from Oxford - get rid of Trident and don’t replace it!In Ti Fa Da
06-11-2005 17:41

Climate in Crisis..Swansea public meeting
06-11-2005 15:56
The Campaign Against Climate Change to hold a public meeting in Swansea on the 13th November.An ID card for a monkey?
06-11-2005 15:48

The Sunday Times today carries an article which claims that Identity Cards are likely to cost a monkey (£500) each, with a total cost of £30bn.
The projected costs are detailed in a recent report compiled by the London School of Economics, which has raised its May estimate of £300 per card to take into account the the cost of integrating the scheme’s computers with government databases.
Protest Mike Tyson as competition prize in Sheffield Newspaper
06-11-2005 15:17

British Soldiers' families unite with Iraqi & Irish families to condemn Impunity
06-11-2005 13:46
As former Scots Guards Colonel and Human Rights abuser Tim Spicer, whose Aegis mercenary company is the subject of much controversy in Iraq, attends a conference at RUSI in Westminster, families of British Soldiers, of Irish Citizens murdered by British Soldiers, and representatives of Iraqi families murdered by British soldiers unite with a cross-party group of MPs and human rights lobbyists to call for an end to Impunity for human rights abusers.Is Iran `next`?
06-11-2005 12:45

Open Letter to President G.W. Bush & the Council for National Policy
06-11-2005 12:24

HBOS Edinburgh Appeal Evicted Family of 7 Requests Social Justice
06-11-2005 12:00