Sham Ombudsman exposed by Ombudsmanwatch | 07.11.2005 12:19 | Repression | Social Struggles | London
Ombudsmanwatch exposes bias and corruption of Local Government Ombudsman, who rules in favour of just 1.6% of complaints with average compensation only £200, with no appeal. Consumer group Ombudsmanwatch battles to expose the truth, and force the abolition of LGO and setting up of a truly independent and accountable body.
News Release .....
Local Government Ombudsman Watch
The Balchin maladministration: a joint Ombudsman cover-up.
Croydon, UK Nov 01, 2005 LGOWatch is a national consumer campaign to challenge the widespread injustice experienced by citizens at the hands of the Local Government Ombudsman's office. The LGO is systemically biased in favour of local councils - hardly surprising when all three Ombudsmen are ex-council CEOs, and the Local Government Association approves the appointment of new Ombudsmen.
Balchins awarded record £200,000 as Ombudsmen try to duck blame
Serious flaws in the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) system caused 14 years of unnecessary misery to Mr and Mrs Balchin, whose lives were ruined by Council plans to build a motorway bypass only 12 feet from their bedroom window. The LGO simply endorsed the Council's procedures when the Balchins complained to him in 1991, and refused to investigate.
In April, LGOWatch exposed in a Select Committee report the shocking extent to which the three ombudsmen support their colleagues and friends running local councils from valid complaints. In August, the Cabinet Office issued a Consultation Document on its proposal to introduce a Regulatory Reform Order to give the ombudsmen new powers.
As a result, the LGO has made great efforts to uphold newsworthy cases so they can be aggressively publicised in the media. The Balchins have had a record £200,000 award as a result of the LGO's current anxiety that public dissatisfaction might hamper the Regulatory Reform Order. There has been an unprecedented number of Parliamentary Questions recently from concerned MPs of all parties.
A 2002 Telegraph article quoted a high court judge as condemning the then LGO for his part in the Balchins' misery. However, to read the LGO's recent report and news release on the Balchins, one would never guess that his office bears such blame for the destruction of their lives.
As a result of the LGO's failure to accept his share of responsibility for the Balchins' misery, and to accept the need for his office to reform, thousands of other complanants are still suffering through a flawed LGO system that acts with impunity against the public interest.
To read the article that exposes where the real responsibility lies for the Balchins' suffering, click on the link below.
Read the full article on the Balchin case here ....
About LGOWatch
We are a national campaign committed to exposing the unaccountable Govenment body whose maladministration and bad practice record is probably worse than that of any local authority in the country: the Local Government Ombudsman.
Gary Powell
News Release .....
Local Government Ombudsman Watch
The Balchin maladministration: a joint Ombudsman cover-up.
Croydon, UK Nov 01, 2005 LGOWatch is a national consumer campaign to challenge the widespread injustice experienced by citizens at the hands of the Local Government Ombudsman's office. The LGO is systemically biased in favour of local councils - hardly surprising when all three Ombudsmen are ex-council CEOs, and the Local Government Association approves the appointment of new Ombudsmen.
Balchins awarded record £200,000 as Ombudsmen try to duck blame
Serious flaws in the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) system caused 14 years of unnecessary misery to Mr and Mrs Balchin, whose lives were ruined by Council plans to build a motorway bypass only 12 feet from their bedroom window. The LGO simply endorsed the Council's procedures when the Balchins complained to him in 1991, and refused to investigate.
In April, LGOWatch exposed in a Select Committee report the shocking extent to which the three ombudsmen support their colleagues and friends running local councils from valid complaints. In August, the Cabinet Office issued a Consultation Document on its proposal to introduce a Regulatory Reform Order to give the ombudsmen new powers.
As a result, the LGO has made great efforts to uphold newsworthy cases so they can be aggressively publicised in the media. The Balchins have had a record £200,000 award as a result of the LGO's current anxiety that public dissatisfaction might hamper the Regulatory Reform Order. There has been an unprecedented number of Parliamentary Questions recently from concerned MPs of all parties.
A 2002 Telegraph article quoted a high court judge as condemning the then LGO for his part in the Balchins' misery. However, to read the LGO's recent report and news release on the Balchins, one would never guess that his office bears such blame for the destruction of their lives.
As a result of the LGO's failure to accept his share of responsibility for the Balchins' misery, and to accept the need for his office to reform, thousands of other complanants are still suffering through a flawed LGO system that acts with impunity against the public interest.
To read the article that exposes where the real responsibility lies for the Balchins' suffering, click on the link below.
Read the full article on the Balchin case here ....
About LGOWatch
We are a national campaign committed to exposing the unaccountable Govenment body whose maladministration and bad practice record is probably worse than that of any local authority in the country: the Local Government Ombudsman.

Gary Powell