UK Newswire Archive
Food Not Bombs Founder to attend PN Winter Gathering in N'ham
03-01-2010 12:57
Legendary US peace activist and 'Food Not Bombs' co-founder Keith McHenry will be attending the Peace News Winter Gathering in Nottingham later this month. Join him!2010: The BNP, NF & EDL by ‘Malatesta’
03-01-2010 12:24
The New Year on the far right will of course start with the usual mix of optimism, hangover and delusion but it will certainly be interesting as it continues to fragment and feud between pro- and anti-Griffinite BNPers, the ‘reinvigorated’ NF and the EDL as the election looms.Is Yemen Next?
03-01-2010 11:35
Using the threat of terror to invade Yemen? Would you be surprised?Lebanon: Rebellious rhymes against post-war misery
03-01-2010 11:25

Obituary - Frances Mary Blake
03-01-2010 10:18
Frances-Mary Blake 1939 - 2009Reseacher and Writer on the Irish Civil War. Campaigner for British Withdrawal from Ireland. Supporter of Irish Political Prisoners and their families. Activist on Human Rights & Justice generally
Smash EDO benefit roast today
03-01-2010 09:59
Come and raise some money for Smash EDO by having a lovely roast!Kingsnorth shut down
03-01-2010 06:16
Kingsnorth power station has been shut downLos Angeles police beat and detain British activist protesting new war in Yemen
03-01-2010 03:29
A British national from London (who wishes to not have his name revealed) was viciously beaten by LAPD while attempting a one-man protest against the recent escalating threat of a new US-British front for war in Yemen.Off With Their Heads! - Mainshill Solidarity Camp short film
02-01-2010 19:07

*Off With Their Heads!*
Holding the politicians behind Mainshill Open Cast Coal Mine to account
Featuring: Jim Hood MP, Karen Gillon MSP, Councillor Danny Meikle and Lord Home
Watch it here:

Photos of Gaza lift the siege demonstration; London Sunday December 27th 2009
02-01-2010 19:07

Islamists and nationalists threaten to march on Wooton Bassett
02-01-2010 16:13
Though the date has yet to be disclosed, Anjem Choudary and Islam4Uk have threatened to march upon the small market town of Wooton Bassett. If the only opposition to this march comes from the fascists of the EDL, then this will represent a major failure of the left.Calais: A Resume of Repression
02-01-2010 15:27
The following is a partial summary of incidents of police harassment against migrants in Calais in December alone, all of which are designed to make life unbearable for those seeking entry to the UK.
Massive prison uprising in Peru
02-01-2010 13:43
RIOTING prisoners took over a jail in Peru, forcing the authorities to negotiate with them to release hostages.Statement From COP15 Prisoners- and how to support them
02-01-2010 13:20

2010: U.S. To Wage War Throughout The World
02-01-2010 13:06

American troops will continue to fan out to most all parts of the world. Everywhere, that is, except to their own nation's borders
French media caught red-handed: Honduras coup protest photo presented as Iranian
02-01-2010 09:55

Iranian-American Columbia Prof. Kian Tajbaksh being tortured
01-01-2010 19:41

West/South West Animal Rights Coalition/Network First Meeting
01-01-2010 18:12
11am – 4.30pm in Bristol at Kebele, Robertson Road, Easton. Light lunch and supper provided for a small donation.
Please could you give us an idea of whether you plan to attend, so that we can cater accordingly?
A New Year for the West, a Military State for Iran
01-01-2010 15:32
While news media coverage has thus far focused almost solely on arrests in Tehran, the rest of the country is being ignored. While foreign news media are extremely limited and observed closely observed by VEVAK patrols, the news is beginning to leak.Remember Gaza 2010
01-01-2010 10:48