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Islamists and nationalists threaten to march on Wooton Bassett

Phil Dickens | 02.01.2010 16:13 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles

Though the date has yet to be disclosed, Anjem Choudary and Islam4Uk have threatened to march upon the small market town of Wooton Bassett. If the only opposition to this march comes from the fascists of the EDL, then this will represent a major failure of the left.

Last October Anjem Choudary's Islam4UK, front group for banned Al-Muhajiroun, tried to organise a procession through London to Trafalgar Square calling for the implementation of Sharia law in the UK. The day after it was announced, I made the following plea on Indymedia;

"The march commences at the House of Commons, and will make its way to Trafalgar Square via 10 Downing Street. It must be met with opposition, not from the fascists of the far-right, but from those whose resistance is grounded in working-class unity, anti-fascism, and anti-capitalism. Moreover, that opposition must be one which transcends race and religion."

Soon afterwards, British Muslims for Secular Democracy, ENGAGE, and the Alliance for Workers' Liberty made similar calls. AWL echoed my sentiments on the need for "a working-class, anti-capitalist, anti-racist presence that can make a positive case for secularism, workers' unity and common struggle against the far-right communalist reaction of both Islam4UK and the EDL."

As I wrote at the time, the result was a succesful routing of Islam4UK's intended actions;

"Whilst the marches by the EDL had galvanised al-Muhajiroon to organise the march in the first place, the promise of a radical, left-wing, secular opposition all but stopped it in its tracks. Choudary cited "right-wing/anti-Islamic organisations" and "threats of violence" as the reason he "relocated" the march. In reality, his "overwhelming support from the Muslim community" was non-existent, and the organised opposition had come from the radical left. Clearly, seeing his planned "clash of civilisations" unravel in the face of broad-based working class unity, the fanatical cleric was reduced to spin to justify cancelling the march in favour of backroom rant to ever-dwindling numbers of the faithful."

However, it would seem that Choudary is willing to try again. This time, the target of his reactionary politics is the small town of Wooton Bassett;

"The destination of this very special event is the small market town of Wootton Bassett, located 6 miles Southwest of Swindon, in northern Wiltshire; Wootton Bassett, is currently famous for its public mourning processions held in memory of British soldiers killed whilst on military service in Afghanistan; coffins containing the dismembered bodies of these soldiers are usually draped in union jack flags and driven through the town centre from RAF Lyneham, as a tribute to their ‘sacrifice'.

"The proposed march by members of Islam4UK is however of a very different venture, held not in memory of the occupying and merciless British military, but rather the real war dead who have been shunned by the Western media and general public as they were and continue to be horrifically murdered in the name of Democracy and Freedom - the innocent Muslim men, women and children.

"It is quite extraordinary, that with well over 100,000 Muslims killed in Afghanistan in the last 8 years that those military serviceman who have directly or indirectly contributed to their death are paraded as war heroes and moreover honoured for what is ultimately genocide.

"We at Islam4UK find this totally unacceptable and as a result have decided to launch the ‘Wootton Bassett March' to highlight the real casualties of this brutal Crusade."

Once again, the need is clear for an opposition to this march "whose resistance is grounded in working-class unity, anti-fascism, and anti-capitalism." The English Defence League have declared their intentions to oppose the march "in defence of our British soldiers," and the radical left must offer a perspective against both the militant religionism of Islam4UK and the aggressive nationalism of the EDL.

Clearly, the idea that British soldiers are "merciless" participants in "genocide" is ridiculous. But so too is the idea that anybody can be "heroic" in an illegal war of aggression fought to maintain western hegemony over the Middle East. Soldiers are neither heroes nor villains but members of the working class who, like everyone else, must sell their labour to survive. That it was the armed wing of the state who employed them is not in itself enough reason to raise them on a pedestal or condemn them to hell.

Both Choudary and the EDL would divide up the population of Britain into those who only oppose war out of a demented religious fanatacism and those who are blindly loyal to the sentiment of "my country, right or wrong." The vast majority of people who fit into neither camp, and particularly for those who realise that the crimes of militarism and the bigotry of religious fundamentalism must be opposed with equal veracity, need to make their voice heard.

Once more then, I offer a call to arms. If we allow the streets to be dominated by reactionary movements, then it will be a major failure. When Islam4UK descend on Wooton Bassett, then our voice must drown out both Choudary and the EDL;


Phil Dickens
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Display the following 50 comments

  1. Use your loaf — Tosher
  2. You don't have to be with the EDL to oppose islamism — anarchist
  3. Dining out on this — Che
  4. Communist Hypocrisy — Little John
  5. Whos a hypocrite — Little johns mate
  6. Completly and utterly agree — Jamie The Antifascist (GingerMilitant)
  7. agree! — riku
  8. @ LittleJohn — Phil
  9. @riku — Little John
  10. Have I missed something — Suggs
  11. um.... — riku
  12. @riku — Josh
  13. agreed — ivica
  14. Think people — anti-imperialist
  15. Our Daily Mail Mentality? — No gods, no bosses, no rulers
  16. Now I'm confused — Simon
  17. edl4islam — @
  18. repressed Islam — ahmed
  19. freespeech or nospeech, that is the quesstion. — bob
  20. what a circus — jackslucid
  21. The degradation of the left — T
  22. Religion = Fascism — atheist
  23. @The Daily Mail Mentality — anon
  24. Unbelievable — Little John
  25. In the media — The Chairman
  26. Stay away — Skunk
  27. Is this true — Short change
  28. Beware of trolls — Antifa
  29. It is right to demonstrate against the British army — anti-imperialist
  30. A wager — Realist
  31. great psyops ... — jackslucid
  32. Some constructive criticism — T
  33. Question — Mate of T
  34. A.C.A.B. = All Coppers Are Bastards — atheist
  35. EDL on radio — Wales
  36. oh dear.... — bob
  37. "carrying empty coffins...." — Maximum
  38. you EDL twats — He'll lend the bottom can't ya or, helena bonham carter
  39. you EDL twats — He'll lend the bottom can't ya or, helena bonham carter
  40. helena bona carter — coy and friendly
  41. EDL — EDL
  42. Loss of perspective — Phil
  43. "Freedom of speech does not give the right for people to be deliberate cunts" — anon
  44. Freedom of speech — Maximum
  45. Maximum Repression — T
  46. re: Freedom Of Speech — anon
  47. Maximum Daily Mail Mentality — No gods, no bosses, no rulers
  48. Worrying — Little John
  49. Facebook call to arms. — The facebook arm of the left
  50. Facebook group — Phil