UK Newswire Archive
The rise of the far right and anti-fascism
17-02-2010 12:10

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Migrant Hangar reopens despite police repression
17-02-2010 11:32
After last weeks violent raid, the Kronstadt Hangar is back in business!!This aint no joke!!!
17-02-2010 10:47
Hastings half marathon is being sponsored by McDonalds! I kid not!Movement #4 - No Borders newsletter
17-02-2010 01:49

call-out for mass anti-fascist demo to oppose the SDL
17-02-2010 01:08

Time: 09:30 - 16:00
US army chief: We're obliged to make sure that the Holocaust never happens again
16-02-2010 22:25

assassins of top Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh on cctv
16-02-2010 21:55
Who killed Mahmoud al-Mabhouh?assassins of top Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh on cctv !
the video released here >>> assassins of top Hamas official Mahmoud al-Mabhouh on cctv !
Resisting the cuts at Leeds University. Strike, Occupy, Transform!
16-02-2010 21:55
A group called the Really Open University has been established to help resist the £35 million of cuts being made at the University of Leeds.Vintage Warehouse adopt a fur free policy during protest
16-02-2010 14:39

Life in the Buffer Zone
16-02-2010 14:06

Anti-SDl Demo - Legal Support info
16-02-2010 12:48
This Saturday the racist "Scottish" Defence League plans to demonstrate in Edinburgh. The Edinburgh Anti-Fascist Alliance is planning to stop them.ScALP is involved in providing legal support and solidarity to those opposing the SDL.
BNP Leafletting in Luton
16-02-2010 11:10
Its about time some action was taken to stop BNP hate message leafletsUKCMRI to use £300 million of public funds for Camden Bio Lab
16-02-2010 05:06
Plans to build the World's largest ever Bio Lab including the World Flu Centre alongside St Panrcas International behind the British Library will cost the UK £300 million from public funds. Already the govt and the MRC have argued over this. A parliamentary report says of funding the lab : "We are at a loss to understand the rationale behind this behaviour" and "It is hardly redolent of good faith".Cambridge Council Says NO to Foie Gras
16-02-2010 01:30
Step forward to a Foie Gras Free CambridgeThe rumours of fascism and Blood & Honour in Elephant Head Camden are unfounded
16-02-2010 00:48

Full article | 1 addition | 14 comments
Schnews 4 Indymedia together for eva tru luv
15-02-2010 23:12
HiSpeaking as someone who waits with baited breath for the latest issue of Schnews to appear to give me anarchically comical insight from the back streets of be- right- on...
And speaking as someone who also clicks on to get the latest hot from the streets reportage coming from legions of activist-journalists “being the Media” at the latests heroic attempt to crash the towers of Mammon........
I was slightly perplexed by the bizarre genetic merging of Indymedia and Schnews to create the bastard of offspring Frankenstein know as.......
News regarding fascism and extreme right wing at Greece, in English language
15-02-2010 23:01
news from