Your sporadic Smash EDO update
Smash EDO | 16.02.2010 16:31 | Smash EDO | Anti-militarism | Iraq | Palestine | South Coast
First of all , thanks to everyone who made it to the Smash EDO 'Remember Gaza' demo on the 18th of January. Together we showed EDO/ITT that their complicity in last year's Gaza massacre will not be forgotten. For reports from the day see the Remember Gaza Indymedia feature on .
This time of year marks another anniversary of an EDO supported war crime: the invasion of Iraq. The occupation of Iraq has now been going on for 7 years, with increased attacks on Afghanistan as we speak. This year Smash EDO will be voicing our opposition to EDO's involvement on Wednesday March the 17th (as we understand that the good people of the Target Brimar campaign have something planned for the actual anniversary on the 19-20th. Keep checking their web-site for updates and support them if you can).
12am Join us for a picket of Barclays in North Street, Brighton, to highlight their involvement in the arms trade.
3-6pm Extra long 'Horrors of War' noise demo outside EDO/ITT. Bring noise making equipment.
The weekly noise demos are the backbone of the Smash EDO campaign. Ever since the campaign started we have been reminding the company weekly of our opposition to their bloody business. The bigger the noise demos are the more effective they become! They take place between 4 and 6 EVERY Wednesday. If you have never been to a noise demo before and would like to have a chat about it (or if you've been lots and just want to be sociable!) we are meeting at 3pm, pre-demo, this Wednesday (the 18th) and next Wednesday (the 24th) at The Gladstone pub, 123 Lewes Road. We will then go up to the noise demo together.
The decommissioner Elijah Smith has, yet again, moved prison. This time he was moved without the knowledge of people involved in supporting him. It is really important that we show him an extra amount of support as those instances can feel very alienating for someone on remand. For the moment you can write to him on the address below, although he might be moved again in time for the next decommissioner hearing at the beginning of March so keep checking the web-site for updates. He would very much appreciate if you send a few extra stamps with your letter, as it enables him to keep in touch with people on the outside and there is nowhere in the prison to get hold of them
Elijah Smith VP 7551
HMP Elmley (Sheppey Cluster)
Church Rd
Kent ME12 4DZ
If you have any spare cash, Smash EDO would very much appreciate some donations...For info about how to donate go to . The Bank account is in the name of Sussex ESF.
"Every bomb that is dropped, every bullet that is fired in the name of this war of terror has to be made somewhere. And wherever that is, it can be resisted..."

This time of year marks another anniversary of an EDO supported war crime: the invasion of Iraq. The occupation of Iraq has now been going on for 7 years, with increased attacks on Afghanistan as we speak. This year Smash EDO will be voicing our opposition to EDO's involvement on Wednesday March the 17th (as we understand that the good people of the Target Brimar campaign have something planned for the actual anniversary on the 19-20th. Keep checking their web-site

12am Join us for a picket of Barclays in North Street, Brighton, to highlight their involvement in the arms trade.
3-6pm Extra long 'Horrors of War' noise demo outside EDO/ITT. Bring noise making equipment.
The weekly noise demos are the backbone of the Smash EDO campaign. Ever since the campaign started we have been reminding the company weekly of our opposition to their bloody business. The bigger the noise demos are the more effective they become! They take place between 4 and 6 EVERY Wednesday. If you have never been to a noise demo before and would like to have a chat about it (or if you've been lots and just want to be sociable!) we are meeting at 3pm, pre-demo, this Wednesday (the 18th) and next Wednesday (the 24th) at The Gladstone pub, 123 Lewes Road. We will then go up to the noise demo together.
The decommissioner Elijah Smith has, yet again, moved prison. This time he was moved without the knowledge of people involved in supporting him. It is really important that we show him an extra amount of support as those instances can feel very alienating for someone on remand. For the moment you can write to him on the address below, although he might be moved again in time for the next decommissioner hearing at the beginning of March so keep checking the web-site for updates. He would very much appreciate if you send a few extra stamps with your letter, as it enables him to keep in touch with people on the outside and there is nowhere in the prison to get hold of them
Elijah Smith VP 7551
HMP Elmley (Sheppey Cluster)
Church Rd
Kent ME12 4DZ
If you have any spare cash, Smash EDO would very much appreciate some donations...For info about how to donate go to

"Every bomb that is dropped, every bullet that is fired in the name of this war of terror has to be made somewhere. And wherever that is, it can be resisted..."
Smash EDO