UK Newswire Archive
State sends out a message to activists with harsh sentence for Fire Extinguisher Protestor.
13-01-2011 09:22
Bristol Activists take note!The state defends itself and all Activists better watch out, be careful Bristol people the state has started its fightback. This week a Edward Woollard gets a 32 month sentence for throwing a fire extinguisher off Millbank, which did not hurt anyone. Whether you agree or disagree with the action, the sentence is wholly disproportionate to the crime. Far worse crimes happen every Saturday night in Bristol and these people do not get this length of sentence.
This is blatantly a political sentence, put out there to warn people off protesting, let alone doing anything illegal which actually threatens their dominance and blatant exploitation of us for their own ends. Funny isn’t it, how quickly this guy has been arrested and sentenced compared to how slowly the investigation of Ian Tomlinson’s death took, which still has no conviction.
This is absolutely appalling and again shows the role of the courts as a political tool to scare people off dissent.
Again this shows how hypocritical the establishment has become. Are we seeing police in the courts for beating Alfie Meadows to within an inch of his life, no we are not and we probably won’t. Will we see police in court for pulling Jody Mcintyre out of his wheelchair for no apparent reason, no we are not and probably will not. Forty three protestors were injured at the last student demonstration are we seeing criminal convictions being bought against the police for these assaults, no we are not.
Why is it that Alfie Meadows can be severely beaten and we get an internal investigation, Ian Tomlinson gets murdered on camera by Police Officers and we get an investigation that takes forever and no criminal proceedings are bought. Yet Edward Woollard throws a fire extinguisher off a building which does not can any damage to anyone and within three months he is in prison serving a 32 month sentence.
What will the people who attacked the Royals car going to get, life imprisonment!
See link below for an ex magistrates view on zthis sentence.
Upcoming Anti-cuts events in Swindon
13-01-2011 09:06
Last night, a very large meeting saw the birth of Swindon-Anti-Cuts Campaign. We already have several events in the pipeline -Harlan Interfauna Raided - 38 Dogs Liberated
13-01-2011 03:09
Cut of the animal supply, shut down the laboratories!Violent Unrest: Spare The Horses
13-01-2011 02:31
With the prospect of more anti-government protests a strong likelihood in 2011, the recent violent clashes between mounted police officers and students raises questions about the welfare of the horses used in these situations.Tunisian People's Revolution
13-01-2011 02:12

Famous Activist on brink of Death
13-01-2011 01:55
A famous Sheffield activist is near to death.Urgent Appeal - Please distribute far and wide.
13-01-2011 01:54
I don't believe too much in the efficacy of the kind of write-in protest advocated below, but an international spotlight on this case just might have an effect onthe final sentencing of these exemplary militants. So if you are on any listservs, please post. Thanks
Activist Sports Club
12-01-2011 23:22
Every Sunday (unless it's raining) we will be getting together at Riverside Park (Along side M32, Between Staples and St Pauls Underpass) to play sports, do circuit training and have fun, and you are invited!We have had a lot of interest from students and seasoned activists alike, so it really is worth coming along.
After all this running about in Bristol and London for the student demos, we noticed we are pretty unfit. So last Saturday some members of Bristol Anarchist Federation got together to play football. Even tough we all suck at football and it was cold and muddy we had a great time. So we thought we would create an opportunity for students and activists to get fit and meet new people by doing it every week.
The Programme:
WARM UP - Stretches and circuit training to loosen muscles.
PART ONE - Team sports such as Football, touch rugby, cricket etc (depends on what equipment people bring)
PART TWO - Demo training games. Games and Excersises to help improve agility, fitness, co-ordination and communication such as Self Defence, British Bulldogs, Breaking Police lines, dodgeball, tactics, role play etc anything that is fun and improves our chances of staying safe and free on the streets!
SOCIAL - Pint and a game of Skittles at the Duke of York.
This is a great way to meet people without the boredom of a meeting or the stress of a protest. We want to see students, unionist, socialists and anarchists all there having fun and sweating loads!
This is DIY so we are up for any ideas, skills, knowledge or equipment people can provide.
Contact for more info
Map -
Mark Kennedy: secret policeman's sideline as corporate spy
12-01-2011 22:48
I know its bad form to just repost from the liberal press but they finally seem to have revealed something usefull.Hopefully this will put paid to any of the “going native” shit that was stirred up by the newsnight piece.
The second half of this actually contains some investigative journalism (though as always they got their leads from here)
cycle rally
12-01-2011 22:22
Cyclists stand to loose more than most if the Public Bodies bill goes ahead as Government Ministers have admitted that even in the unlikely event that access to all present paths in the Forest are protected under a sell-off it will not apply to cyclists and horse ridersThe Cycle Centre (Pedalabikeaway), Forest of Dean
Sunday 23 Jan 12.00 midday
We are planning a very short ride from Pedalabikeaway to Cannop Ponds to show our oppostion to the Forest sell off and help preserve the Forest for future generations of cyclists.
Meet 12.00 midday at Pedalabikeaway. Parking at Pedalabikeaway, Beechenhurst and Cannop.
Cyclists of all ages and abilities - please turn up and make this a show of strength.
Who Makes the Nazis - Author Exposed
12-01-2011 21:48
There's a site doing the rounds trying to find links between Anarchists and Nazis.Translated: "Indignez-vou" by 93-y.o. Incites Young French-600,000 Sold
12-01-2011 21:45

What's Causing Kidney Disease in Nicaragua: BUSPH Researchers Investigate
12-01-2011 21:38
It's a compelling public health mystery: Thousands of people in Northwestern Nicaragua are dying from chronic kidney failure, and no one knows why.ENTSICHERN CONGRESS in Berlin, 29-30 January 2011
12-01-2011 21:13

A considerable part of all legislative and political decisions are currently made via the European Union. Expected resistance in the 27 member states is thwarted by this ”policy laundering” while the financially strongest governments furthermore dominate the course. At the same time the EU enlarge its powers through its own structures which coordinate cross-border activities as well as advance projects under its own direction.
This policy is especially noticeable in the area of European ”homeland defence” and its securitization, militarisation and gendarmerisation of social phenomenons. There is, however, no increased attention which accompanies the development of the EU by now, for example by the social movements. The radical Left, as well, which is normally never short of criticism of the state, remains speechless.
Gone Beyond Words: Nine Years of Guantánamo Bay
12-01-2011 21:10

Burnt Flag: Winter 2011
12-01-2011 20:24
The latest edition of your favourite militant antifascist rag is here. Download, print and distribute!
We Are From The Slums Of Cardiff...
12-01-2011 20:19
NEW YEAR IN BABYLON. Don't. Miss. Out. Cardiff's MONTHLY Unemployed Daytime Disco returns for an edgy JANUARY SPECIAL: Now is the Winter of our Discontent...!Thursday 20 January, 2:00pm - 8:00pm, Rockin Chair, Lower Cathedral Road
Post Flash Fallout, Lessons and Activist security
12-01-2011 20:00
Everyones being talking about Mark since Oct but what have people learned or changed? We always knew that the state was interested in our activities and that they send people to our meetings and monitor our email etc. However it seemed unlikely that the cops would take us seriously enough to go to such extreme lengths to embed a cop in our circles so deep or for such a long time. Sure, the cops would have their snitches among us, those who dedication to the cause could not compete to their own dedication to drink, drugs, parties and easy cash. Of course we also knew that the corporations we target would also be spying on us and that there were companies who specialised in infiltrating our groups and selling info to whoever would pay. When the news about Mark broke, the surprise wasn't that we had been infiltrated, it was the it was a cop and not simply a private detective or a friend turned informer.The 'censored' Mark Kennedy article
12-01-2011 19:41

Demo outside German embassy to support Liebig14!!!!
12-01-2011 19:35
To support the Liebig14 in Berlin, which is going to be evicted on 2nd February, we will have a demo outside the German embassy, Belgrave Square, London this Friday 14th January 12 midday.Defend autonomous spaces!
Save Liebig 14!