UK Newswire Archive
The Great Rwanda "Genocide Coverup"
21-02-2008 21:22
As George Bush begins his much bally-hooed African safari, he has already begun to heap praise on Rwandan President Kagame as a “model for Africa .” But, recently issued French and Spanish international “war-crimes” warrants and new evidence at the UN Rwanda Tribunal have exposed Kagame as the war-criminal.'Not An Eviction Party' at the secret social centre
21-02-2008 21:02
Today, the backup venue for the rampART social centre faced a court hearing as the owners sought an interim possession order which would have seen the occupiers given just 24 hours to pack up and leave. However, as luck would have it, only the squatters turned up to court so the case was adjourned. No eviction tomorrow and we guess not for at least another week...Oil Price $100+ a Barrel; World Leaders Ignore this Signal of Impending Shortage
21-02-2008 20:17

Large Potential Albanian Oil and Gas Discovery Underscores Kosovo's Importance
21-02-2008 18:16
On January 10, Swiss-based Manas Petroleum Corporation broke the news. Gustavson Associates LLC's Resource Evaluation identified large prospects of oil and gas reserves in Albania, close to Kosovo.Rambo IV sneak premiere at rampART burma night, TONIGHT
21-02-2008 17:56
Tonight (21st Feb, 8pm) at rampART there is a sneak premiere of the new Rambo film along with short films about the situation in Burma (now called Myanmar) and campaigns to force Total Oil to end it's economic support of the military junta.Films start 8pm at 15-17 rampart street.
Protestors demand freedom of expression at University
21-02-2008 17:46
Today around 80 protesters marched around the University of Nottingham's campus to demand freedom of expression and an end to the University's repression of student activists. In spite of the University's deployment of undercover spies and a police cameraman, the mood was good and protestors got a generally warm reception from other members of the student body.Palestine Today 022108
21-02-2008 15:46

Unrest Aftermath in Copenhagen
21-02-2008 14:42
After a week of burning barricades, cars and public buildings across the country the unrest has settled down. Now we're looking back at what actually happened.Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
UK apology over rendition flights
21-02-2008 13:52
Government admit 2 US rendition flights refuelled on UK territory.Benefit for Falsane Punx Peacenik Free Festi
21-02-2008 13:41

The End of the Welfare State in the UK?
21-02-2008 13:01
The assault on benefits and welfare which generations have fought for is relentless, SWAN have provided a briefing/commentary which people can use, there is also a parliamentary Early Day Motion by John McDonnell MP which is worth getting behind, write to your M.P to support it.Early Day Motion
EDM 877
McDonnell, John
That this House notes the recent comments by the Government's welfare reforms adviser, David Freud, about those on incapacity benefits, by the newly appointed Work and Pensions Secretary of State on the unemployed and those on incapacity benefits and by the new Housing Minister on eligibility for council housing; further notes two recent reports by the Institute for Fiscal Studies and by the Fuel Poverty Advisory Group, which respectively show the UK income inequality to be at its highest levels since the late 1940s and that fuel poverty targets will be missed, which follows the failure of the Government to meet child poverty targets; and therefore calls upon Government Ministers to concentrate on attacking poverty rather than attacking the poor.

Bikes against the bomb bikeride, London to Aldermaston, March 22-26
21-02-2008 13:00
To mark the 50th anniversary of the Aldermaston Peace March,a bike ride will be leaving London on 22 March arriving at Aldermaston on Monday 24 March to join ' Surround the Base' CND mass action planned for that day.SOCPA - THE MOVIE free london screening next thursday
21-02-2008 12:07
the school of oriental and african studies (SOAS) is hosting a free screening and discussion at 6pm next thursday - all are welcomeAnother Israel
21-02-2008 11:29

7pm Wednesday March 12th
Doors open for exhibition and bookstall 6.00pm
20 years revolutionary 1st of may germany/berlin-kreuzberg
21-02-2008 11:20

Student Climate Project's plans for London, April 2008
21-02-2008 10:25

Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
EDO Rooftop Protesters celebrate as all charges are dropped again
21-02-2008 07:25
21/02/2008For more info call 07875708873 or email