UK Newswire Archive
State Funerals, Amnesia and Anarchism
27-05-2013 22:37

Brighton squat trial - longer update
27-05-2013 20:48
One squatter convicted, two walk free. An appeal for the one has already been launched...Anti-capitalists gear up for G8 protests
27-05-2013 14:55
Anti-capitalists have been gearing up for the protests against the G8 Summit with Mayday actions across the country. The focus was on Primark and other businesses profiting from the global slave labour system which led to the death of 700 people in Bangladesh. There were angry protests in central London, Hackney, Lewisham, Birmingham, Brighton and Bristol, with the clear message going out that the disaster was not an accident but the inevitable consequence of the callous capitalist system. Stop G8 is holding another organising meeting in London on May 25 and May 26, before the big week of action in the capital from June 10 to June 14, featuring the #J11 Carnival Against Capitalism.
On the Newswire: Mayday protest in central London | Mayday protest in Glasgow | Mayday protests in Birmingham, Hackney and Lewisham | Mayday protest in Bristol | Mayday protest in Brighton | Squatted social centre in Lewes | Guillotine in Worthing | Oxford Stop G8 meeting |Call-out for J11 | Call-out for week of action
Other links: Stop G8 | Resist 2013 UK G8 Summit | Stop G8 on Twitter | They Owe Us
On May 1 in London, the traditional Mayday march from Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square was followed up by demonstrations against the slave labour trade that left 700 dead in Bangladesh.
Activists from the Stop G8 Network held a series of loud and angry protests against Mango, Primark and Benetton stores in Oxford Street. Each of these companies is known to have sourced their clothes from the Rana Plaza factory. Protesters entered the shops and chanted about the continued exploitation of workers in Bangladesh and elsewhere.
Many leaflets were handed to people in the heaving shopping district and there was considerable interest and support. Most shoppers were deterred from entering the shops due to the large number of police and protesters standing in front of the entrances. The protesters emphasised that the disaster is just the latest incident in a series of such tragedies and that callous disregard for workers is part and parcel of global capitalism.
Monsanto Demo: Videos
27-05-2013 14:55
1.00pm 25th March 2013 Market Square, Nottingham
Demo Against Monsanto
Demo Against Monsanto
Some videos of the event:
• why do we demonstrate?
-To support organic and small farmers who suffer losses whilst Monsanto patent rights over seeds
-To spread awareness about the serious health conditions that Monsanto’s GM food can lead to
-To protect our bee population that has been declining since the introduction of GM crops
• what are the solutions?
-To buy organic and boycott Monsanto owned companies
-To call for further scientific research on the health effects of GMO’s
-To continue to inform the public about Monsanto so they too can make an informed decision about the food that they eat
for more info go to:
Twitter Hash Tags: #MAM #MarchAgainstMonsanto #OpMonsanto
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Callout for South London Eviction Resistance, Tuesday 28/5/13
27-05-2013 11:49
Patmos Lodge, a squat of 2+years with 100 residents due for eviction this Tuesday morningA Cap on GP Appointments and Other Tory Health Proposals
27-05-2013 10:55
By now most of you will have heard that the Tories have asked local party groups whether they think there should be a cap on the number of GP appointments that NHS patients – that’s everyone in the UK apart from a small number of extremely wealthy people – should be allowed in a year.
World Protest Against Monsanto.
26-05-2013 22:55
1 June International Day of Action for Bradley Manning: Join Cor Cochion in Cardiff
26-05-2013 07:01

Saturday 1 June is an international day of action for Welsh-American WikiLeaks whistleblower Bradley Manning, facing Court Martial on over 20 charges including 'Aiding the Enemy' and a possible sentence of life without parole or even potentially the death penalty if convicted. The trial starts on 3 June and is expected to last over two months. Bradley Manning dared to reveal the truth about US-led wars, US interference around the globe and much more, hoping that this information would trigger "worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms... if not... then we’re doomed as a species." He went on to say "I will officially give up on the society we have if nothing happens."
Brad still has many family members living in Wales. Cardiff Reds Choir/Cor Cochion Caerdydd is organising a solidarity event in Cardiff on 1 June. In London, there will be a protest outside the US Embassy . Worldwide events listed at
SWP get police to arrest own side at EDL Newcastle march.
25-05-2013 20:51
Today the EDL took to the streets in Newcastle. In the run up to this, the SWP banned anyone who raised the possibility of employing a diverse range of tactics from attending the 'Newcastle unites against fascism' planning meetings and banned and deleted their comments over facebook. They also threatened that anyone who was deemed aggressive would be seized by their stewards and happened over to the police. What happened today was worse.Update on Brighton squat trial
24-05-2013 21:30
The one defendant was today found guilty! :[He was sentenced to 40 hours unpaid labour and a £250 fine. A light sentence, but nevertheless a travesty, when the evidence is considered.
The ‘Robin Hood’ spirit inspires Nottingham’s prot
24-05-2013 20:55
Hundreds of local residents expected in Market Square at 2pm for the global 'March Against Monsanto' movement
The ‘Robin Hood’ spirit inspires Nottingham’s protest against Monsanto and GM foods
Over 200 people are expected to descend on Nottingham’s Market Square on Saturday 25 May at 2pm to protest against multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation, Monsanto, and genetically modified (GM) food, as part of the global ‘March Against Monsanto’(1) movement.
Research studies have shown that Monsanto’s GM foods can lead to serious health conditions such as the development of cancer tumors, infertility and birth defects. Furthermore, the protesters are concerned that companies, like Monsanto, will pressurise British farmers to choose GM and restrict their seed choices.
“There is good argument to suggest that it’s the corporations who are the real terrorists to be concerned about,” comments Roana Mahmud, for the Nottingham group. “The extent to which GM issues are not openly shared with the public is an outrage and must be addressed. And that time is now.”
Nottingham residents who unable to attend the demonstration are encouraged to get involved in, what has been dubbed by many, the first unstoppable revolution of the 21st century:
- Firstly, sign the Avaaz online petition “Monsanto vs. Mother Nature”(2) and any other petitions against Monsanto and GM foods. It takes less than a minute to join the millions of voices who are have already voiced their support for this cause.
- Secondly, learn about what is in your food and where it came from. If you can’t buy organic or visit local farmers markets – of which there are a good few to choose from in Nottingham(3) – then grow your own at home, or together in allotments and community gardens.
- Thirdly, spread the word. Talk to your family, friends and neighbours so that they too can make better-informed choices about what goes on their plates and in their mouths.
“The march is only the beginning,” continues Mahmud. “This movement is the perfect example of ‘Think Global, Act Local’ and will serve to strengthen communities everywhere, with a renewed focus on the health and well-being of all. Nottingham is no exception.”
Cultural establishments, such as The City Gallery on Long Row, have been generous in offering space for organisers to plan the march and to discuss how best to address the global issue on a local level. “Protests and demonstrations are no longer the preserve of disgruntled students and so-called ‘tree-hugging hippies’,” concludes Mahmud, a Marketing Manager from Carrington. “There has been a real ‘Robin Hood’ spirit about it all. We’ve received a groundswell of support from all ages, ethnicities and backgrounds in Nottingham and are expecting a very diverse turnout(4).” The organisers are expecting a peaceful protest in the square with opportunities for onlookers to sign the online petition and to learn more.
Globally, over 200,000 people in 400 cities in over 50 countries are expected to take to the streets in solidarity to show their support for this cause.
(1) The main website for the march:
(2) Online petition against Monsanto:
(3) Nottinghamshire Farmers Markets:
(4) Demo Against Monsanto - Nottingham:
Unite Against Fascism, Edinburgh.
24-05-2013 18:55
Support Sireen Sawafteh - Abducted by Israel on the 14 May 2013
24-05-2013 17:18
Last Tuesday Sireen, a 24 year old woman from Tubas, was detained by the Israeli occupation forces. She is currently being held in Al Jalameh, an Israeli prison. Her family and friends fear for her safety. She has been denied access to a lawyer and she has not been allowed to make any contact with her loved ones since her abduction.Fascists in Nottingham this Saturday
24-05-2013 16:55
Members of the EDL (the English Defence League) are attempting to arrange an unofficial "demonstration" tomorrow (Saturday) at 1pm on the market Square.
Muslims in the area have been urged to refrain from entering the city centre by Mosques because of a high chance of violent confrontations.
Similar attacks have been occurring up and down the country since Wednesday's event in London.
This information is public and has been taken from the social media site Facebook.
Please spread the word that the EDL may be meeting tomorrow!
(Please note that there will be another Demo taking place on the market square against Monsanto @ 2pm....)
Please join us, bring banner making materials, noise makers and energy to let them know that their fascism will not be tolerated and people will not be intimidated!
Guantanamo: A pinnacle of depravity!
24-05-2013 14:11
The folowing article considers Guantanamo as an example of the banality of evil. It also notes the similarity between the illegal enslavement, deprivation and torture of the detainees at Guantanamo - to produce information; and earlier forms of US slavery - to produce different commodities.VIOME: A Workers' Experiment with Global Appeal
24-05-2013 13:53
“No worker who is not a shareholder, no shareholder who is not a worker,” say the workers of VIOME (Industrial Mineral), a factory in northern Greece. Their plan to take over the factory and to manage it themselves has generated waves of encouragement and support throughout the world. In this report for UNFOLLOW magazine, Christos Avramidis and Antonis Galanopoulos investigate the background to current events, and ask what the future might hold for these workers and their plan, what the reaction of the Greek government is likely to be, and whether workers’ self-management is feasible in a capitalist context.Activists defy police attempts to gather intelligence on resistance to G8
24-05-2013 13:11
Two UK anti-capitalists, returning to the country on Sunday May 19 after attending an anarchist festival in the Netherlands (