UK Newswire Archive
StopG8 National Gathering @ London 25/26 May
24-05-2013 12:45
London Action Resource Centre - 62 Fieldgate St London E1 1ESFree Counselling for Activists, Campaigners and Social Changers
24-05-2013 12:44
Counselling for Social Change (CSC) are offering free phone counselling and rural retreats for activists, campaigners, and social changers. Phone support is ongoing and can last as long as needed. The retreats will be in a low-impact shepherd's hut in rural West Cornwall, and can last between a weekend to a week, and can be supported through phone counselling before and after the retreat.UG#642 - Living a 3-Dimensional Life (Living Moneyless, Walden #1)
24-05-2013 03:16

Hurley tramples on half a million Chechens
23-05-2013 15:31
Please let Elizabeth Hurley know what you think of her and another scumbag french actor Gerard Depardieu going to Chechniya to make a film.We don't know how much she's been paid, but half a million dead Chechniyan people killed by its present president will have put most actors from touching Ramzan Kadyrov with a barge pole.
Brighton squat trial resumes tomorrow
23-05-2013 14:28

Hunting Wildlife Crime Officer Removed From Post
23-05-2013 12:05

Number of Scots reduced to poverty after having their benefits taken away on the rise
23-05-2013 10:55
A rising numbers of Scots are being pushed deeper into poverty by having their benefits stopped. More than 200 people had their jobseeker’s allowance suspended every working day this time last year – plunging struggling Scots into an instant financial … Continue reading →U.K. anarchist publication “Return Fire” released
23-05-2013 10:51

UG#640 - The Making Of The National Security State (The Power Principle 1)
23-05-2013 02:51

UG#641 - The Making Of The National Security State (The Power Principle 2)
23-05-2013 02:46

The racists behind Lincoln demo
22-05-2013 20:55
We’ve been doing a little digging into the Lincoln mosque demo to find out what more about the people organising it. The original Facebook event was set up by a local man called Alex Banos who lists his religious views as “muslim bashing” and his political views as UKIP. He is a big fan of the EDL and it was his posting stating that “we all edl on here”. He has also made posts threatening to bring down the mosque if it gets built.
Since then a more organised far right group has picked up on the event. The East Anglian Patriots, led by former EDL webmaster, Anthony Bamford, and with an admin consisting of disaffected former EDL organisers like Andy Reynolds and Rob Stebbing, is promoting the event. In spite of the fact that Lincoln isn’t in East Anglia. Oh dear. There are plenty of actual EDL members involved as well. Members of the Stop the Lincoln Mosque group include EDL deputy, Kev Carroll, and Norwich EDL organiser Ivan Humble. Sam Burgess, who organised the Norwich EDL demo has said he is going. Other members of the East Anglian Patriots include EVF Midlands organiser, Wayne Ayers, Daz Healey and Ben Laight of Boston EDL and a familiar face who seems to pop up in everything far right around these parts – Dean Everitt. Everitt’s latest anti-immigration demo in Wisbech was deemed too extreme even for the strongly anti-immigration UKIP to attend so he obviously feels the need to move in more blatantly fascist circles these days.Things are not looking good for the far right mobilisation according to posts on their event page, demonstrating that, as we expected, local interest in the demo is non-existent. Interest from “Lincoln lads is embarrassing” according to Dave Gooderham, who complains that “the locals don’t seem to care”. Rob Sawyer agreed: “the i don’t want a mosque brigade can’t get off there arse” and added that he’s “using the demo as a social and nothing more”. He concluded “the people of Lincoln don’t fucking care”. Which begs the question of why people from a different region are coming to protest a mosque that has nothing to do with them? It just looks like an attempt to stir up trouble where there is none, a social (i.e. heavy drinking) session for a few lads from Norfolk and an excuse to do a few racist chants as well as trying to intimidate the local Muslim community.
Fortunately, local Lincoln anti-fascists have calling for a counter-mobilisation against the racists. We will promote their plans once they’ve been made public and encourage anyone who is against fascism and nationalism to oppose the anti-Muslim demo.
"Where are the organ grinders?" - photos from the legal aid cuts protest
22-05-2013 19:44

Where are the organ grinders?
22-05-2013 19:19
It is not often that lawyers take to the streets. But they did on Tuesday in Manchester over the latest legal aid cuts.Children's Art from Gaza: Report on talk by Rod Cox in Wrexham
22-05-2013 15:55
![Rod Cox with the Exhibition [photo: Stillshooter]](/icon/2013/05/509635.jpg)
In the final week of the 'Loss of Innocence' Exhibition of Children's Art from Gaza at Wrexham Cathedral, Rod Cox came to speak about how he collected this artwork in early 2009 as part of the Aid Convoy in the wake of the 'Operation Cast Lead' bombardment of Gaza by Israel, about the children who created the artwork, their trauma, injuries, lost families, destroyed homes and shattered lives, as well as their hopes for a peaceful future free from fear.
The Exhibition has now moved on to the local Yale College of Further Education where it will be open for viewing by students and the public in the Learning Resource Centre (library) for the next two weeks. From 4 June it will move again to St. Christopher's School in Hightown.
Stop G8 meeting in Portsmouth
22-05-2013 10:28

Tornado Over A Mile Wide And 200 MPH Hit Moore Oklahoma In US
21-05-2013 23:12

21-05-2013 20:55
War for Oil takes a Weird Turn
21-05-2013 20:18
It gave an impression of Russian roulette at the pump – when the Brussels regime raided offices of European oil corporations last week there was no mentioning of the deadly bullet that could bring about the liquidation of these fossil legacies from the most ruthless decades of industrialisation. That smoking gun would be the notorious “Bhopal of the seabed”, the deep water drilling catastrophe in the gulf of Mexico, in which the “American Dream” to stop the rise of the sea level before total disarmament had gone up in flames. Stuck on downplaying like a Mandarin emperor, official statements even suggested that the raids were a routine event such as if the same had happened every year before.Crisis of Civilization Podcast#3 Sibel Edmond: the most gagged person in the USA
21-05-2013 20:17