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ITT To Close EDO MBM Flexi-Circuits Factory In Brighton
29-04-2008 12:40

28 April 2008
28 April 2008
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The Tumbledown Dick
29-04-2008 12:03

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BNP Mayoral candidate's wife is Met copper!
29-04-2008 11:33
Richard Barnbrook 's wife is a serving Met Police officer. That explains how he was at the front of the Bobby March in LondonStreet Blitz London, 1-15 May 2008
29-04-2008 10:56

Not just Boris, but the BNP too!
29-04-2008 06:42

A reply to Steve Platt's Every failure to vote on 1 May is a vote for the BNP.
"There has always been a political alternative to the lack of choice of the mainstream political parties, the opportunism of the minority parties and the racism of tiny fascist outfits like the BNP. It involves organising in such a way that everybody has a say over the decisions that affect them. It means refusing to accept what politicians tell you to do and taking the power into your own hands, not waiting for somebody else to do it for you."
US Media's Left Wing 'Agenda' and the Public's Knowledge of Climate Science
29-04-2008 06:32
You've heard it many times.--The 'left wing' U.S. media is 'scare-mongering and alarmist' about climate change. They are frightening the people of the U.S. about the affects of global warming without having enough facts and research to back up their statements. --
The statements from researchers 'on the ground' ARE very alarming, no one can dispute that. Here are a few of the past year or so from separate, independent, long-term scientific studies. [Links to the report that these statements are ripped from are provided below.]
No Middle East Peace Without Tough Love
29-04-2008 00:18
This is perhaps the best article I have read on the conflict, and it's great to see - even at this late hour - that people are finally beginning to speak in terms of accepting and perhaps confronting Zionism, and its role in creating and perpetuating this conflict, and why.Yes, It Is Apartheid
29-04-2008 00:16
The Ritual Flaying of Jimmy Carter
Israeli Attack Kills Palestinian Mother, 4 Children
29-04-2008 00:10
Psychopaths always blame their victimsI mean, if an Israeli family was killed we’d be hearing about it non-stop; but this was just a Palestinian mother and her four little children. Just some collateral damage…

NYC's 'Movement for Justice in El Barrio' - 1st UK Speaking Tour Details!
28-04-2008 23:03

// 1st UK Speaking Tour of New Yorks 'Movement for Justice in El Barrio' Taking Place in May 2008!
Grangemouth Billionaire Holds UK to Ransom
28-04-2008 22:45
The strike action at Grangemouth has prompted lots of stories about "fuel panic" and shortages. A look at the company who own the refinery makes it clear that they know what they are doing. The economics of Grangemouth are sound: they want to break the union.deacent housing, asylum rights, tcar and angle housing
28-04-2008 22:09
a an angel group demonstratiomn called by tyneside community action for refgueesShaming HLS top supplier Staples on Novartis march
28-04-2008 21:44

National March & Rally @ Novartis UK HQ
28-04-2008 18:10

Double Screening of 'The Elephant in the Room' Sunday 4th May
28-04-2008 17:45
Award-winning Documentary hits Hackney. Twice.Workers Memorial Day in Birmingham
28-04-2008 16:48

Lambeth UNISON Public Meeting - Privatisation of council services: the true cost
28-04-2008 16:06
*6.30pm to 8.30pm*Thursday 8th May
*Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton
Speakers include:
John McDonnell MP – Chair of the Socialist Campaign Group
Ted Knight – ex-Leader of Lambeth Council
Derek Wall – Male Principal Speaker of the Green Party
Sarah Tomlinson – Branch Secretary of Lambeth NUT
Jean Kerrigan – ex-Chair of Tenants’ Council
Farnborough town centre - unsecured demolition site
28-04-2008 15:25

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trident protesters arrested out side rolls royce derby
28-04-2008 14:38
dorothy skrytek arrested out side rolls royce with foe comrades in derby