UK Newswire Archive
The Government has been criticised for it's handling of the research project.
02-04-2008 16:31
Chris Coverdale arrested after giving War Crimes evidence
02-04-2008 16:15
Chris Coverdale has just been arrested at his home and will spend the night in cells awaiting a court appearance tomorrow for non-Payment of SOCPA fines.Fossil Fools Day action at Y&R advertising.
02-04-2008 16:04

Meanwhile inside the building some other people posing as corporate clients gained access to Y&R and barricaded themselves inside one of their offices. The Police eventually showed up in force and nicked those inside. Which is exactly what they wanted as any charges will bring a nice big PR disaster to Y&R. Nice sunny day for it too….
Drown out Blair's shameless lecture
02-04-2008 15:49
Nearest tube: Victoria Station
Israel Laying Groundwork for Aggression Against Iran
02-04-2008 15:40
Once again proving who the real 'threat to peace' in the world is.The International Community has to stop the Appeasement of these rogue states.
FFD - Norwich Union withdraw £6.1 billion from Fossil Fuel Industry
02-04-2008 15:26

Talks on power handover continue after Zimbabwe elections
02-04-2008 15:24
The US State Department confirmed Tuesday that talks had begun between the Zimbabwe government and opposition over the possible departure of President Robert Mugabe, following elections held on Saturday. A State Department official who refused to be named would only say that the talks were ongoing, but refused to give details, stating, “I know that there are supposedly at various levels...discussions between representatives of the opposition and representatives of the government.”Fossil Fools Day - Video
02-04-2008 15:19

The Palestine Today 040208
02-04-2008 14:58

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Fossil Fools Blockade E.On Offices in Nottingham (an audio piece)
02-04-2008 14:28

UK Meat factory goes up in flames
02-04-2008 13:30
Reports are coming in of a blaze at a meat factory inFossil Fools Day protest against Kingsnorth coal-fired power station
02-04-2008 13:21

Photographs are copyright (C) 2008, Peter Marshall
Study Finds Concerns with Biofuels' Impact on Biodiversity
02-04-2008 12:55
Bothell, Wash. – March 31, 2008 - Biofuels are widely considered one of the most promising sources of renewable energy by policy makers and environmentalists alike. However, unless principles and standards for production are developed and implemented, certain biofuels will cause severe environmental impacts and reduce biodiversity – the very opposite of what is desired.Harmondsworth protest update
02-04-2008 12:33
The detainees (allegedly over 100) who spent the night in the courtyard went back inside this morning. Most are still refusing food. There are fights breaking out this moment because the guards were taunting the detainees over food.Brain First went to Cambodia to see what Pol Pot was up to
02-04-2008 12:23

He told me of the present of what Brian Haw witnessed as begun so many years back.
85% of the people are farmers. There are presently huge land disputes between the very poor and big business/the goveernment. I assume it is similiar to china's situation where the farmers are being removed so that the nouveau riche may build their American Dream houses.
Rice is over $1.00 per kilo and petrol is the same - $1.00 per litre. Their are some irrigation systems in place and there is little rain fall.
When poeple can't eat, their children don't go to school - the only way out of poverty is through education.
There is a huge problem with families selling thier children as a means of survival.
We started off this problem. This is our responsibility in the West.
Brian saw the killing fields and now the country is on the raod to economic collapse as inflation is presently soaring.
Who pays the price?
the children, as always.
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Massive Repression during the NATO Summit in Romania
02-04-2008 12:12
by email via g8-int:One day before the start of the Nato summit in Bucharest the situation gets worse. Hourly alternative looking people are detained by the police for no reason. Afterwards the police construct absurd offence, for example carrying a pocketknife amounting to possession a weapon. Every person coming to or leaving the convergence center is in danger of getting detained (some simply for walking to a nearby shop). The detained are interrogated, photographed and fingerprinted in police stations, and held for up to 24 hours.
At the Romanian border several groups of activists, as well as others, have been denied entry into the country.
The most involved Romanian activists around the country have at this point been visited or called by either the local police or SRI (Romanian information service) to be warned against participating in any anti-nato protests or to have their families intimidated.
Hull activists successfully complete Fossil Fools Day action
02-04-2008 11:57

Anti-NATO Convergence Centre in Bucharest attacked by Anti-Terror Police
02-04-2008 11:43
Police arrest all activists at the Anti-NATO CC in BucharestSmashEDO Film Screening in Brighton Tonight
02-04-2008 11:41
Free screening of 'On The Verge' at the Friends Meeting House in Brighton tonight at 19:30.Operation Happy Shopper
02-04-2008 11:35
A short summary of Opperation Happy Shopper, a Protest against the CCHR exhibit "Psychiatry - An Industry Of Death" For more infomation on the the exhibit itself, please read the following link;