UK Newswire Archive
Don't Feed the Wolfowitz!
07-05-2005 17:07
We have a bloodthirsty war criminal in charge of the World Bank!Nottingham Student Peace - Crystal Ball, Marcus Garvey Centre :: The Pictures
07-05-2005 16:52
07-05-2005 14:43
Australian Government Welfare Agency, Centrelink, caught out falsifying documents & withholding vital evidence in Court Cases - Documented proof on website same Government Department wants SHUT DOWNHow Cults Work: Block Free Speech whilst waving the UN flag
07-05-2005 13:50
Anyone who uses a computer will be painfully familiar with EULAs [End User Licence Agreements]- those nasty non negotiable clauses beloved of Software giants like Microsoft, that we have to accept before installing anything new on our machines. Now EULAs are being used by cults to get people to sign away their rights to free speechone year of rampART
07-05-2005 13:49
Seems hard to believe but it's almost a year now since the rampART opened. To celebrate, there will be a party on the 21st May (look out for details closer to the time).In the meantime, rampART is inviting submissions from people who have made use of the space to help reflect on twelve months of activity.
Anti-G8 Benefit: Wednesday 11th May, Brighton
07-05-2005 13:20
George Galloway wins in Bethnal Green.
07-05-2005 12:14
He could have quite easily led a comfortable retirement with the 1/4 million he has been awarded in compensation for the media hate campaign run against him during the war. His integrity would have stayed intact.
Instead he has spent his time and libel damages on giving Tony Blair the kick in the ballots he so richly deserves. It's true that just one MP will not change much but there is now a voice in parliament that will not be silenced by party whips. A voice that supports the Palestinians, the Iraqi resistance and condemns the 'War on Terror' and the erosion of our civil liberties. That will really, really piss off New Labour.
It also has to be said that Oona King was one of the more repulsive characters served up by Blair and his mates so good riddance to her.
Indymedia Scotland works again
07-05-2005 11:54
After a month of restricted usability of the website is now functioning again after a further upgrade of the Software.Please report any problems you experience with using the site to:
imcscotland contact .
This Week in Afghanistan (6 May 05)
07-05-2005 11:13
International Day of Solidarity with anarchists on trial in Germany
07-05-2005 09:12
Young anarchist wounded by the police in Colombia
06-05-2005 21:46
a young anarchist was wounded by police during may day demonstrations in bogota, colombia.Stories on ELECTORAL FRAUD
06-05-2005 20:57
I sincerely hope the British People won't stand idly by, like the Americans did, and allow this to happen. Take a page from the Ukrainians, the Lebanese. Both of their Movements were CIA-sponsored, but we've been given a glimpse into their Handbook for Non-Violent Revolution, and should not waste the opportunity this presents us with. Not with Fascism on the march ...Corporate Scandal: Dow Releases "Acceptable Risk" Program
06-05-2005 19:59
One should think that Dow would shy away from media attention only a few months after their cruelty towards the victims of the Bhopal disaster was exposed. But no - they are getting even more cynical.Zapatista Solidarity Events in Leeds May 27th and June 4th/5th
06-05-2005 18:53
Human Rights Film Screening 10 May
06-05-2005 18:42
Oxford Ethnographic Film Society at Linacre CollegeTuesday 10 May 8pm
Tanner Room, Linacre College (Linacre is located at the corner of South Parks and St. Cross Roads)
Filmmaker Michael Uwemedimo presents truly unique new footage from Vision Machine’s latest project in Indonesia.