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RAF recruitment disrupted at Pride

06-08-2005 21:37

Today the Royal Air Force marched in the so-called 'Pride' march and held a stall in the park afterwards. There was disruption and noise from naughty queers who prefered something just a little more radical than commercial gayness...

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Ambient Green Picnic – July 2005

06-08-2005 21:05

The Ambient Green Picnic was held in Guildford on Sunday 31 July 2005.

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August 1: Parliament Square - video

06-08-2005 20:46

Police use Serious Organised Crime and Police Bill on peaceful protesters for the first time.

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Robin Cook Dies!

06-08-2005 19:43

Former Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, who resigned in protest at the invasion of Iraq and wider ‘war on terror’ has died suddenly while hill walking in Scotland at the age of 59 years.

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Who's Behind the Coming War With Iran?

06-08-2005 19:22

As the support for Bush/PNAC/Bliar Neo-Fascism steadily wanes, it is interesting to note who still supports these criminal LIARS, and drives their policies.

Be sure to take detailed notes.

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Robin Cook Dead?

06-08-2005 18:03

Seems it is true the way C4 are talking about it.

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Hiroshima Bombing Commemoration at Deal Kent

06-08-2005 17:13

An eye witness account of a commemoration service for the Hiroshima bombing at Deal, Kent.

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prol-position newsletter #3 out now

06-08-2005 17:11

Prol-News from Call Centers, Transport Supply Chains and Work-Schemes, Picket-lines in Greece und Demonstrations in Australia...

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Khanali family - victory in the courts plus Section 9 and "voluntary return"

06-08-2005 10:59

5 August 2005

The court today ruled that NASS could not evict the Khanali family from
their house in Bury, Greater Manchester.

NASS (the home office agency) did not follow the correct procedures,
even within its own inhumane law, and that the human rights of the
family have been ignored, including the right to family life enshrined
within the Human Rights Convention.

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Al-Qaida's Terrorism Rooted In Anarchism

06-08-2005 09:02

"For although it founds its ideology on religious references and speaks a language overwhelmed by religious symbols, al-Qaida falls largely within the modern tradition of revolutionary anarchists..."
writes Soumayya Ghannoushi, a researcher in the history of ideas at the School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London, in an opinion piece for Aljazeera.

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Arofish graffiti exhibition

06-08-2005 08:33

another parade of tawdry tat in the name of art.

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AWE Aldermaston: 9 peace gardeners arrested after planting figs and vines

06-08-2005 07:49

International peace gardeners arrested planting vines and fig trees inside Atomic Weapons Establishment Aldermaston, UK; first court appearance on Hiroshima Day, Saturday 6th August.

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7/7 revenge attack on disabled Hindu

06-08-2005 01:42

like 9-11, 7/7 is having an impact on anyone who even looks like a muslim. And the irony is the perpetrators are still unknown. Were the attacks even suicide bombers?

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Balata drama group tour arrives in Edinburgh!

06-08-2005 00:31

This is a short piece describing the Balata drama group's arrival in Scotland with 7 attached photos.

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Vine & Fig Tree Planters held in custody. First court appearance Sat August 6th

05-08-2005 22:51

Vine and fig tree planters
International peace gardeners arrested planting vines and fig trees
inside Atomic Weapons Establishment Aldermaston, UK;
first court appearance on Hiroshima Day, Saturday 6th August

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International peace gardeners arrested planting vines and fig trees

05-08-2005 21:31

International peace gardeners arrested planting vines and fig trees
inside Atomic Weapons Establishment Aldermaston

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Defend Eucharia and Timeyi Campaign - Saturday 13th August 2005

05-08-2005 20:44

The DETC is campaigning to save the life of Eucharia and her four-year-old son who are threatened with deportation to Nigeria, from where they fled after members of their family were killed. Eucharia's husband and six-year-old daughter disappeared and have not been seen or heard of since.

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Hiroshima and Nagasaki- A Vigil of Remembrance in Cambridge

05-08-2005 20:01


In common with peace groups all over the world, Cambridge will be marking next Sunday-the Sunday nearest to August 6th when an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, with a simple act of remembrance.

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Summer Simultaneous Policy newsletter published

05-08-2005 18:55

International Simultaneous Policy Organisation newsletter now available on-line at

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Braced for Martial Law

05-08-2005 18:32

State Sponsored Terrorism in Your Face