UK Newswire Archive
05-06-2003 18:23
Swiss neutrality ? Discuss
05-06-2003 16:58
essays invited: is the reputedly famed Swiss "neutrality" made a mockery by their drafting in of German riot police ?First Hand Account of a British Activist in Jenin
05-06-2003 16:52
Yesterday morning at 3am,approximately 20 tanks and APCs, 6 hummers and 6 jeeps invaded Jenin town centre and proceeded to lay the Seabaht, Old City and Murrah areas to seige. There were clashes instantly as soldiers enterd the streets and proceeded to occupy the following homes:GREENPEACE OCCUPIES NEW HOME OFFICE HQ
05-06-2003 16:52
Government caught trashing Indonesia's last rainforests.Ya Basta Caravan in the Middle East Communication
05-06-2003 16:23
An official communication from the Ya Basta caravan in the middle eastAn Appeal from the Residents of Qalqiliya
05-06-2003 16:20
An Appeal from the Residents of QalqiliyaISM Aberystwyth: International Day Of Action For Justice in Palestine
05-06-2003 15:34
Report On Events in Aberystwyth For the International Day of Solidarity with PalestineNoBorders Camp in Puglia, Italy 21st -27th July August 2003
05-06-2003 15:15
Proposal for a camp on migrant work and against border control Puglia, Italy 21st -27th July August 2003A call for support and for further contributions to the proposal
Manchester People's Assembly
05-06-2003 15:05
This conference is called by Manchester Stop the War. We want to learn lessons from the anti-war movement and to see if the people that it brought together can keep together; not just opposing the was and occupation, but on wider issues. We hope to link into the network of assemblies and forums that are springing up across the UK and the world.Geneva03- G8: The Bubble Bursts
05-06-2003 14:39
staement fron Geneva03 live stream groupSPIN ALI TO RESIGN.
05-06-2003 13:34
Phoney has been forced to get rid of Spin Ali.arabic party
05-06-2003 11:36
Arabic Party on Saturday 7 th June @ Sahara NightsDemonstration at swiss embassy tomorrow against police repression in G8 protests
05-06-2003 10:52
demo called for 5:30 pm tomorrow outside the swiss embassy against police repression in geneva and lausanne during the G8 protests. address:16-18 Montagu place, W1. tubes: baker st, marble arch or marylebone.G8: Rubber Bullets + other Swiss Police Weapons ...
05-06-2003 00:36

No surprise the people doing these pages are permanently being hassled, arrested, sued and jailed only for publishing their stuff ...
Below some direct links to the most important pages: (article 1)
Save Palestinians From Themselves
04-06-2003 22:52
...a national struggle is not a free-for-all street rumble. It is supposed to be a movement led by astute leaders...Saddam's agents infiltrated Al Jazeera TV
04-06-2003 22:16
Adnan al-Shareef, a Palestinian, was appointed to the post by Al-Jazeera's board of directors chaired by Sheikh Hamad bin Thamer al-Thani, a member of Qatar's ruling family.update on the refugee camps in no man's land between iraq and jordan
04-06-2003 22:08
update on the refugee camps in the no man's land