UK Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 09 16 2010
16-09-2010 16:10

Demo outside DECC against subsidies for agrofuels
16-09-2010 15:55

Activists outside the Department of Energy and Climate Change protest against government subsidies for agrofuel burning power stations.
Demo against EDF's new nuclear plans at Hinkley - photos
16-09-2010 15:00

There is a funny smell in Brighton.
16-09-2010 13:50
The Eye sees what is happening in the city of Brighton and Hove. The ears smell malodour of corruption and malfeasance in the conduct of the local council.The Crude Awakening
16-09-2010 13:24
Mass action targeted at the oil industry taking place in London on October 16th 2010.
Sign up to receive updates at this site.
Floods in Pakistan – Drought in Russia – Huge glaciers breaking up in Greenland
Our climate system is rapidly sliding into crisis, as oil companies destroy people’s lives and the environment to keep sucking up their profits.
Oil saturates every aspect of our lives. Oil profits lubricate the financial markets and its sponsorship clings like a bad smell to our cultural institutions. It flows through pipelines to the pumps, airports and factories of our cities.
The failure of the UN COP15 process showed us – if there was ever any doubt – that government and industry can’t tackle climate change. It’s up to us and it’s time to up the ante.
As a movement, our actions against coal and aviation have made a real difference. Now oil’s time is up.
Together, on October 16, let’s give the oil industry a really Crude Awakening.
Ashton Vale
16-09-2010 12:22
the land is oursThe residents of Ashton Vale have won their fight to have the fields by their homes registered as a Town Green. Their fields were destined to be turned into football stadium, a concert area plus car parks, with a large road and rapid bus transit route through the middle.
Ashton Vale Heritage Group and the Town Green Applicants would like to thank the 188 local residents who gave witness evidence of their use of Ashton Vale Fields, enabling us to show 60 years of use, often going back through 3, 4 (and in two cases) 5 generations of the same family. We also thank the many others who provided support, documentation and other evidence to assist our case. Only one local resident gave evidence to support the developers.
There were many other people who use the land who did not feel able to give evidence, some believing it was pointless in trying to protect the green space which they believed had already been lost to developers and others with memories of past developments when residents had been ignored. We do not know the outcome of the Town Green Application. From the outset our aim was to protect the land for future generations to enjoy. If Town Green status has been granted then it is testament to what can be achieved by ordinary people when you have the support of people willing to help you.
The Town Green application had very little to do with football or the stadium, it was always about protecting this precious green space. The land means so much to so many people and we felt that we had to try and protect it.
Much false comment has been made about the land in the press and on message boards over the last few months. Only a part of the northern most field on the land was a waste tip between 1986 and 1988 and by the start of 1989 it had been returned to grassland. The land has always been and is still being grazed by dairy herds. As the farmer stated to the public enquiry, she has always had her uses for the land and we have had ours. The farmers and residents have always had excellent relations, working together well in their shared use of the land.
Ashton Vale is surrounded on three sides by industrial estates and railway lines. The fourth side is the fields, a site of nature conservation, natural wetland and home to many protected species. Bristol City Council has since at least 1982 registered the majority of Ashton Vale fields as a Site of Nature Conservation Interest.
Had development gone ahead, we would have been entirely surrounded by industry, with no green spaces in between for us to play, walk dogs or enjoy the wildlife. Local residents have been protecting these fields and fighting development of this site for more than 40 years. If we have achieved town green status, then we hope once and for all we can be free of the anxiety and stress we have endured for the last two years and look forward to our children and our grandchildren continuing to enjoy the land without the threat of development.
At the outset of this case, we took much encouragement and received much support from others in Bristol who had successfully brought town green cases. We now offer our encouragement and support to the many across this city whose green spaces are currently threatened by development.
If town green status is granted, then Ashton Vale fields will be one of the larger greens in Britain, but not as large as the 43 acre green in the village of Great Bentley in Essex.
Save our Youth Centres! - Anti-cuts demo - Bath - Mon 20th
16-09-2010 11:22
Callout for Baths first anti-cuts demo - Bristol people MORE than welcome!There is going to be an anti-cuts demo (specifically against the closure of local youth centres etc) next Monday (20th) from 4.30-6ish outside Guildhall, Bath.
The young people who have organised the demo have asked as many people to turn up as possible, and support them.
As we are all facing these Tory cuts, it would be wicked if we could get down there and show some solidarity and help build a real campaign of resistance in Bath.
To get involved in the local campaign, drop an email to
US, Iraqi Troops Kill Civilians in Fallujah Raid: Only you can stop Imperialism.
16-09-2010 10:58
"Imperialism Means Killing Civilians. The U.S., though, must kill them slowing in time. Otherwise the process and method are too clear. See the imperialism in Iraq and Afghanistan?"Save our Youth Centres! Anti-cuts demo - Bath - Monday 20th
16-09-2010 10:28
Callout for Baths first anti-cuts demoSolidarity with Workers at Viva Global in India [1]
16-09-2010 10:22
12 - 2pm outside M&S, Broadmead, BristolTake action now to condemn the kidnapping of a trade union leader at a M&S supplier factory in India and to call for his attackers to be brought to justice. The kidnapping is part of a brutal attack against 60 workers, which took place as they arrived for work at the Viva Global factory in Gurgaon, India on August 25th 2010.
M&S are refusing to support their workers and have cut and run from the factory.
Mipsie from Labour Behind the Label Writes: Take action now to condemn the kidnapping of a trade union leader at a M&S supplier factory in India and to call for his attackers to be brought to justice. The kidnapping is part of a brutal attack against 60 workers, which took place as they arrived for work at the Viva Global factory in Gurgaon, India on August 25th 2010.
M&S are refusing to support their workers and have cut and run from the factory.
The workers were attacked by thugs brandishing hockey sticks and lathis as they arrived for their shift at 9:30am Delhi time on the 25th August 2010. One of the thugs has been identified as the labour contractor used by Viva Global to provide workers to the factory. Sixteen women were severely beaten and Anwar Ansari, a trade union leader was kidnapped.
The attack follows several months of campaigning by the Garment and Allied Workers Union (GAWU) to get improvements in conditions at Viva Global. Workers complained of excessive and forced overtime, low wages, a lack of water to drink and in the toilets. In June 2010 a woman was burned with acid at the factory after picking up an unmarked bottle she believed to be water to use in the toilet.
Harassment of union members, including threats of dismissal, violence and even death has been increasing at the factory in recent weeks. On Monday 23rd August Viva Global management attempted to prevent workers from entering the factory and made threats against union leaders and workers, who were warned they would be beaten or even shot if they continued their campaign.
The Viva Global workers, along with a large number of local supporters, are now holding an ongoing demonstration outside Viva Global.
Come along to M&S in Broadmead this Friday at 12 to protest in solidarity with Viva Global workers. Please bring as many people as you can!
More info and campaign updates available on the LBL website
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Climate Rush present Nick Clegg with a large dose of Climate Viagra.
16-09-2010 07:36

Appeal to all men of conscience to Protest the Pope
16-09-2010 06:18
The Protest the Pope demonstrations represent a monumental endeavor that demands the participation of all men of conscience.25 killed in Cartel-Army battles in Matamoros, Mexico
16-09-2010 03:52
Last night (15th of September '10) saw running battles between the Zetas and GulfCartel, and between the Cartels and the Mexican army. The state prosecutors office was
attacked with grenades (for the 5th time in little over a month). The battles have left at
least 25 people dead, including two Marines...
English Defence League sing "Aint no black in the union jack" at EDL protest
16-09-2010 03:04

Autonomous Actions, Celebration & Destruction in Calais
15-09-2010 21:44

It had been a home to around 10 Afghans
Oxford Peace Plaque
15-09-2010 20:04
On Tuesday 21 September 2010 a peace Plaque will be unveiled in Bonn Square, Oxford.anon
15-09-2010 20:02
The English Defence League are holding a flash demo in Gateshead. NOW.One of them has been arrested for burning a Qur'an and they have put a call out for help at the Gateshead police station where they are holding a "flash demo".
English Defence League demo Amsterdam & support of Dutch extremist Geert Wilders
15-09-2010 19:14

Palestine Today 09 15 2010
15-09-2010 16:32