UK Newswire Archive
Greece: Violence Erupts Near EU Summit
16-04-2003 20:00

ISM Reports: 1:Tom Hurndall Update.2:Outrage.3:Nablus
16-04-2003 19:18
The Latest ISM ReportsDeaths connected to Bush Crime Family
16-04-2003 18:17
When are the American's going to put these guys on trial??Informers for a Day
16-04-2003 17:36
15.04.2003 - In war-torn Saravena, a town of 30,000 in Arauca department in eastern Colombia, soldiers dressed as clowns befriend local children by offering them candy, rides on armored personnel carriers, and the use of the army's swimming pool in return for the opportunity to pummel them with pro-army and anti-rebel propaganda. Read the article by Garry M. Leech at Colombia ReportLooting, arson, destruction that is what anarchy is!
16-04-2003 17:03
The looting, arson and mindless destruction going on now in Iraq is what real anarchy would be like! Yet idiots who run this site keep promoting anarchy as the ideal society.A Social Forum for Manchester!
16-04-2003 16:45
Out of the peace movement in Manchester emerges the social forum/people's assembly. This will be a networking forum that allows the social movements in Manchester to stay in touch and work together.How and why the US encouraged looting in Iraq
16-04-2003 14:11
How and why the US encouraged looting in IraqG8 -An Instrument of World Domination
16-04-2003 13:24
The G7 was set up in 1975 by Giscard d’Estaing in order to provide a focal point for the leaders of the most powerful states to have informal discussions on financial and economic matters.Lets do this together
16-04-2003 13:15
Stop the corporate onslaught.How can we disrupt their routine of onslaught.
By flooding them with e-mails including large
files. That will atleast slow down their machinery -
all of their functions in their networks become
slow and might even halt.
Hackney and Manchester IMC page hyperlinks not clear enough!
16-04-2003 12:19
Hyperlinks not clear enough!SANCTIONS AGAINST THE AXELS OF EVIL.
16-04-2003 10:40
The EU should impose Diplomatic and Trade santions against the US.BSTW Council Meeting Report
16-04-2003 09:12
Last night, (14/4/03), at what was meant to be an emergency council meeting on the war, the Labour Group showed that they were the last people to provide an example of democracy to the people of Iraq.In spite of requests in advance, they refused to hear representation from members of the public and local organisations who were present, including a large number of supporters of Brent Stop The War.
Coca-Cola (7) Last from series (by Latuff)
16-04-2003 08:41

Pastor Mark Dankof to an Idiot Named Pastor Jerry Falwell
16-04-2003 00:55
Pastor Mark Dankof informs Christopher Ruddy of that Jerry Falwell's remarks on the Ruddy web site entitled, "The Idiots Among Us," are a classic test-case example of irresponsible, yellow journalism, which insinuates that all opponents of Bush's doctrine of preemptive attack in the Middle East are un-American and indicative of left-wing subversion.Demonstrations in Baghdad Against U.S. Troops
16-04-2003 00:10
While Kurdish factions in the northern cities accuse each other of inciting violence and looting, demonstrations against US lack of intervention continue in Baghdad.More Info on the Eviction of Argentina Indymedia
15-04-2003 23:36
Argentina Indymedia evicted. Please fax your protests to the Argentine Ministry of (in)Justice--details in earlier Newswire postvicious way to treat out hero families
15-04-2003 23:14
'Every British serviceman who died in the conflict in Iraq is a hero......'did i read that right???? i would call them invaders and murderers, whose should be properly be chatrged wiht war crimes. However, the dumb soldiers dont know their leaders will relegate them to oblivion.