UK Newswire Archive
Faslane peace camp grand re-opening
18-03-2011 10:09
Faslane peace camp back on the map the year of the grand re-openingSquatting to be criminalised
18-03-2011 09:56
It's been coming, it was in their manifesto, but it appears that the tories are now acting on their promise to criminalise squatting. We need to plan for this early, squatting has been destroyed in other countries across Europe recently by swift gov/cop action. But we have the infrastructure to make them regret picking this fight. Time to start planning.Libyans celebrate UN action.
18-03-2011 08:20
The people of Benghazi celebrating the UN decision to support their fight for freedom. Countries voting in support of the resolution were the UK, France, Bosnia-Hercegovina, the USA, Lebanon, South Africa, Colombia, Portugal, Nigeria and Gabon. Countries abstaining were China, Russia, India, Germany and Brazil.March 26th Action Map
18-03-2011 00:55

Zimbabwe treason defendants need your help
17-03-2011 21:22
Six Zimbabwean activists are facing the death penalty for the heinous crime of watching a video on the Egyptian uprising. They need to raise $12,000 between the 12 of them. This is a lot of money, but far less in Europe than in Africa - perhaps we can help them out? Obviously there's a lot of donate-able causes right now what with Japanese relief efforts, UK cuts activism, etc etc etc. But given the usual shit showing from the corporate media, I just wanted to make sure people know this is happening and how to donate.Week of Action in solidarity with imprisoned anti-Fascist Jock Palfreeman
17-03-2011 21:00
...Nuclear Radiation Illegal Dumping Around the World Makes Meat, Fish, Dairy Poiso
17-03-2011 18:19
Where have NATO, Japanese, French, Chinese, Ukrainian, Canadian, US, UK, Australian, Indian, Russian nuclear waste been stored?Fukushima fuels wave of protests against UK’s 'nuclear renaissance'
17-03-2011 17:45
17 March 2011As the tragedy at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in north-east Japan continues to unfold, campaign group Kick Nuclear is joining anti-nuclear activists from around the UK to plan a series of demonstrations and direct action events.
POVERTY: Sound The Alarm!
17-03-2011 17:37
The worrying consequences of cuts on Britain's most vulnerablePalestine Today 03 17 2011
17-03-2011 16:21

A Japanese Chernobyl -summary of news
17-03-2011 16:08
This is a translation of an article distributed by the independent media association, Silence
Rachel Corrie - (April 10, 1979 – March 16, 2003) - 8 years ago..
17-03-2011 15:38

Johnson wins eviction in high court against veteran peace campaigner Brian Haw
17-03-2011 14:34
Granting an order for possession and an injunction against Haw and Tucker, Mr Justice Wyn Williams said: "As is apparent from this judgment, I have concluded that the claimant has adduced substantial evidence which justifies the conclusion that the making of orders in this case is proportionate."The Japanese Catastrophe, Nuclear Power, and Capitalism
17-03-2011 14:28

Convergence Spaces for the 26th
17-03-2011 13:22
At least two suitably located convergence spaces will be available for the 26th of March. They will be announced around thursday morning on this website and will be on a first come first served basis.An Open Letter to London Pride and others regarding their support of EEGP
17-03-2011 12:33
An open letter demanding the public apology of Paul Birrell, chair of Pride London, who disregarded proof of strong EDL connections within the organising group of East London Gay Pride, as well disregarded whole sections of the local LGBTQI community who were calling for the cancellation of this event on the grounds of its fuelling of racial hatred.Council Does U-Turn on Promised New School - Sign to Petition to say 'Keep Your Promises'
17-03-2011 11:22
Uk Uncut Turning Banks Into Libraries (Shhhhhh!)
17-03-2011 11:22
Turning banks into libraries, Shhhhhh!
On Saturday 19th March Bristol Uk Uncut will turn a bank into a library.
We’ll be having poetry readings, story time, and educating people on the actions of the banks and the ways in which they can and should contribute more to repairing the damage caused by their negligence and greed.
So bring a good book, a poem, library/librarian signs and equipment, banners and flyers, cakes (?) and sweeties, and as many people as possible. Engage with the public and bank staff, stay safe and have fun.
The meeting place is in front of the Bristol University Students’ Union, Queens Road, Clifton right in the heart of LibDem MP, Stephen Williams’s constituency. (Right near to bus routes from City Centre and Bristol Temple Meads station.)
We’ll be meeting at 11am, then moving onto our target location.
Why We Are Taking Action
In 2007, years of irresponsible lending, rash and reckless speculation and a lack of regulation in the banking sector came to a head, causing a global financial crisis and subsequent recession that led directly to the current program of massive cuts.
Several banks were saved from collapse by the government; the National Audit Office reported that the amount of public money used to bail them out reached almost £1tn at its peak. Yet the City continues to reward itself.
The bailed-out Royal Bank of Scotland has just handed shares worth £28m to nine of its top executives in the latest round of multi-million pound bonus awards by the high street banks. If that’s not disgraceful enough, Barclays have just announced pay-outs for its top five bankers amounting £110 million.
Full article24 hour occupation of Hyde Park on Saturday 26th of March
17-03-2011 10:34
On Saturday the 26th of March thousands of people are going to build a huge camp and occupy Hyde Park for at least 24 hours starting at 4pm. Bring a tent and sleeping bag and join us.