Zimbabwe treason defendants need your help
jigsaw | 17.03.2011 21:22 | Repression | World
Six Zimbabwean activists are facing the death penalty for the heinous crime of watching a video on the Egyptian uprising. They need to raise $12,000 between the 12 of them. This is a lot of money, but far less in Europe than in Africa - perhaps we can help them out? Obviously there's a lot of donate-able causes right now what with Japanese relief efforts, UK cuts activism, etc etc etc. But given the usual shit showing from the corporate media, I just wanted to make sure people know this is happening and how to donate.
A Zimbabwean judge yesterday released on bail the six activists facing the death penalty for watching a video on the Middle East uprisings. The judge said that the state's case might collapse as it was "not a strong one".
The release is a major step forward—since their arrest the six have been tortured, denied medical care, held in solitary confinement and forced to work. Pressure from an international solidarity campaign has been vital in influencing Robert Mugabe's repressive government. The bail is $2,000 US dollars for each of the accused, so their supporters have had to put forward $12,000. Please keep giving to the campaign.
The strict bail terms also demand the accused reside at certain defined addresses and report to the police three times a week. Originally 45 people were arrested when police surrounded a meeting on 19 February. The police stormed the meeting in Zimbabwe's capital Harare after they had watched a video about the revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia, and were holding a discussion. Of these 39 were later released without charge.
Donate to the solidarity fund:
Account Name: CDL– MINE-LINE Worker Solidarity Fund
Deposit reference: Zimbabwe Treason Trialists Solidarity Fund
Bank: NEDBANK, Killarney Branch, PO Box 87157, Houghton, 2041, South Africa
Branch code: 191 60535,
Current Account number: 100 185 3784
Please email with details of what you have deposited,
The release is a major step forward—since their arrest the six have been tortured, denied medical care, held in solitary confinement and forced to work. Pressure from an international solidarity campaign has been vital in influencing Robert Mugabe's repressive government. The bail is $2,000 US dollars for each of the accused, so their supporters have had to put forward $12,000. Please keep giving to the campaign.
The strict bail terms also demand the accused reside at certain defined addresses and report to the police three times a week. Originally 45 people were arrested when police surrounded a meeting on 19 February. The police stormed the meeting in Zimbabwe's capital Harare after they had watched a video about the revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia, and were holding a discussion. Of these 39 were later released without charge.
Donate to the solidarity fund:
Account Name: CDL– MINE-LINE Worker Solidarity Fund
Deposit reference: Zimbabwe Treason Trialists Solidarity Fund
Bank: NEDBANK, Killarney Branch, PO Box 87157, Houghton, 2041, South Africa
Branch code: 191 60535,
Current Account number: 100 185 3784
Please email with details of what you have deposited,
