UK Newswire Archive
al queda hunger strike !
01-03-2002 02:12
MIAMI (Reuters) - Nearly 200 al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners at the U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, refused to eat some meals on Thursday after guards forced a captive to remove a turban during prayers, military officials said.Gov To Track All Civilian Vehicles
01-03-2002 01:57
The government may begin to track all vehicle's paths in a radical new plan to 'cut congestion'.Race Laws In Italy
28-02-2002 23:43

Sept 11: Unanswered Questions
28-02-2002 23:09
Criminal negligence, on the part of civilian air defence, (including elements of Air Traffic Control, FAA, NORAD, the Pentagon) -and the Bush Admin- existed alongside the attacks of Sept 11th. Without this, the planes would not have reached their targets. Routine procedures were repeatedly, and systematically ignored. This is now proven: thoroughly documented, using official government and mainstream media reports. We have been lied to. It’s time to begin building a serious case before the American people.Praise to the co-operative, flexible Burmese junta!
28-02-2002 19:38
If they junta were being 'co-operative' and 'flexible', one must wonder what they're like when they get pissed/feel threatened. No, don't tell me, I already know.Burma defends handling of nasty ILO types-Beeb news
Free Charles Schwarz!?!
28-02-2002 19:07
Defend the right of police officers to sexually violate people with batons (but only if they're black!)massacre by isdf in palestinian refugee camps
28-02-2002 16:56
report of dreadful massacre in palestinain refugeecamps (needs confirming)ANARCHIST BLOC ON ANTI-WAR DEMO
28-02-2002 16:21
Against the terror of capitalism, governments and religious bigotry.Starting the Propaganda War
28-02-2002 15:58
The need for materials grows ever stronger to combat the ignorance about Anarchy. Which needs to get onto the streets and into people VolcabolaryStudent protest as Kissinger visits Dublin
28-02-2002 15:09

FORMER US Secretary of State, Dr Henry Kissinger, denied being a war criminal yesterday, claiming it was an insult to human intelligence for protestors in Cork to compare him with Slobodan Milosevic.
28-02-2002 13:39
Friends of the Earth has welcomed today’s deal between the Government and US corporation Scotts which will save three of the UK’s top wildlife sites from being destroyed and virtually end commercial peat-cutting in the UK. FOE has campaigned to save these bogs for 12 years.A Massacre in the Making
28-02-2002 12:56
IDF Calling for Evacuation of Innocent Persons From Balata( The army is calling on “innocent civilians” to leave the Balata refugee camp between 12:00pm-3:00pm today. Army officials stated any unarmed person would be permitted to leave unharmed.
interview with manu chao
28-02-2002 12:17
brief interview with manu chao, the real peoples musician (and band.)Organising for this weekend's march
28-02-2002 11:33
Discussion about organising for this weekend's protestGreenpeace Article (incinerator)
28-02-2002 11:02
We've shut down Britain's 'flagship' waste incinerator in South London...Mystic Meg and attacking Iraq
28-02-2002 11:00
MEDIA LENS: Correcting for the distorted vision of the corporate mediaFebruary 27, 2002