UK Newswire Archive
The Lonmin Massacre: Expose on what really happened
30-08-2012 04:38
This is from the mainstream media in South Africa but it gives a very good account of what actually happened.Sheffield Queer Fringe Event First Meeting
29-08-2012 19:49
6pm Wednesday 5th September, Kelham Island TavernWWW: World Wild Web
29-08-2012 15:51

To be alive is to be wild. And we humans have a will that shapes the world with language, song, lust, labour and play. The artists in this exhibition work and play with living organisms and technical things, systems and language, to explore how our relation to the natural world is changing.
AZ KNOCK OUT: Day 3, Wednesday - Email Blockade
29-08-2012 07:37

Huntingdon Life Sciences is Europe's largest and most exposed animal testing laboratory. They kill 500 animals every day. AstraZeneca is one of HLS' top customers and pays them to torture animals in cruel and unnecessary experiments.
Paralympian join Disabled activists to target Atos
28-08-2012 22:55
Former gold-medal winning Paralympian to join UK Uncut and Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC) at ‘The Closing Atos Ceremony’. The two groups have vowed to shut down Atos’ HQ at Triton Square in Central London during the Paralympic Games; promising direct action, creative protest and ‘plenty of surprises’. The action will be taking place on Friday 31st August at 12:45pm.
Tara Flood, a gold-winning former Paralympian [3] has come out in support of the campaign against Atos, saying:
“It is a shocking irony that Atos is a main sponsor of London 2012 whilst destroying disabled people’s lives on behalf of the government.”
‘The Closing Atos Ceremony’ is the culmination of a week of protests organised by disabled activists targeting Paralympic sponsor Atos. The week of action, dubbed the ‘Atos Games’, will also include protests at Atos centres around the country [4], and disabled activists will be delivering a coffin full of messages to Atos from people affected by their much criticised Work Capability Assessments (WCA).
Atos have come under fierce scrutiny for their handling of the Department of Work and Pensions £100 million a year contract, assessing whether claimants for incapacity benefits are ‘fit for work’. Last year 1,100 claimants died while under compulsory work-related activity for benefit [5]; and a number of those found ‘fit for work’ and left without income have committed or attempted suicide [6]. A recent episode of Dispatches [7] revealed Atos staff being pressured into unfairly declaring people ‘fit for work’ in order to fulfil targets.
The British Medical Association [8], disabled groups, and MPs [9] have all demanded the work capability assessments end with immediate effect. The High Court also recently granted permission for two disabled people to bring a claim for judicial review against the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, challenging the operation of the WCA [10].
Paddy Murphy, a spokesperson from DPAC said:
‘By sponsoring the Paralympics, ATOS is trying to give the impression of supporting disabled people. Don't be fooled. They receive hundreds of millions of pounds while many disabled people are being forced to live in abject poverty because of their decisions. This is just another opportunity for them to ‘cash-in’. But we aren't going to let them off the hook. We will make sure everyone knows what they are about.
We are challenging Atos in the courts, in parliament, online, on the streets and now at the Paralympics. The work capability assessment must end now.’
Lisa Cunningham, a UK Uncut activist said:
‘People directly affected by Atos assessments are making their anger and fear heard through an act of creative and disruptive civil disobedience. UK Uncut will be joining them to demand an end to Atos’ inhumane tests. The Government's cuts are killing the economy, and in the case of the cuts to welfare enforced by Atos, they are killing people.
We’re not against the Paralympics. We are against the hypocrisy of Atos’ involvement, when they may soon be removing disability benefits from the people winning medals for Britain.’
Notes to editors:
Disabled people who have undergone Atos’ WCA are available to talk to the media, please contact the UK Uncut media phone for details.
Please contact UK Uncut or DPAC for more details about other events and actions during the week.
[1] UK Uncut is a grassroots anti-cuts direct action network, well-known for targeting corporate tax avoidance:
[2] DPAC is a volunteer campaign network of and for disabled people campaigning for equality and human rights for all disabled people:
[3] After representing GB at three Paralympic Games, Tara retired from competitive swimming in 1992 when she achieved a World Record in 50m Breaststroke at the Barcelona Games – a record that still stands. Tara will be available to speak to media at the event on Friday, and at another on Monday 27 August, please contact DPAC for details.
Report and Photos From Today’s DPAC Demonstration in Birmingham
28-08-2012 22:39

Squatting sleepover! Homeless but not helpless!
28-08-2012 21:28
Last night of legal squatting sleepover and meal 7pm, this Thursday (30th of august), get directions to find us here.
Anti-Fascists 2-0 BNP, Sunderland.
28-08-2012 18:55
Local anti Fascists outnumber the British National Party's national call out demonstration in Pallion, Sunderland.
On the 25th August 2012, the British National Party announced it was holding a second protest outside the Subway outlet in Pallion, Sunderland. A counter demonstration by anti-Fascists in the area was also organised. Around thirty anti-Fascists assembled near the Subway at 12pm.
The first comedic moment of the day was made by the Police officer present saying "Alright, so who's the leader here?": there was no leader. Then he followed this by saying "You've picked a good day for it", of course it was the BNP who had chose this day to demonstrate. We arrived outside the Subway around 12.15 and there was not a Fascist in sight, beside the lonely, shadowy figure of a BNP member who skulked around the corner wondering what do with the number of anti-fascists demonstrating against them.
Eventually at 1pm, the main body of the BNP's national call out had gathered with just about eighteen people present, and because of the antifascist presence they could only demonstrate on the corner of the street near to their target outside the Kwik-Tan shop.
Tanning themselves, the first 10 minutes of their appearance was met by a anti-fascist comrade sneakily snatching one of the BNP's placards and smashing it up putting the placard in the bin.
After a short time,by 3pm the BNP decided the tanning shop was too much to endure and began to pack up and leave for home. It was 1-0 for the anti-Fascists!
Further hilarity ensured when it was reported afterwards that the BNP 'truth truck' had crashed into the St Peters Metro bridge. 2-0 !
No pasaran.
By-elections, broken promises and direct democracy
28-08-2012 16:28
For those seeking creative social change we propose that effective citizen-led governance, direct democracy, should be introduced for local and central politics. New legislation at Westminster will be needed -- a broad, strong movement could force the weakened coalition government to offer reform.Israeli court finds that Rachel Corrie's death was a 'regrettable accident'
28-08-2012 13:50
The judge in a civil case in Haifa over the death of Rachel Corrie, a US Palestine solidarity activist who was crushed to death by an Israeli army bulldozer while trying to prevent the demolition of Palestinian homes in 2003, has ruled that the Israeli state is not culpable.Diamond Jubilee Of Queen Of Diamonds And The Great Poverty Of Little Britain
28-08-2012 11:55
“Without a pang of self-awareness, the British governmentis spending millions of pounds of taxpayer money that
they assert they do not have on a nationwide party along
with all other Commonwealth countries around the globe.
No expense has been spared to honour the Queen, who is
in reality the pampered head of an anachronistic
institution that has symbolized aristocratic elitism,
oppression and privilege since its inception.”
A reader of the Toronto Star on 6 June 2012.
In February 2012, a senior advisor was quoted as saying the Queen set two guidelines for the planning of her Diamond Jubilee: the use of public funds should be minimised, with most of the expenses, apart from security, being paid by private individuals and sponsors, and people should not “be forced to celebrate.” The wish of the Queen was emphasised.
Such announcements never happen by accident. They are, in this case, part of a long-planned programme designed to maximise the advantage of modern media and at the same time to maintain a maximum of that benefit that Walter Bagehot retained essential for the preservation of the British monarchy when he wrote: “Its mystery is its life. We must not let in daylight upon magic.” He wrote this in The English Constitution, dated 1867, the same year in which the Reform Act of 1867 was enacted and that Bagehot considered nothing but calamitous. What ? Allow a parliamentary vote to the unskilled labouring class ?!
AZ KNOCK OUT: Day 2 Tuesday - Phone Blockade
28-08-2012 11:25

RMT 48hr Metro Cleaners strike video.
28-08-2012 10:24
Metro cleaners recently went on a 48hr strike over low pay conditions in Newcastle.Britain’s Socialist Workers Party & Socialist Party back extradition of Assange
27-08-2012 21:34
Britain’s largest pseudo-left groups have lined up behind the demand that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange be extradited to Sweden.Direct action against olympic sponsor in Bristol
27-08-2012 20:55
LLoyds TSB on Church Road, St. George, Bristol was attacked on the night after the closing ceremony of the olympics.(Sports commentator) "Well they may not have trained very hard or long for this one, but this team is looking good! They've set their sights on a good result tonight.You can just see the focus and determination in their eyes, even if you won't ever see their faces. They're used to working as a team and doing what has to be done. They know how to relax under pressure and they understand they are part of something much bigger, willing and proud to take up the baton from those who have gone before them. And they're off! The crowds go wild as the anti olympics event hits it's stride here in Bristol. Well, that all happened so quick! And yes, it's a new personal best for this team and it's not just a record that was broken this evening. Olympic sponsor Lloyds TSB on Church Road in St. George had all big windows smashed by the shotput event and the quickest spraypaint on record will certainly leave it's mark! "Going for gold" indeed! See how fast the team pulled away, leaving the pack behind them and positively bolting away! Inspirational! And here's what the team had to say":
With small actions like this we continue a long and proud story of anti olympic struggle. We stand alongside all who have seen through the carefully manufactured image of "the games" and chosen to resist. We took this action the day after the closing ceremony to show that our struggle hasn't finished. We send solidarity to all who are prepared to to go the distance in resistance.
Join the London protest on 31 August against the Lonmin massacre!
27-08-2012 20:13
The Partisan Defence Committee and the Spartacist League are joining a protest against the 16 August massacre of 34 striking South African miners at the Lonmin Platinum-run Marikana mine northwest of Johannesburg, South Africa. We say:Protest massacre of South African strikers!
Free jailed miners – drop all charges!
Victory to the striking miners!
When: Friday 31 August at 10.00am
Where: Outside the Oval in Kennington, London, where the England v South Africa cricket match is taking place (nearest Tube: Oval on the Northern Line)
Simon Kirby MP Exposed
27-08-2012 20:02
David Joe Neilson Independent anti-corruption Candidate Crime Commissioner for Sussex Police. Who has said that he would be releasing details of and cases of corruption within Sussex during his campain. He has make formal compliant to John Lyon CB - Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards over his MP Simon KirbyGlenda Jackson MP condemned by her constituents for social cleansing remarks
27-08-2012 18:47

Crime Commissioner For Sussex Police
27-08-2012 18:24
Today David Joe Neilson Independent Candidate Crime Commissioner for Sussex Police. Announced that he will not take the £85,000.00 per year.