By-elections, broken promises and direct democracy
iniref | 28.08.2012 16:28 | Liverpool | Sheffield
For those seeking creative social change we propose that effective citizen-led governance, direct democracy, should be introduced for local and central politics. New legislation at Westminster will be needed -- a broad, strong movement could force the weakened coalition government to offer reform.
By-elections are coming up --- Manchester Central in November 2012 and Corby, maybe also in November.
Direct democracy DD supporters can use by-elections to prepare and rehearse our campaign for future elections.
Demand (or try politely asking) politician-candidates for election to our Parliament that they should support our proposals for reform of our antique democracy. See also our election tactics for DD presented at
For instance, ask them to introduce and support a new law-proposal :::
This Bill will set out principles of democracy as rule-by-the-people and provide regulations for new instruments of citizen-led, issue-based democracy including:
Citizens' initiative which may be a law proposal and can lead to binding ballot of the electorate,
Veto referendum with which the electorate can block an unwanted government law or policy,
Recall -- sacking by the electorate -- of elected officials such as MPs.
"We will give residents the power to instigate local referendums on any local issue." Con/Libdem Coalition agreement HM Government UK 2010. This item was thrown out of the Localism Bill by Liberal Democrat (!) peers in cahoots with lobbyists such as local government associations and large building companies. So, the prospects for local democracy with this government look bleak.
David Cameron promised that if elected he would introduce citizen-initiated referendum both at local and national levels. In government the coalition allows us to petition parliament by collecting thousands of signatures. We have enjoyed the right to petition parliament for hundreds of years so we gain little. No citizens' right to demand and obtain a national referendum is foreseen.
Recent governments were elected on promises to reform our democratic system but they have failed to keep their promises.
We demand that they must do better in future! We must press politicians to keep their word; obtain from them new guarantees for early reform.
I&R ~ GB Citizens' Initiative and Referendum
Campaign for direct democracy in Britain
Direct democracy DD supporters can use by-elections to prepare and rehearse our campaign for future elections.
Demand (or try politely asking) politician-candidates for election to our Parliament that they should support our proposals for reform of our antique democracy. See also our election tactics for DD presented at

For instance, ask them to introduce and support a new law-proposal :::
This Bill will set out principles of democracy as rule-by-the-people and provide regulations for new instruments of citizen-led, issue-based democracy including:
Citizens' initiative which may be a law proposal and can lead to binding ballot of the electorate,
Veto referendum with which the electorate can block an unwanted government law or policy,
Recall -- sacking by the electorate -- of elected officials such as MPs.
"We will give residents the power to instigate local referendums on any local issue." Con/Libdem Coalition agreement HM Government UK 2010. This item was thrown out of the Localism Bill by Liberal Democrat (!) peers in cahoots with lobbyists such as local government associations and large building companies. So, the prospects for local democracy with this government look bleak.
David Cameron promised that if elected he would introduce citizen-initiated referendum both at local and national levels. In government the coalition allows us to petition parliament by collecting thousands of signatures. We have enjoyed the right to petition parliament for hundreds of years so we gain little. No citizens' right to demand and obtain a national referendum is foreseen.
Recent governments were elected on promises to reform our democratic system but they have failed to keep their promises.
We demand that they must do better in future! We must press politicians to keep their word; obtain from them new guarantees for early reform.
I&R ~ GB Citizens' Initiative and Referendum
Campaign for direct democracy in Britain

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