UK Newswire Archive
Blues Benefit for Anarchist Federation
01-09-2012 10:07
Info for tonight's blues evening at LARCGraffiti Sessions at The Lion, Basford
31-08-2012 22:55
Friday 31 August 2012
Notts Property graffiti and street art festival comes to a full stop today.
They say this is the last Notts Property event at the Lion Pub in Basford, Nottingham.
Graffiti artists, BBQ, music and kids inflateables
Notts Property Graffiti Team
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Police break wheelchair user’s shoulder in peaceful protest
31-08-2012 22:47
Disabled people peacefully protesting against government cuts that are killing disabled people were physically attacked by police in a demonstration outside the Department for Work and Pensions today.Without any provocation from the peaceful protesters who had gathered to show their support to disabled activists from DPAC, police used heavy handed tactics and pushed the crowd without any concern for the disabled wheelchair users lined up in front of the door despite repeated warning that disabled people were being placed at risk. Their actions resulted in one of the protesters having his shoulder broken. Another wheelchair user’s chair was broken in this unprovoked and disproportionate use of force by the police. The police made several attempts to unbalance protestors at the front of the crowd and broke one man’s glasses.
Block Atos and occupy Dept of Work and Pensions
31-08-2012 20:55

400 protestors joined Paralympic ceremony performers, Dpac and UK Uncut at their "Closing Atos Ceremony" outside the Atos HQ in Paton Square, Euston today. Later 12 activists, both abled and disabled occupied and locked on at the Department of Work and Pensions and other held banners outside protesting against next April's disability cuts and the Atos tests.
Free film @ The Cowley Club - The Battle of Algiers
31-08-2012 19:19

EDL Walthamstow - probably marching along Forest Rd
31-08-2012 18:58

Critical Mass Tonight, London - Important
31-08-2012 13:05
In the last day or so information has emerged of what seems to be a new"under cover" attempt to disrupt the August CM ride. An individual has asked
for, and received, permission from the police to organise a policed and
pre-planned bike ride on Friday evening, starting at the same time and place
as the regular CM ride (ie meeting 6pm onwards under the south end of
Waterloo Bridge, by the river)
No Justice for Rachel Corrie
31-08-2012 11:03

To no-one's surprise the Israeli courts whitewashed the death of Rachel Corrie this week. Rachel was killed in Gaza in 2003 defending Palestinian homes against the Israeli Defence Force's D9 armoured bulldozers.
AZ Knock Out: Day 5, Friday - Phone blockade
31-08-2012 09:56

Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner the UKNOWN election
31-08-2012 06:27
Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner.. It should be put on hold for a year. My survey has proved to me that 98to 99% of the public. Have no idea that there is a election on 15 November for Sussex Police Crime Commissoner.East London, "Lutfur Council" bullying Bangladeshis, EDL will be happy
31-08-2012 03:43
Tomorrow's threatened EDL demos in Walthamstow, E17, will pale into insignificance when compared with the "achievements" of Tower Hamlets Council. Also known as the "Lutfur Council", thanks to the work of Andrew Gilligan, Tower Hamlets Council has not dropped any of its sub-fascist traits despite the over-promotion of the Council as one “friendly” to the “ethnics” generally and to alleged Islamic Fundamentalist in particular.So what is the truth?
Why The US and NATO are Losing the War in Afghanistan (Leaked Defence Report)
31-08-2012 01:25
In this study I will examine whether NATO and the United States have failed in their War in Afghanistan against Islamic terrorism between 2001-09. To do this I will compare their objectives against measurements of effectiveness (MOE’s) as provided by both political and military sources as prescribed by the intervening forces.EDL plans for Walthamstow on Saturday
31-08-2012 00:01

Met police ignore Law Lords Judgement
30-08-2012 22:55
Some CM participants have been emailed by Met police.
Recently some participants in London Critical Mass have been receiving emails from in which the police have attempted to influence the route of the ride and confer with what they seem to regard as CM organisers. All of which is contrary not only to the Law Lords ruling but is impractical as no one can influence the CM ride in advance of the day and even then attempts to do so on the day cannot be guaranteed. This has been pointed out to the police more than once but they seem to have difficulty in understanding it.
Here is one such email.
"Dear Sir/Madam
I am a police officer and work at New Scotland Yard and previously attempted to make contact with you re your Critical Mass rides. I am emailing again in the hope that someone may speak with me regarding future cycle rides by Critical Mass so that, jointly, we can work together to avoid the events the 27 July when large numbers of cyclists were arrested.
It was clearly a challenging night for all. It appears that people, not normally involved in the ride, may have taken part and disrupted what is normally a peaceful and lawful event and in the name of Critical Mass. I also know that there is concern from Critical Mass participants that the event will now become 'criminalised'.
There is no intention or want to stop Critical Mass cycling and I firmly believe it would be beneficial if we could speak together to talk about future rides so there is dialogue and understanding about what you do and how and also about what the MPS is trying to achieve.
I would be grateful if someone could contact me as we do want to work with you on future planned rides.
Kind regards..."
This is the Law Lords Judgement...
£1billion of title deeds for schools transferred to private companies
30-08-2012 21:54
£1billion of title deeds for schools has been transferred from taxpayers to private companies of Tory sponsors.Skegness abattoir controversy attracts fascists
30-08-2012 18:23
Recent proposals to reopen an abattoir in Skegness have attracted local opposition, with a facebook group and online petition set up. The Heath Road abattoir closed down in January after it ran into financial difficulties , and the proposed re-opening has generated opposition because slaughter methods used there would be halal. Although the initial opposition was not overly linked to the far-right, fascists have been quick to take an interest in the issue, with the BNP’s Lincolnshire Coastal branch adopting it as their main campaigning theme. Other groups have been sniffing around the issue as well, and it’s certain that none would have criticised the abattoir reopening if it were to be staffed by “indigenous” knifemen.
Child Kidnapping By The UK Government Cconference. Now It's Our Turn To Expose You.
30-08-2012 12:50

We expose the corruption and the cover ups leaving thousands of famillies child less. We are protecting our children from goverment and their agents abusing our children
Vigil for Assange outside the Ecuadorian Embassy under threat from the cops
30-08-2012 10:04

Simon Kirby MP To Be Investigated For Corruption
30-08-2012 09:02

AZ Knock Out: Day 4, Thursday - Twitter Targets
30-08-2012 08:22