UK Newswire Archive
06-02-2003 20:10
Secretary of State Colin Powell shook anthrax in the face of the world yesterday at the UN and accused Iraq and the rest with what can be summed up as CIA training. Thank god he didn't drop it and cause another ugly cleanup operation.CONTINGENCY PLAN FOR FEB 15 IN NEW YORK
06-02-2003 20:00
International petitions can be circulated calling for a quick change of venue for the United Nations. Biulding trades will be contacted and informed of this ingenious plan.the >wartime< project
06-02-2003 19:39

The Sun war wongering scum!
06-02-2003 19:04
The Sun newspaper has been beating the war drum the loudest and today printed a blatent lie about links between Iraq and Al Qaeda! The Sun supported the last Gulf and after the poll tax and other political riots published photos urging readers to grass them up. But there demands for war are the worst! In 1986 they also sacked thousands of their own print workers and replaced them with scab labour.Chiapas Update January 2003 & Latest EZLN Info
06-02-2003 18:29
Chiapas Update January 2003 1. Ninth Anniversary of Zapatista Uprising Marked by Biggest Mobilization So Far 2. Evictions in Montes Azules Bioreserve - Action Alert! & Resistance to Plan Puebla-PanamaMayor of Munich to receive a parade
06-02-2003 18:26
Mayor Ude is rallying for a march for the "German Way of Peace"and against "naive anti-war fundamentalism"
The 'Problem' of Immigration
06-02-2003 17:02
"Immigration 'problems' are not a problem of excessive numbers of immigrants. They are a problem of the Racism of europeans, North Americans and white majorities elsewhere, who more or less explicitly harbour notions of the superiorority of the white 'race', whatever that may mean, and the undesirability of destroying the homegeneity of their nations."Theresa Hayter, Open Borders
Government 'intelligence' report on Iraq revealed as plagiarism
06-02-2003 16:44
Downing Street's "Iraq - its infrastructure of concealment,deception and intimidation" released on Monday, is revealed to be not the result of hard work and special insight on the part of the intelligence services, but heavily plagiarised without attribution to their original sources.
06-02-2003 16:28
The United States government still refuses to provide the vast majority of inteligence it has on Iraqs Chemical/Biological weapons program to the UNSCOM inspectors. Instead it has chosen to present unsubstantiated snippets of inteligence evidence to the UNMy Lai is bigger than Saddam's lies!!!
06-02-2003 14:34
The My Lai Massacre. If Saddam can deceive, he's amatuer compared to Powell whose's career is one of a professional liar.Stoke-on-Trent action group calls in BNP
06-02-2003 14:26
The front page of the Stoke Sentinel today reflects the shock that an action group in Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, has decided to call in the BNP as they believe that they are the only party that will listen to their concerns on asylum-seekers.Lying is an old profession!!!
06-02-2003 14:08
Colin (Luther) Powell - Habitual fibber!!!Colin Powell habitually lies and in fact made a profitable career out of it!!! It appears that his stint in the army consist mainly of telling lies to the whole world.
petrol fuels the empire- londonium rising tide solidarity action 4th feb
06-02-2003 14:06

How to prove the numbers on Feb15
06-02-2003 13:16
Video cameras in tall buildings for duration of the march.pdf for Camcorder Guerilla Weekend, Glasgow
06-02-2003 12:47

A short description, a long description and a timetable of events planned. (article 1)