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Mayor of Munich to receive a parade

Landplage, engl. loeti | 06.02.2003 18:26

Mayor Ude is rallying for a march for the "German Way of Peace"
and against "naive anti-war fundamentalism"

Last year, the lords of the city hall defined the demonstration
against the Nato Security Conference as a disturbance of public
order, and banned it. Accordingly, the activists were rounded
up in the already traditional "Munich kettle", arrested, and
criminalised. Today in 2003, all of this does not seem to be valid
anymore. High Mayor Ude considers a ban not only unnecessary, but
even thinks there are good reasons to allow the demonstrations.

"Even and especially when war broke out, the right to demonstrate
would be all the more important." (Ude in the Sueddeutsche
Zeitung of 9th Dec. 2002)

So what's the matter, why is Munich's first citizen giving the
permit to protest? Is he offering himself as a reformed partner
to the demo alliance? Has he discovered his own anti-war sentiment?
By no means! Since chancellor Schroeder has excluded an active
participation in the war, because the military strike intended by
the USA will affect German-European interests, criticism of the
American government is acceptable again to this nation -- but only
such criticism as the ruling class in Berlin dictates. In this sense,
the mayor of Munich reinforces the message as to which criteria the
demonstrators have to conform to, and clarifies when, how and why
one is allowed to be against a war:

"Here a war is prepared for, consciously forgoing the full use
of all possibilities of control, diplomacy and politics..." (Ude
in the SZ 19th Jan. 2003)

Simply to be against every war and to criticise the UN inspections
as a pre-war measure? Out of the question!

"The only government in Europe that has already said No to a war
in Iraq, should be strengthened in this view and not attacked to
the benefit of the war mongers from the other side." (ibid.)

And then to go on and criticise the federal government! How nasty!
The "No" to the war of the USA has - if you please! - to go along
with an unconditional "Yes" to the policy of the federal government.
Which is why the "Demonstration Alliance Against the NATO Security
Conference" is told that "fundamentalist criticism of any military
action is naive..." (ibid.). Apparently a High Mayor knows some
pretty good reasons for conducting a war, those that assist instead
of hindering Germany in the competition of nations. Whosoever does
not share this point of view, and does not stand on the official
government's line, disturbs the peace in the city, because (s)he
wants to "diffamate the security conference and the red-green
federal government" with their protests (Maget in SZ 26th Jan 03).
This is why the municipal leaders of the social-democratic SPD and
the Greens (the coalition parties), the DGB trade union federation,
and the churches have decided to organise their own demonstration
celebrating Schroeder (chancellor, SPD), Fischer (foreign min., Greens)
and their friends, and guarding their backs so they can successfully
show the ruthless Americans, that unilateral action by Washington is
not appreciated and "the European way of conflict management is
the only chance to secure peace, anyway." It is for this end, that
people are asked to volunteer as good Germans and stand as statists
on the Odeonsplatz, to close ranks with their national rulers. If that
is not a generous offer for critical minds, a chance really to identify
with your fatherland!

PS.: For the unruly demonstrators, the bad Germans, same procedure as
every time: The right to freedom from demonstrations will be enforced,
that is thousands of police plus the Grenzschutz (border guard) and
the Verfassungsschutz (interior secret service) are going to provide
for security and order in the city, in order for the politicians and
military experts to be able to converse in peace at the security conference
about the drawbacks and advantages of a military strike. Whoever does
not like that, will be shown in all clarity that those who permit us
to demonstrate do not only dictate the How and What, but in case of
non-respect of the given rules will procede to criminalise the only
just tolerated protest

Landplage, engl. loeti
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